Sunday, June 14, 2020

US' Playing Cards in Afghanistan are No Longer Valid

US' Playing Cards in Afghanistan are No Longer Valid
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, who recently gained a significant foothold in the Afghan government during the political agreement, are skeptical of the US-Taliban agreement and are reluctant to move forward, which will increase the Taliban's power in Afghanistan.

NOURNEWS - About four months after the signing of the peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban in February 2020, differences between the two, and of course the third party influencing the implementation of the agreement, namely the Afghan government has faced serious challenges in the way.
At the same time, the signing of the agreement in Doha by Taliban MP Mullah Baradar and US Ambassador Zalmai Khalilzad, both sides stressed the need to start the process of reducing violence and called the agreement an operational agreement.
 As stated in this agreement; NATO and US forces must leave Afghanistan within 14 months and inter-Afghan peace talks begin.
At the same time, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani complained to the Americans that the agreement, in which the Afghan government did not participate, was meaningless to them and would not change anything in practice. The rich stance was later eased due to US pressure and the threat of a $ 1 billion cut, but the Afghan government has never taken the deal seriously.
About four months after the document was signed, Gen. Frank McKenzie, the commander-in-chief and commander of US forces in Afghanistan, said the Taliban had not yet met the conditions for completing a plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan by May. 
Based in Florida, he also said in a video conference hosted by the Middle East Institute in Washington that the United States is ahead of the initial part of the program, which the number of its troops supposed to be 8,600 by July, and complete withdrawal by spring, which means it will depend on the situation in May.
Mackenzie believes that what threatens the United States is not the Taliban, but the source of the threat from groups (ISIS and al-Qaeda) that allow them to be present in Afghanistan!
Note that; The Taliban's precondition for the release of 5,000 prisoners and the rich precondition for a ceasefire, the severance of ties with Pakistan and the end of the drug trade have not yet been met. However, informed Afghan sources said that the first round of international talks will be held in Qatar on June 11 this year.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, who recently gained a significant foothold in the Afghan government during the political agreement, are skeptical of the US-Taliban agreement and are reluctant to move forward, which will increase the Taliban's power in Afghanistan.
Based on this, it seems; The US game in Afghanistan has stalled at some point due to differences with the Taliban and Ashraf Ghani's government. The United States is planning to launch a series of harassment games, especially between Afghanistan and its neighbors, before the 2020  election campaign.

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