Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Iran calls for financial system reform to counter U.S. dollar dominance

TEHRAN - Iran's caretaker foreign minister, Ali Baqeri Kani, delivered a speech at the BRICS Ministerial meeting in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, emphasizing the pivotal role of the newly expanded BRICS alliance in addressing international issues and shaping a fairer global system.

Baqeri highlighted the significance of the expansion of BRICS, which welcomed new members on January 1, 2024, as a clear indication of the group's increasing influence and prominence on the world stage. “The expansion of BRICS has marked a turning point, the effects of which will undoubtedly be visible in the not-too-distant future,” he stated.

During his address, Baqeri underscored Iran's responsible and innovative participation in all aspects of BRICS, including its political-security, economic-financial, and cultural-people-oriented initiatives. He stressed the importance of collective will and prioritization of common plans to advance BRICS' goals, particularly in the economic-financial pillar.

“BRICS holds the largest population, the largest economy, and the widest territory on Earth; therefore, it should represent the voice of the majority of the world's people who seek to achieve their rightful place and prefer a fairer, more democratic, and multilateral world over the current chaotic one,” the diplomat said.  

The Iranian foreign minister rejected the characterization of BRICS countries as "emerging" or "southern," instead advocating for terms such as "propellers" and "dynamic economies." He emphasized that these countries have rich, ancient civilizations and are determined to regain their rightful place in the global system.

Financial systems should be tweaked

Baqeri also called for reforming financial systems based on Bretton Woods, citing the United States' use of the dollar as a weapon and imposition of illegal sanctions as evidence of the urgent need for change. He urged BRICS to accelerate actions such as conducting transactions with national currencies, using digital currencies, establishing joint banking platforms, and creating new financial banking structures.

“BRICS has set out with great goals to reform unfair systems; it has turned into a new approach that can be the core initiator of change for building a better world. BRICS has become a successful symbol for change and making the global system fairer and more just among countries and global minds.”

West Asia not safe in the face of Zionist occupation

Elsewhere in his speech, the acting foreign minister stressed that true peace and stability in West Asia can only be achieved through the complete cessation of occupation and the nuclear disarmament of the Zionist regime. 

“In this regard, we have proposed two initiatives: first, the 'national referendum in the land of Palestine' with the participation of real residents of Palestine, including Muslims, Christians, and Jews, to determine their fate and establish the future political system of Palestine; and second, the initiative for a 'nuclear-free Middle East and prevention of mass slaughter.”

Baqeri reiterated Iran's commitment to strengthening regional stability and its legitimate response to Zionist aggressions. He also emphasized Iran's policy of developing constructive relationships with neighboring and regional countries and its willingness to resolve regional issues through negotiation and dialogue.

Furthermore, Baqeri criticized the recent actions of three European countries at the International Atomic Energy Agency, labeling them as tension-provoking acts and part of the failed policies of Western countries. 

An anti-Iran IAEA resolution was passed by the UN nuclear watchdog's Board of Governors on Wednesday. The censure was proposed by Germany, France, and Britain despite the IAEA Secretary General's recent constructive visit to Iran. 

“We will continue to cooperate with the agency within our rights and obligations under the NPT treaty and safeguards agreement,” the diplomat announced. 

Baqeri, however, clarified that Iran's peaceful use of nuclear energy and its nuclear development projects would not be affected by any external resolutions or actions. 

The two-day meeting of foreign ministers of the BRICS group of countries kicked off on Monday, with the participants observing a minute's silence in memory of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who lost their lives in a tragic helicopter accident on May 19.  

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