Sunday, August 02, 2020

How Hezbollah Trapped Zionist Regime

Popular U.S. Website Explains
BEIRUT (Kayhan Intl.) -- The occupying regime of Israel’s forces this week moved specialized military units to Palestine’s northern border to reinforce their increasingly tense outposts along the Lebanese and Syrian borders.
Zionist officials described it as the most significant build-up in years, prompted by fear of a major operation by Hezbollah, Lebanon’s popular resistance movement.
The movement shed light on Israel’s impossible situation along the Lebanese border, which bristles with as many as 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at Zionist targets inside Occupied Palestine.
To the Zionists, the build-up is an intolerable threat — but also one it can only remove with huge loss of life and capital, which it has thus far been unprepared to commit, American financial news website Business Insider said.
The occupying regime of Israel has conducted scores of strikes against Hezbollah positions in Syria and Lebanon since the outbreak of the war on Syria eight years ago — but in historical terms the border has still been quiet. Hezbollah has been occupied helping Syria defeat foreign-backed terrorism ravaging the country.
"The Iranians and Hezbollah have laid a very dangerous trap for us in the north and I am not clear on how there can be a military solution to this crisis that would come at an acceptable cost,” Business Insider cited "a former senior Israeli official who remains closely briefed on Iranian projects in the region” as saying.
"It is militarily unacceptable that Hezbollah and Iran have 150,000 missiles and rockets pointed at Israel,” said the official, who asked not be named as he was criticizing the current Zionist regime on security matters.
The source is referring to Hezbollah’s three-decade-long program of developing hidden and protected missile and rocket launch sites throughout southern and eastern Lebanon that are nearly impossible to interdict with airstrikes, the fast-growing website said.
Hezbollah’s leadership often says the rockets and missiles are meant to deter Israeli aggression against Lebanon, it said.
The resistance movement "can pour dozens if not hundreds of rockets” into Israeli settlements throughout the northern third of the occupied territories almost unimpeded, the website said. Larger, more advanced, systems are capable of hitting the entire territories, it added.
The former official, cited by Business Insider, said Israeli troops are "not capable of conducting an operation in Lebanon to stop the rockets and missiles fast enough to avoid enormous political and economic damage”.
"To do so would require a full-scale invasion of Lebanon that would send units deep into the Hezbollah ‘Nature Reserves’ to chase down individual launchers while also battling the group militarily.
"This would lead to huge numbers of casualties on the ground as well and there’s little reason to think the rockets could be stopped for weeks in this scenario.
"I’m not sure anyone could conduct this operation quickly enough to protect” the Zionist regime, the former official concluded.
In 2006, Israeli forces were stunned to realize that Hezbollah had turned most of southern Lebanon into hardened fortifications that could not be seen by air, Business Insider said.
Avi, a former military intelligence official who asked to be identified only by his first name, said: "In 2006 it became clear that after the Israeli army withdrawal from Lebanon, Hezbollah had fortified the entire south and it would be foolish to think these defenses have not been substantially increased in the years since that fight.”
"Hezbollah has designed its military capability very carefully and with a singular focus: As long as rockets are landing on Israel and the Israeli people are living in bunkers, Hezbollah is winning,” he said.
"Hezbollah’s leadership believes it can take the pain of a conflict longer than Israel can and they are probably right,” Avi added.
He described the Zionist regime’s "counter-strategy” as having three parts:
The threat that in a true escalation, Israel would attack the entire Lebanese state — a fixed target — rather than Hezbollah forces which are hard to pin down.
High-tech solutions like the Iron Dome rocket defense system. Avi said it is not clear that the system could withstand far larger, sustained barrages that Hezbollah could produce.
Occasional airstrikes in Syria and sometimes Iraq, meant to destroy advanced weapons systems before Hezbollah’s allies can get them to Lebanon. However, these strikes sometimes kill Hezbollah personnel and threaten to start a cycle of strikes and retaliation.
"It’s a nice trap that the Iranians set for us, and I am afraid our leadership spent the last 30 years just blindly walking into it,” said Avi, who reportedly worked in South Lebanon during the 1978 to 2000 occupation.
"In this case the Iranians and Hezbollah have established a level of deterrence that would have been unimaginable to the Israel of the 1970s.”
The fruit of this effort, Avi said, "is a strong deterrence that says if you hit Iran or its nuclear program, we can strike back and hit Tel Aviv and even maybe Israel’s nuclear facilities”.
"But both sides know that an escalation like this can be threatened many times but used precisely once, as the next major war will be to the end of this problem. Iran did not develop this capability to use it lightly.”

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