Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Actions of the UAE sheikhs to save Trump and Netanyahu

By: Ahmad Reza Ruhallahzad​

US President Donald Trump announced an agreement he described as a historic agreement between the UAE and Israel. The news was confirmed by a joint official statement 
from the UAE and the Zionist regime. It is natural for Western governments and some affiliated regional regimes, such as Egypt, to welcome this news, and it seems that some other Arab regimes, such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, will join the convoy soon.
According to a joint statement issued by the Zionist occupation regime and the UAE regime, the agreement is a comprehensive agreement to establish full political, economic and cultural relations.
Why the United Arab Emirates so hastily ready to establish full relations with Zionist regime at this time?
The news comes on the anniversary of the end of the 33-day war, the day Lebanon's Hezbollah recorded first military defeat in Israel’s history. The choice of this day seems to have been made consciously, in order to alleviate the historical grief of this defeat and also elevate Benjamin Netanyahu, whose foundations of power have been shaken as a hero and savior to the Zionists. Also, considering the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday on the occasion of this historic day, the news of this agreement announced to reduce the effects of his speech.
On the other hand, the US government is sick and suffer from many problems, and the inability of this arrogant government is becoming more and more apparent. The US terrorist army is under pressure in the region and its withdrawal from the region is imminent. Coronavirus has crippled the US economy. The social unrest following the assassination of George Floyd two months ago has taken on new dimensions every day. Polls show that the chances of the current US president’s winning are diminishing as much as possible. The Israeli-UAE deal also appears to be a bargaining chip for Trump ahead of the November election. The deal is set to be signed in the coming weeks at the White House in the presence of Donald Trump between Netanyahu and Ben Zayed, and Trump hopes the deal will turn the tide in his favor.
 The agreement rejected by Palestinian groups. It is natural for resistance groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad to oppose it. It is a blessing that some other Palestinian faction , led by Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, consider the agreement as a betrayal, but these groups seem to have forgotten that they themselves have been at the forefront of betraying the Palestinian cause, and some continue to betray it. They have intelligence and security cooperation with the Zionist enemy, and they have imprisoned the Palestinian resistance, and they only talk about the resistance, but in practice, not only do not carry any resistance, but they act against the resistance. Hope that this time they will really get out of the ranks of hypocrisy. Compromise has been nothing but humiliation for them and the hope that they will be honored by choosing resistance.
The Arab regimes have had relations with the Zionist regime for many years, and this relationship has existed, especially in the areas of intelligence, security and military. Many Palestinian resistance figures have been assassinated by Israeli Mossad agents with the intelligence and security cooperation of these Arab regimes. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was assassinated in a hotel in the UAE by Mossad agents. Moshe Ya'alon, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Zionist Army, emphasizes that since the establishment of the Zionist government, the Saudi regime has not helped even one dollar to Palestine and has only promised to help! Accordingly, pointing to the current situation, it is not unexpected for the Arab regimes to reveal their relations. Reports from some Zionist media also emphasize that the cost of the 33-day war in Lebanon was paid to Israel by the same Arab regimes.
Emirati bin Zayed has stated that under this agreement, Israel has ruled out the issue of annexation of 30% of the West Bank, but Netanyahu immediately announced that the issue of annexation has not been ruled out, but has been stopped at Trump's request and the plan is still on the table! The annexation plan seems to be merely an excuse for this great betrayal.
The truth is that these bitter choices made by the leaders of the Arab regimes show the depth of their dependence and instability that forced them to carry out the missions dictated by the United States. However, these elections will never affect the anti-Zionist resistance of the Palestinian people. And the Palestinian resistance and the axis of resistance in the region will patiently and vigilantly follow their plans and programs, and the process of developments shows the increasing success of the resistance. The process of developments shows that the future of the Islamic world is being shaped by the path of resistance, and that the Muslim nations will take severe revenge on the traitors.

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