Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump’s Iran policy has isolated U.S.: Sanders advisor

TEHRAN - Matt Duss, a foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders, has said that Donald Trump’s Iran policy has isolated the United States.
“Bush’s Iraq policy isolated the US, massively boosted our adversaries, and caused enormous human suffering. 
Trump’s Iran policy has isolated the US, massively boosted our adversaries, and caused enormous human suffering. 
Maybe it’s time to stop letting neocons write policy,” Duss tweeted on Sunday.
U.S. Senator Chris Murphy said in March that Trump’s policy has made Iran stronger and the United States weaker.
“Trump’s Iran policy has done nothing but make them stronger and America weaker,” Murphy tweeted.
He also noted, “Time to change course.”
Iranian presidential chief of staff Mahmoud Vaezi has said that the Trump administration has no way but revising wrong policies and making up for past mistakes, especially economic and medical terrorism against Iran.
Vaezi, a former deputy foreign minister, predicted that Trump will lose the November election if he insists on his wrong policies.
“Continuation of practicing discriminatory policy and pushing knee on neck and tightening unilateral sanctions and health and economic terrorism against the Iranian people will not end in Trump’s victory in elections, and will just make this administration more isolated. The United States has no way but revising wrong policies and making up for the past,” Vaezi tweeted in June.

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