Saturday, August 01, 2020

Rouhani calls for closer Tehran-Ankara co-op

TEHRAN — President Hassan Rouhani has called for closer Tehran-Ankara cooperation in the face of the United States’ cruel sanctions against the Iranian people.
“In such circumstances, friendly and neighboring countries such as Iran and Turkey should further expand their interaction and cooperation,” Rouhani said in a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to expand all-out friendly and brotherly interaction and cooperation with Turkey,” he said, Tasnim reported on Saturday.
The president also congratulated the Turkish government and people on Eid al-Adha and expressed hope that the two countries would continue to work together in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
He also expressed the hope that the efforts and cooperation of all countries in the region would lead to stability and peace throughout West Asia.
For his part, Erdogan offered congratulations on the Eid al-Adha and expressed the hope that the occasion would bring blessings for the people of the two countries and for all Muslims around the world.
He lauded the successful efforts of the Iranian government and people in the fight against COVID-19.
The Turkish president stressed the need to develop cooperation and exchange experiences in the fight against the deadly virus.
Pointing to the need to develop trade and economic relations between Iran and Turkey and accelerate trade exchanges in accordance with health protocols, he expressed the hope that a meeting of the Supreme Council for Strategic Cooperation between the two countries would be held in the near future.
Iran sees trade with Turkey as key in efforts to confront the U.S. sanctions that have sought to undermine Tehran’s oil exports. Petrochemical products account for a major share of Iran’s exports to Turkey although the U.S. bans have made it difficult to settle payments between businesses in the two countries.
Turkey also relies on Iran as a major market for its manufacturing goods, including industrial machinery and garment, while it also sends to Iran some sizable shipments of crops and fruits that are not cultivated in the country.

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