Saturday, July 11, 2020

Asharq Al-Awsat playing an active role to complete the American puzzle of destabilizing Iraq

Asharq Al-Awsat playing an active role to complete the American puzzle of destabilizing Iraq
The new phase of the plan, which began at the same time as the Saudi Moderate Center became active and the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat insulted the Iraqi Supreme Authority, continues with a new round of demonstrations under the pretext of assassinating Hisham Al-Hashimi seeking to disrupt public order and security in different cities in Iraq to insinuate that security and tranquility in Iraq will be achieved only with the presence of the Americans in this country.

NOURNEWS - Last week, the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat provoked a negative reaction from the Iraqi people, media and political groups by publishing a derogatory caricature of the Shiite supreme authority in Iraq.
Following the assassination of security expert Hisham Al-Hashimi, claimed by ISIS, a group gathered in Tahrir Square to protest the assassination and held up insulting images of religious symbols and Shiite clerics.
The incident prompted the Fatah coalition to issue a statement on Thursday condemning insults to religious and Islamic symbols and urging the Iraqi government to refrain from such actions.
"In the last two days, we have learned that some demonstrators are holding pictures of insults to Islamic symbols. We condemn this blatant insult to the authority of the religion and call on the government," the Fatah coalition said in a statement. "Prevent such acts in order to maintain public order and respect the feelings of believers."
The Fatah coalition called on the protesters to adhere to the spirit of peaceful demonstrations, high order and non-insult to any religious or Islamic symbol in the demonstrations.
In this regard, the information received by "NOURNEWS" indicates the implementation of a pre-planned project to insecure Iraq in order to pave the way for the presence of American terrorist troops in Iraq.
It was about three weeks ago that NOURNEWS reported on " new US tactic to destabilize Iraq / ISIS and al-Qaeda under one roof!"  revealing  the details of the plan, which was led by Kenneth Mackenzie, the commander of the CENTCOM terrorists, and Matthew Toller, the US ambassador to Baghdad, which clearly uses the tools of Takfiri terrorists to destabilize Iraq.
The intelligence of the army and the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi forces, of course, has largely failed the first phase of the project, and this has led to the key to triggering its new phases in the form of ethnic-religious divisions and dragging the streets to the streets.
The new phase of the plan, which began at the same time as the Saudi Moderate Center became active and the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat insulted the Iraqi Supreme Authority, continues with a new round of demonstrations under the pretext of assassinating Hisham Al-Hashimi seeking to disrupt public order and security in different cities in Iraq to insinuate that security and tranquility in Iraq will be achieved only with the presence of the Americans in this country.

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