Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jordanians Pushed to the Brink

By: Kayhan Int’l

The attempted self-immolation of a youth in front of a royal palace in Jordan’s port city of Aqaba in protest at Amman’s questionable diplomatic/trade ties with the illegal Zionist entity, a day after the massacre of around 300 Palestinians in Gaza, and his being shot to death by security guards who neither tried to douse the flames nor bothered to rush him to a hospital, raised a host of questions.
Did the unnamed youth really try to commit suicide or was he set on fire by someone with ulterior motives unconnected to the Jordan regime’s unnatural relationship with usurper Israel?
If his intention was to awaken the frozen conscience of the authorities towards the ongoing holocaust, why didn’t he risk his life by boldly attacking any trade centre related to the Zionist entity or joining the tens of thousands of protestors whose regular raging almost every night in the vicinity of the heavily guarded Israeli embassy in Amman has placed the British-created entity that shares a long border with Occupied Palestine on the brink of a potential implosion?
Further, what benefits does the monarchy, which claims to be Hasehmite or kinsfolk of the Prophet of Islam, derive through friendship with the archenemies of the Ummah, especially the illegal Zionist entity which during the 1967 war seized from their jurisdiction the Palestinian-populated West Bank of River Jordan, and the ancient city of Bayt al-Moqaddas that houses the sacred al-Aqsa Mosque?
These and other questions are circulating in Amman, Aqaba, Zarqa, and all over Jordan, where the masses which are determined to join the Axis of Resistance, are angry with their rulers who are preventing them from storming the West Bank and rushing to the assistance of their Palestinian brethren.
In other words, if Jordanians could (and should) have access to the weapons that are in possession of Lebanon’s legendry anti-terrorist movement, Hezbollah, or Yemen’s iron-resolved Ansarallah, or for that matter of Iraq’s Popular Liberation Units (PMU), they could burst across the river to help the persecuted people of the West Bank and also end the genocide in Gaza.
Perhaps the conscientious soldiers and commanders in Egypt’s armed forces are sharing the same thoughts of the forcibly subdued Jordanians, with hope of one day joining the heroic Yemenis, Iraqis, Syrians, and Lebanese for throwing of the US yoke and marching to liberate Palestine from 76 years of Zionist occupation.
In the meantime, by recalling last February’s self-immolation of an active-duty member of the US air force (Aaron Bushnell) outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, while declaring he will no longer be complicit in Joe Biden-directed genocide in Gaza that has triggered the current nationwide protest movement at American universities, we have to wait and see how the Muslim masses in Jordan will react to the tragic death of their youthful compatriot in Aqaba.
The people of Jordan also vividly remember the Tunisian vegetable vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, who by setting himself on fire in late 2010 inspired the mass uprising against the tyrannical rule of the US-supported and pro-Zionist President Zain al-Abedin bin Ali, and subsequently sparked the so-called Arab Spring that overthrew the regimes in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen.

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