Thursday, June 20, 2024

Canada’s listing of IRGC as terrorist group both foolish and futile

Crescent International

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Photo:
Canada’s Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc announced today (June 19) in Ottawa that the government was placing Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a “terrorist” organization.

The move is both foolish and futile.

Foolish because the IRGC is part of Iran’s armed forces.

Under international law, a country’s armed forces cannot be designated as a “terrorist” entity.

Unfortunately, most western regimes, including Canada, do not care for international law.

They invoke it only when it suits them.

If Canada truly followed international law, it would designate the Israeli armed forces as a terrorist entity.

The UN human rights inquiry commission has confirmed that the Israeli army is indulging in war crimes and genocide in Gaza.

It is also involved in the torture of children as well as medical personnel.

Nobody, however, should expect Ottawa to do the right thing.

Instead, it indulges in theatrics to pander to the zionist lobby.

Its move is also futile because members of the IRGC have no assets in Canada.

Further, it is virtually impossible to imagine that they would want to come to Canada.

While there had been demands from pro-Israeli groups in Canada for a long time to designate the IRGC as a “terrorist” entity, today’s announcement has naturally raised the question, why now?

The simple answer is that the Trudeau-led regime is extremely unpopular.

It is expected to lose the next election in 2025.

Trudeau and his party are trying to pander to the well-heeled zionist lobby to put it back in power.

The regime has, therefore, confirmed that Canada too is zionist occupied territory.

Not surprisingly, Tehran condemned the move as “hostile”, especially in view of the fact that the IRGC has been a leading force in fighting terrorism in the region.

Iran’s foreign ministry also pointed to Canada’s own gory record of the genocide of indigenous people and the murder of indigenous children in residential schools.

Canada’s minister for external affairs, Melanie Joly called on Iranian-Canadians currently in Iran to leave and return to Canada.

This call is unlikely to be heeded.

People visit Iran to meet their family members.

They have never faced any difficulties unless of course they are found to indulge in activities against the Islamic Republic.

Then they are dealt with according to law.

What would Canada do in similar situations?

We know from recent history that Canada has dealt very harshly with people that were lured into contemplating terrorist activities.

They were handed down long prison sentences and their lives ruined.

They were branded as “terrorists”.

Canada broke off diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic in September 2012 when the racist and bigot Stephen Harper was prime minister.

Unfortunately, Trudeau is following in Harper’s footsteps.

This will lead to the same failed outcomes.

Islamic Iran is determined to follow an independent policy whose orientation is away from the west and toward the Global South.

That is the future trajectory of world politics.

Canada has done itself no favor by indulging in such a foolish act.

Besides, it is not a major player in global politics.

CanadaIslamic Republic of IranIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)pro-Israel lobby

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