Tuesday, August 25, 2020

UK, Germany and France slap on the face of US, and the latter deserves it


The UK, France and Germany issued a joint statement Thursday, rejecting the US plan to trigger the reimposition of sanctions on Iran. This is the most resolute time for the US’ major European allies since the 2003 Iraq War to collectively say “no” to the US, which has been further isolated on the Iran issue.

The UN arms embargo on Iran is set to expire on October 18. The US requested a renewal of the embargo last week at the UN Security Council, but only won the support of the Dominican Republic. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notified the UN on Thursday that the US is triggering the snapback mechanism included in UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The joint statement by the UK, France and Germany is a slap on the face of the US.
The US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018. Apparently, it doesn’t have the legal right to trigger the snapback. Its request for snapback is like one still wanting the right to vote after withdrawing his shares from the board of directors.
The US is acting like a gangster, putting itself in the position of having super powers. Many Western media outlets say the aim of the US is to isolate Iran, but Washington is isolating itself. It has gone too far, regarding its own interests and goals, as what the whole world must support. It pushes to legitimize “America First” and suppresses whoever doesn’t obey it.
Iran is geographically close to Europe, and the country’s stability is of vital significance to Europe. After the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, European companies flocked to Iran. The Trump administration’s abandonment of the Iran nuclear agreement has not only threatened the security of Europe, but undermined its economic interests. The dissatisfaction and even anger of those European countries can be expected.

Washington’s unilateralism is expanding. It is fair to say the current US administration has lost its mind. It forces European countries to pick sides between China and the US, and coerces them to give up the Nord Stream 2 natural gas project with Russia. Washington seems to believe that its strength has made it omnipotent, and that it can crush the will of any other country, making them bow to the US.

As a matter of fact, the US now has its weakest strategic control capability but is the most arrogant government. Given US coercion, it is inevitable that Washington will encounter strong resistance. The UK, France and Germany have “humiliated” the US. And Washington deserves it. 

The Trump administration has almost gained nothing from its policy of exerting pressure on others. It has only been embarrassed by the North Korea nuclear issue, witnessed its isolation in the Iran issue, and has failed on Venezuela. Pompeo is begging around the world to form an anti-China alliance. If the US is truly mighty, it should have settled everything by making a phone call. 

The US is an arrogant but pathetic superpower; and it is greedy. It used to have ample strategic resources, but the pursuit of unrealistic goals has caused a strategic deficit.

Washington needs to remember: It can neither sanction nor control the world. If it arrogantly sanctions the world, it will only hurt itself. The rejection of the UK, France and Germany has sounded the alarm. If Washington stubbornly goes its way, it will have to swallow more bitter pills. 
Source: Global Times editorial

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