Tuesday, July 14, 2020

US continuing secrecy in Naval ship explosion

US continuing secrecy in Naval ship explosion

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Although reporters were not allowed to the site of the USS Bonhomme Richard incident, a US Navy official said the investigation has been initiated to identify the cause of the fire.
While US President Donald Trump was exploring possible ways to put naval pressure on Venezuela, the USS Bonhomme Richard caught fire at the San Diego Naval Base in California, USA. At least 21 crew members were injured.
The ship is one of the most important weapons in the US military, however, the media and the US government have pursued a policy of secrecy about it, while in the case of much smaller incidents in Iran there has been widespread media hype in the US and Arab countries.
ABC News reported that the US has started an official investigation to clarify the cause of the incident.
The report also says that USS Bonhomme Richard has a capacity of 1,000 crew, but 160 sailors were on board at the time of the accident.
However, some news agencies reported that about 200 US Navy sailors and officers were on the deck.
Sources in California firefighting department confirmed the news, saying at least 21 sailors were injured.
The cause of the fire has not yet been officially announced by military sources.
Naval vessels and firefighters have been reportedly dispatched to a military base in the southwestern United States around 9 a.m. to contain the blaze, which some witnesses said was caused by a blast.
Some firefighters tweeted that a number of sailors had been treated for their injuries.
Security and police forces have blocked the roads leading to the scene and did not allow access to news outlets. Local witnesses said they heard an explosion on the deck of the warship before it caught fire.
USS Bonhomme Richard is said to be capable of carrying at least 20 advanced F-35 fighter jets.

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