Monday, August 03, 2020

Iran has established new order in West Asia: parliament speaker

TEHRAN – Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf says through resistance all kinds of seditions, Iran has gained such power to thwart the most complex plots of the enemies and establish a new order in West Asia.
“After the Islamic Revolution, our nation gained enormous power to protect the Revolution, and after bypassing the seditions of the first years of the Revolution, the nation managed to courageously resist against the enemies during the Holy Defense (Iraq’s imposed war on Iran in the 1980s),” Ghalibaf said during an open session of the parliament on Sunday.
“These days, the enemies of the Iranian people have complicated plots to harm the people economically, therefore, the issues surrounding people's livelihood must be resolved,” he said.
The parliament speaker noted while there are problems and infiltrators are heavily pursuing their acts of sabotage against Iran, change is imminent.
Ghalibaf said that there is a third current that complements the two currents of sanctions and distortion, and that is inefficiency. 
“This current takes over management positions but ignores the country's priorities and makes sanctions problematic and leads the country to psychological collapse,” he added.
He also said the United States’ sanctions were aimed at disrupting the country’s economy and ultimately leading to bankruptcy but the sanctions have failed to reach their goals.
U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally quit the nuclear deal in May 2018 and introduced the harshest ever sanctions in history on Iran as part of his administration’s “maximum pressure” strategy against Iran.
The Trump administration has also stepped up calls for the extension of UN arms embargo on Iran. The administration has threatened that it may seek to trigger a snapback of UN sanctions on Iran if its attempts to extend the arms embargo fail.
Under the JCPOA backed by Resolution 2231, the UN must lift its arms embargo on Iran five years after the implementation of the nuclear deal. Despite its withdrawal from the JCPOA, the U.S. is pushing for the extension of the arms embargo, which is scheduled to expire on October 18.

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