Saturday, August 01, 2020

Postal voting or postponing the election; Which one puts an end to American confusion?

Postal voting or postponing the election; Which one puts an end to American confusion?
The confusion of politicians on American parties both domestic and international has left them in a state of ambiguity for the coming days, with no clear and precise plans to cross. Perhaps this, along with the very high probability of a Republican defeat, prompted Trump to call for a postponement.

NOURNEWS - Demands for the upcoming US presidential election by mail have risen in recent days amid fears of a corona outbreak, while Donald Trump has raised concerns about the possibility of fraud.
Of course, this is unprecedented in the past, and in the 2016 election, almost a quarter of the votes were sent by mail. In the forthcoming elections, as it is the responsibility of the states to legislate on federal elections, this issue is more likely to become more pervasive than in the past.
So far, some states, including California, Utah, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, are planning to hold elections by mail. These states will automatically send ballots to all registered voters, which must either be returned by post or delivered on election day.
Trump continues to believe that holding a low-level election will pave the way for widespread fraud because of his track record of rigging national and state elections. He is concerned, however, that the increase in postal votes will help increase the participation of Democrats.
Proponents of this case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence of widespread fraud.
Accordingly, with both the existing candidates, Trump and Biden, virtually unable to persuade the people, the main concern now is to hold a very low turnout election. This concern is such that even Trump has proposed postponing the election.
The United States is currently embroiled in so many internal problems that it sees virtually no clear prospect of overcoming them. The inability to manage and control the outbreak of the corona, growing anti-racist protests that have encouraged the unemployed and the underprivileged to take to the streets; are some examples.
To these, the problems of the United States in the foreign sphere must be added. Problems that, due to irrational behavior and consistent miscalculations by the White House, have effectively left the government at a standstill and have not achieved any of the promised goals.
Opening the foreign front as one of the most important tools of both American parties in such a situation to divert public opinion from domestic problems, this time, but not only did not help Trump, but also has spread dissatisfaction.
Describing precisely; The confusion of politicians on American parties both domestic and international has left them in a state of ambiguity for the coming days, with no clear and precise plans to cross. Perhaps this, along with the very high probability of a Republican defeat, prompted Trump to call for a postponement.

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