Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Palestinian who was all of Palestine

48 years have passed since the death of Ghassan Kanafani, a man who was all of Palestine; According to Mahmoud Darwish, whether Ghassan is heaven or hell, he will surely involve the people there with Palestine.

48 years have passed since the death of Ghassan Kanafani, a man who was all of Palestine; According to Mahmoud Darwish, whether Ghassan is in heaven or hell, he will surely involve the people there with the issue of Palestine. Kanafani, a survivor of the 1948 migration from the occupied territories, spoke and wrote about Palestine until the last moment of his short life. Ghassan was born into a Kurdish family in Acre and was assassinated on July 8, 1972 in Beirut. Out of Ghassan's dismembered body, only his smiling face survived. Annie, his Danish wife, says that we found the fingers of this master writer on the trees at the site of the explosion. Along with Ghassan, his niece, Lamis Hussein Najm, was also killed. Lemis was the audience for many of Kanafani 's short and childish stories.
Kanafani   is still the most complete writer of the Palestinian resistance; Ghassan Kanafani 's pen is reminiscent of Samad Behrangi's writings for the Iranian audience. Samad and Ghassan were both narrators of the suffering of the lower masses and narrators of the struggle for justice, freedom and human dignity. Strangely enough, even the content of some of the stories of the two is similar, as if one had written both. The story of the teacher and the child of Waxi in Ka'k Ali al-Rasif Ghassan is the same story of a teacher and Tarivardi in Samad's son. The simple, realistic style of Kunfani and Behrangi, along with attention to human themes and revolutionary teachings, has inspired both writers.
But Ghassan, apart from writing, was a full-fledged fighter and a nightmare of the Zionist regime. Kanafani should not be summed up only in his romances with Ghada Al-Saman; He was the spokesman for one of the leading Palestinian militant groups. Kanafani ’s determination at press conferences and his enduring responses to Western journalists, along with his clever defense of the right to armed struggle to the complete liberation of Palestine and his particular political discourse, have made him a distinguished figure of a writer of love. Unfortunately, many are looking to ignore this brilliant aspect of cannabis.
Kanafani believed in a revolutionary world; He described the Palestinian issue as part of the global struggle against oppression and injustice, and this clever explanation of the Palestinian issue provides the basis for global solidarity around Palestine. Ghassan emphasized that Palestine was not just a Palestinian issue, but an issue for any revolution anywhere in the world and the issue of the oppressed masses of our time. Ghassan Kanafani 's account of the Palestinian question is still a clear and reliable picture of the path to full-scale struggle for the complete liberation of Palestine, from the creek to the sea.
In his works, Ghassan presents a human image of the issue of occupation; Born in the year of the Great Palestinian Revolution, he experienced misery in the ninth year of his life and, until the end of his life, always tried to present a true picture of the moment of separation from the homeland. As much as Ghassan's account of human misery, his image of the dream of return is human. In each of his writings, Ghassan has reviewed these two important aspects of the Palestinian issue. From the land of sad oranges to the men roasted in the sun and the story of the rose branch that takes them to Neishabour.
The original Palestinian suffering is woven into the fabric of the Kunfani works. A long-lasting regret and a painful longing for endurance and resistance can be felt from line to line in his writings. Perhaps the same verses of Khayyam, taught to him by Ghassan's gun mistress in Haifa, describe the bitter longings of this displaced Palestinian.

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