Saturday, May 09, 2020

Gov’t Spokesman: Creative Iranians to Defeat US Sanctions

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee said that US sanctions have made the people more creative and they will eventually overcome these sanctions.
"The Iranian society has become increasingly resilient and creative," Rabiyee said and added that Iran's government has proven to the world that the American government is irrational and abuses politico-economic power to bully the world.
"Sanctions are kind of indirect murder, which increasingly endanger ordinary people's lives," the spokesman underlined.
He added that despite the sanctions and coronavirus outbreak, Iran has successfully managed to export some anti-coronavirus products to different countries. 
Rabiyee stressed that Iran is not doomed like those countries which are also under the US sanctions and the Iranian nation will eventually beat the sanctions.
Last week in relevant remarks, he said that Tehran will show a harsh reaction to an approval of the US plan proposed to the UN Security Council on continuation of the arms embargo on Iran after expiry in October.
"The UN Security Council members and the JCPOA signatories know that extension of Iran's arms sanction will have hard consequences beyond the JCPOA and may put regional stability and security at risk," Rabiyee said, and added, "Extending the sanction is against the previously inked agreements and will ensue Iran's severe response."
"The more time passes, the more we are faced with instable US conduct, both in terms of domestic policy and foreign diplomacy," he added.

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