Wednesday, August 19, 2020

UAE's normalizing ties with Israel, treason to Islamic World

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Vice President of Iranian Parliament’s Plan and Budget Commission said that the move taken by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in normalizing its ties with the Zionist regime is a betrayal to the Islamic world.
Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajeddini made the remarks on Tue. and lashed out at the normalization of ties between UAE and Zionist regime as a clear treason to the Islamic world.
In his reaction to UAE-Israel normalizing ties, Mir-Tajeddini reiterated, “The UAE move in normalizing ties with the Zionist regime and recognizing it, after the betrayal of Camp David Treaty, was a great treason between Arab and Islamic countries.”
The move taken by UAE in this regard should be condemned by the Islamic countries and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), he said, adding, “Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs should pursue the issue seriously and hold an extraordinary meeting in the presence of OIC’s member states through video conference.”
The Zionist regime was after normalizing its ties with the Arab countries for a long time but the general situation in the Islamic world prevented it to realize its malicious objective, he added.
After the failure of the Zionist regime's plan to annex the West Bank to the occupied lands and territories, the Israeli regime tried to act in another way, member of Parliament stated.
On the other hand, the so-called “Deal of Century” by the United States doomed to failure and all of these issues caused such an unpleasant event to happen with the support of the United States, he said, adding, “UAE’s move will lead to the isolation of this Arab country in the Islamic world.”

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