Monday, August 03, 2020

Lebanon Economic Crisis Aimed at Forcing Resistance to Give In to US: Amal

Lebanon Economic Crisis Aimed at Forcing Resistance to Give In to US: Amal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Representative of Lebanon’s Amal Movement in Tehran said the US has waged an economic war against his country with the purpose of forcing the resistance to surrender.

In an interview with Tasnim in Tehran، Salah Fahs blamed the worsening economic crisis in Lebanon on the mounting US pressures.
“As you know، Lebanon’s economic situation has reached the worst point since a couple of months ago due to several reasons، above all because of the pressures that are imposed on Lebanon with the purpose of forcing the country and its resistance to surrender to the American and Israeli decisions.” 
He said the US and Israel are pressuring Lebanon into giving in to the plots for creation of “substitute homeland” and “deal of the century” initiated by Donald Trump’s administration.
“The US has now resorted to a harsh economic war against the axis of resistance. But we must withstand and stand up to it،” the representative added، cautioning certain Islamic and Arab states that have sided with the US in the economic war against Lebanon that such backing would only aggravate their problems.
“The (axis of) resistance is very powerful under unity and cooperation with the Amal Movement and other supporters of resistance، and they (enemies) will not be able to fulfill their demands،” Fahs stated.
He also underlined that the axis of resistance will emerge victorious from the economic war waged by the enemies in the same way that it won the 2006 Lebanon war and other conflicts in the past.
Lebanon has been facing the worst economic crisis in its modern history in recent months. Since the start of public protests against corruption in October 2019، the Lebanese pound has lost about 75 percent of its value.
Moreover، the most recent sanctions that the US has introduced against Syria's government، imposed under the Caesar Act، have targeted neighboring Lebanon as well.

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