Monday, July 13, 2020

Iran-China 25-year roadmap big threat to Zionists' interests

Iran-China 25-year roadmap big threat to Zionists' interests

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Majidreza Hariri, head of Iran-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry, believes that the 25-year roadmap between Tehran and Beijing for strategic partnership poses a big threat to the regional interests of the Tel Aviv regime.
In a meeting on June 21, Iran's cabinet of ministers approved the final draft of the 25-year comprehensive cooperation plan between Iran and China.
On July 5, came the announcement of the Iranian FM Zarif about Iran-China negotiations over a 25-year so-called 'accord', which as he put into words is "clear and the two countries have nothing to hide about it."
During the past week, however, some claims and reports were made by some specific foreign-based media lashing out at the Islamic Republic.
The unfounded claims about the issue argued for example, that under this 25-year cooperation, Iran is to hand over Kish Island to China in exchange for military, regional and international support or some named the cooperation a 'secretive deal'. 
Rumors are still going around despite the explanations offered by the Iranian officials asserting that the plan for strategic cooperation between Iran and China would be designed on equal footing, on the basis of common views, and with the purpose of supporting multilateralism.
Domestically, there have also been some disputes about the issue. Zarif is to attend Parliament commission’s session on Sunday evening (July 12), to answer the lawmakers' questions about the 25-year cooperation document with China.
Mehr news conducted an interview with the Head of Iran-China Chamber of Commerce in Tehran, Majidreza Hariri to get a better understanding of the reality of the two sides' sustainable cooperation in the future.
Please, tell us about Iran's 25-year cooperation agreement with China. Is it a 'deal'? When was it signed? The mutual cooperation will be on which sectors?
First of all, this is not a contract. It is a 'roadmap', titled as "Iran-China 25-year comprehensive cooperation plan" for bilateral cooperation in the long-run.  
Iran-China agreed upon conclusion of a comprehensive cooperation plan back in 2016 during the Chinese President's visit to Tehran, to develop mutual cooperation in various sectors including politics, new sciences, economy, culture, exchanging university students as well as regional and military.
After this initial agreement, a draft of the plan had to be written to identify the details of this roadmap. But in 2016, Iran was engaged in the JCPOA hoping for the US and the Europeans to fulfill their commitments. As a matter of fact, the accorded roadmap with China became significant for Iran after the withdrawal of the US from the nuclear deal and Europeans' failure to making their promises. 
Accordingly, as of the beginning of 2019, i.e. after the US pulling out from the JCPAO, Iran shifted its focus from western countries to Asian allies and paid special attention to its accorded roadmap with China to develop it into implementable projects.
In February 2019, the time Parliament Speaker of Iran Ali Larijani paid a visit to China where he revoiced Iran's tendency to have long-term cooperation with the country. Iranian ministries were then ordered to investigate cooperation fields with China. 
Iranian FM Zarif made several visits to China afterward, putting forward Iran's suggestions about the probable cooperation sectors, which were agreed upon by China. 
Eventually, in late June 2020, the Iranian Cabinet finalized the preparation of the Iranian version of the "Iran-China 25-year comprehensive cooperation plan". That was when the criticisms aroused and enemies' propaganda was distributed.
How do you explain the recent unsubstantiated rumors circulated about Iran-China cooperation via this roadmap?
Both Iran and China are special countries. Their cooperation in the result may be stimulative with its pros and cons; the US is a definite opponent. 
However, the recent chorus of criticism about the 25-year roadmap was not an international one but was aroused by some western anti-Iranian media or telegram channels, which are run by anti-revolutionary Iranians living abroad with political motivations. 
Their made claims about this roadmap are truly baseless, relying on the US' stances toward China.
The US is definitely an opponent to Iran-China long-term cooperation.
In my view, Iran has not been inclined to release the details of the prepared roadmap due to the US stances toward both the Islamic Republic and China and the anti-Iranian sanctions. There were chances of US sabotage in this regard. But presently, its content is published and available to media. Moreover, the issue has not been confidential at all.
Does Iran have any similar long-term cooperation roadmap with other countries?
China is the first country with which Iran is preparing such a long-term plan, but unfortunately, some baseless claims have been made about it. For example, some claim that China has the upper-hand in this cooperation or the roadmap will make the ground proper for China to colonize Iran and etc.
To prove that the made claims about it are baseless, I hereby announce my readiness and that of the Iran-China Chamber of Commerce to answer any questions of the critics about the economic aspects of this roadmap. 
How long will it take for Tehran and Beijing to implement this roadmap?
To have it finalized for being implemented under the framework of a mutual agreement, the prepared version of the roadmap by Iran needs to be reviewed and modified by the Chinese side. 
The finalized bilateral agreement will then be used by various sectors to define their affiliated projects via specific contracts.
For example, Iran expresses a tendency for developing industrial parks in southern Makran coast. Accordingly, Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Organization (ISIPO) will start negotiations with a Chinese company on inking a contract.
The same can occur in the oil and gas sector of exchanging university students between the two sides. 
It will take two or three years for the roadmap to be finalized and implemented.
To prove that the made claims about it are baseless, I hereby announce my readiness and that of the Iran-China Chamber of Commerce to answer any questions of the critics about the economic aspects of this roadmap. 
How do you assess the mutual interests of this roadmap for the two sides? 
All the mutual cooperation agreements in the world are win-win and I underline that in contrast with the made false claims saying China plans to colonize Iran, this is Iran who has prepared the initial draft of the future agreements with China. Therefore, there are definite interests for Iran. 
I do believe that Iran-China cooperation will put a big danger to the interests of the Zionist regime. 
The Zionist regime has attracted the biggest part of the Chinese investments in the region. Chinese companies are running major foodstuffs, ports, and petrochemical projects in the occupied lands.
Iran is a bigger country with bigger potentials and if China commences its cooperation with Iran, China-Zionist regime cooperation will lose its significance.  
Therefore, in my view, the propaganda against Iran-China 25-year roadmap is run by the Tel Aviv regime.
Interview by Haniyeh Sadat Jafariyeh

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