Thursday, June 20, 2024

An Analysis of US House Vote to Sanction International Criminal Court

Strategic Council Online—Interview: A researcher of West Asian issues said: The US House of Representatives voted by a comfortable majority on June 4 to impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) following its prosecutor's decision to seek arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The move by the House was taken in full support of the Zionist regime.

The bill was passed along bipartisan lines in a 247-155 vote, with 42 Democrats joining despite opposition from the White House.

In an interview with the website of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations about the reasons for this action of the US House of Representatives, Mohammad Khajui said: “The operation of October 7 and the developments after that have put America in a confusing and contradictory situation in the sense that this operation distorted the deterrence power of the Israeli regime and dealt an unprecedented blow to this regime in terms of leadership, military, and security.

He added: “Naturally, this issue is not pleasant for America, whose main ally in the region is the Israeli regime. Based on this consideration, when the Israeli regime decided to restore its deterrent power through military actions in Gaza and restore its image, America seriously supported Tel Aviv’s actions. In the first days, American officials visited the Occupied Territories and announced that Israel has the right to defend itself. From a strategic point of view, the issue of America’s ally being hit in the region and its interests being called into question is considered a blow to Washington’s interests and position in the region. This consideration made America support the Israeli regime’s actions to restore its deterrent power during the recent months.

According to Khajui, this political and military support followed in different forms. Even in the UN Security Council, America vetoed the resolutions against Israel so that the Israeli regime could return to the situation before October 7.

This expert emphasized: “But on the other hand, America had and still has other considerations. Among other things, one of America’s policies in the region, especially in recent years, was to control the tensions in the region somehow and prevent them from spreading. In the framework of its grand strategy, America is trying to reduce its military presence and gradually turn its focus to other places, including East Asia. Based on this consideration, the United States made efforts to limit the tensions in the Gaza region. In other words, Washington gave Tel Aviv the green light to carry out extensive operations in Gaza but refrain from expanding the war to other areas.

He continued: “America had given warnings to the countries of the region not to enter into large-scale conflicts. This consideration of the United States, that is, to check the escalation in tension, had led to the fact that Washington had to oppose some of the actions of the Israeli regime in some cases. Actions that caused concern to expand the dimensions of tension in the region. On the other hand, the full-fledged support of the Israeli regime due to the infamy of this regime due to its crimes caused a major blow to the image of the American government inside and outside the United States, and naturally, in the circumstances that the United States and the Biden administration are facing elections, one of their considerations was this that this issue does not hurt the body of votes supporting Biden. Including in some states where the Muslim vote is very effective, such as Michigan.”

Khajui believes that this American support to the Israeli regime has a negative impact on the voting base of people who voted for Biden in the previous elections. Also, this consideration caused the White House to apparently oppose the expansion of this regime’s attacks in Rafah or condition the sending of weapons to it.

The expert on West Asian issues explained: “The US being in a position that both supports the return of the Israeli regime to its previous status and the restoration of its power and at the same time prevents the attacks of this regime has created a difficult situation for the US government and the Biden administration has failed in this situation. The fact that the dimensions of the war in the region expanded involved different parties in the region, and the attacks of the Israeli regime continued means that the United States has failed to play in the middle position and the position of the so-called mediating party and has not been able to resolve the contradictory matter together.

Khajui emphasized: “Ultimately, what we observe is that the first factor, that is, America’s support for the Israeli regime, as the country’s main ally in the region, played a greater role in determining the behavior of the United States.” Among the reasons are Washington’s strategic priorities in the region. America considers the victory of Israel’s strategy in the region as its priority, and if this issue involves a lot of costs, it is a priority for the White House. Therefore, in this move, the middle of America has shifted the balance towards supporting the Israeli regime, and other issues, such as criticizing this regime and controlling tensions, have been very thin and partial and have not been able to stop the Israeli regime from taking radical actions.”

According to this expert, this view and policy of America is unprecedented, and this country has never been able to mediate the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis during the past decades because the issue of supporting the interests of the Israeli regime has been an unchangeable principle in different American governments.

He emphasized: “One of the most important reasons why the conflict between Palestine and Israel has continued for the past eight decades is that America has not been able to play the role of a neutral mediator and try to end the tension. Finally, despite America’s efforts to play a middle role, if we look at the United States acting from above, we will find that Washington is on the side of the Zionist regime in this recent crisis!

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