Monday, June 15, 2020

Iran's Arms Embargo Will End in 3 Months / The Increase of Coronavirus Patients Primarily Due to Increased Testing

President of Iran
Iran's Arms Embargo Will End in 3 Months / The Increase of Coronavirus Patients Primarily Due to Increased Testing
The president stated: "The increase in patients infected with Coronavirus is due to the fact that we have added laboratory tests, and many tests are being performed across the country"

NOURNEWS - Speaking at a cabinet meeting this morning, President Hassan Rouhani stated:
 "In recent weeks, we have reached the exception of a few provinces in the country to control the coronavirus. These few provinces are also redoubled their efforts to get out of the red situation and create the right conditions for the people. I would like to thank the Ministry of Health and all the health workers for this important work."
"It is clear that neither the corona nor the summer has ended and the summer heat has killed the virus. The reopening in the country was conditional on all people paying attention to the instructions. The increase of Coronavirus Patients is due to the fact that we have added laboratory tests, and many tests are being performed across the country today. When a lot of testing is done, the patient's identification naturally increases, and this is not a negative aspect, and people should not worry because when we diagnose it earlier, it will not reach the hospital stage."
Rouhani clarified the recent US actions and violence, implying: "The US government was an unreliable government, and in this new government it became more unreliable. A government that violated all international regulations; It violated the environment, UNESCO, the rights of the oppressed people of the world and the oppressed people of Palestine, and many of the agreements it had with its friends, and the government became invalid and, in addition, more invalid."
He referred to the US fight with Coronavirus, stating: "To this day, the United States is the worst country in the fight against coronavirus, choosing the worst way, making the most casualties and showing that it does not have the necessary management to run this great country."
He continued: "The actions of the Americans in recent weeks have been accompanied by intense violence against their own people; The military and the police are pressuring and killing people on the orders of the White House, Of course, we have known for a long time that American policy is the policy of "knee on neck", they do this to every oppressed person, and that is the American policy. The great nation of Iran broke this knee; In 1997, they wanted to do this and brought the knee close to the throat of the Iranian nation, but the Iranian nation broke this knee with the hammer of unity and empathy."
"In the coming weeks, as Iran arrives in October to lift the arms embargo under Resolution 2231, they are already angry about this important day in Iran's history, preparing a resolution and seeking to take it to the Security Council. Our expectation from the four permanent members of the Council is to stand up for the interests and stability of the world, the interests that were at stake in the nuclear deal between the region and the world. We especially expect Russia and China to stand up to this conspiracy, and we are confident that all kinds of conspiracies against us will fail, and that this conspiracy will not succeed."
He added: "We are increasing our defense capabilities, and the Americans need to understand that Iran's defense capabilities will increase under any circumstances. In the past years, in the face of sanctions, we have designed the best defense system and shot down the American drone with an Iranian system. and to this day we are still developing our defense power."

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