Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Divankhaneh Mansion: A Historic Mansion in The Former Iranian Capital

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Divankhaneh Mansion is one of 

the precious buildings constructed under the Zand 

Dynasty rule in the city of Shiraz near the Karimkhani Citadel. 

The Divankhaneh Mansion: A Historic Mansion in The Former Iranian Capital
The mansion has a large hall with two 
load-bearing wooden columns. The original 
columns were made of stone, but these were 
later transferred to Tehran under Qajar rule by 
Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar and replaced 
with the wooden columns.
Under Karim Khan Zand, the mansion was 
used as the center of the government and a venue 
for administrative affairs. A major characteristic of 
the mansion is its exquisite ornaments including 
stucco, Muqarnas and stunning murals of animals 
and plants. The beautiful structure is made of bricks 
and it is believed that its marble stones were brought 
to Shiraz from Tabriz and Yazd.
This is a two-storey building with a long pond 
stretching along the yard and a horizontal pond 
placed in front of the Shahneshin (King’s Chamber).
When Karim Khan Zand named Shiraz as his capital 
in 1180 HS, he planned to develop the city in the 
same way Shah Abbas Safavid developed his capital 
Isfahan. This is why Karim Khan Zand ordered the construction of great, stunning structures such as 
the Karimkhani Citadel, Grand Mosque, bazaar, 
barracks, Divankhaneh, armory, Maidan-e Mashgh (Parade Square), racecourse, and Chogan (polo) 
field. All these buildings have been designed and 
built based on the Isfahan style of architecture.
Source: Persia Digest

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