Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Health defenders new warriors

Health defenders new warriors

TEHRAN, (MNA) – The contagion of the new coronavirus has appeared as an unexpected war with doctors, nurses, and hospital personnel as the new warriors on the front lines demanding the sacrifice of the health experts.
Their battle reanimates for the Iranians the eight-year Sacred Defense, where all the people across the country united against the invading enemy. This war as well needs documentation and memorization and to do so, the cinema will step in and the officials of the Resistance International Film Festival have found themselves owed to reflect the sacrifices made by the medical doctors and those who are on the battleground against the invisible enemy.
To achieve this goal, the 16th Resistance International Film Festival has devoted a special section to the defenders of health.
Cinema, the Reflector of the Battle
Asghar Bagherzadeh, the Deputy of Health Commission of the Iranian Majlis, describes cinema as one of the most efficient cultural mediums. “With its unique features, cinema can transfer the culture in its public and good way. Therefore, the importance of cinema appearance on the fronts of the battle against corona is crucial”, said Bagherzadeh in his interview with Islamic Republic News Agency.
The Iranian official also mentioned that “cinema will make it possible for the people to be in the depth of the fight”, adding devoting a special section [of the festival] to the health defenders is admirable.
Cinema Representing Health Defenders as Warriors
There is a unique voice among Iranians to see the health defenders as the soldiers on the frontlines of the right-year imposed war. “Fighting against corona is an act of Jihad, like those in the war", Said Hussein Erfani, Head of the Infectious Diseases Department in Ministry of Health and Medical Education. It is therefore expected from the cinema and television to show the face of this war.
The Iranian cinema and the Resistance International Film Festival consider themselves responsible for showing the image of this battleground to the world in the upcoming round of the festival.
This round will be held in two sections of competitive and parallel events. The first section is slated for the Sacred Defense week (September 21 – 27) and includes Health Defenders, Festival of Festivals, and the Provincial Election of the Basiji Filmmakers. The applicants can register and submit their works through the website of the festival from June 9 to August 20.

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