Sunday, July 12, 2020

Potter makes miniature models of genuine elements of Iranian architecture

TEHRAN – An Iranian potter has crafted miniature models of the genuine elements which are prevalent in the traditional Iranian architecture during a project that exercises an aesthetic approach rather than a technical and engineering one.
Mohammad-Ali Sajjadi has carried out this project, which deals with the buildings in harmony with Iranian culture and climate, IRNA reported on Saturday.
The project shifts the focus on the construction of geometric order, decorations, asymmetry, and skewness in the traditional Iranian architecture and their relationship between their functional aspects.
Domes, arches, and stairs are amongst other prominent elements of Iranian architecture, clay models of which been produced using a potter’s wheel, the report added.
Iran has inherited numerous architectural traditions over the course of history. The Elamite, Achaemenian, Hellenistic, and other pre-Islamic and Islamic-era dynasties have left striking stone testaments to their greatness, such as Chogha Zanbil and Persepolis—both of which were designated UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1979.
Three monastic ensembles central to the Armenian Christian faith, with an architecture representing a confluence of Byzantine, Persian, and Armenian cultures, were collectively recognized as a World Heritage site in 2008.
From the Islamic period the architectural achievements of the Seljuq, Il-Khanid, and Safavid dynasties are particularly noteworthy. During that time Iranian cities such as Neyshabur, Isfahan, and Shiraz came to be among the great cities of the Islamic world, and their many mosques, madrasahs, shrines, and palaces formed an architectural tradition that was distinctly Iranian within the larger Islamic milieu, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.
The Persian tradition of dome-building dates back to the earliest Mesopotamian architecture when domes became an integral part of buildings due to the scarcity of wood in many areas of the Iranian plateau.
In ancient Persia, domes were associated with the divine side of life, as their circular shape represented perfection, eternity, and the heavens, according to Press TV.
Domes moved to the forefront of Persian architecture during the Sasanian period (224 to 651 CE) and they evolved through different eras until the Safavid dynasty (1501–1732) when the last generation of Persian domes was characterized by a distinctive bulbous profile and astonishing tilework.
Iranian architecture makes use of abundant symbolic geometry, using pure forms such as the circle and square, and plans are based on often symmetrical layouts featuring rectangular courtyards and halls.

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