Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Iran Eager to Help Afghans Achieve Peace, U.S. No Friend of Muslims

By: Kayhan Int’l 

The visit to Tehran of a high ranking delegation of Afghanistan’s Taliban and talks with Iranian foreign ministry officials, indicates the importance of the role the Islamic Republic can play in helping its eastern neighbour achieve peace and establish a broad-based government representing all political, religious, and ethnic groups, after ending the 18-year long presence of the American terrorists.
This is the second time since last December that a Taliban team has visited Iran, which has excellent relations with the government in Kabul and enjoys cordial ties with the various ethnic, lingual and religious groups that make up Afghanistan.
Members of the Taliban political office in Doha, Qatar, who yesterday held fruitful talks with Iran’s foreign ministry officials in Tehran, had earlier this week visited Moscow and discussed ways to find peace in their American-occupied homeland following failure of talks with the U.S.
Iran insisted on inter-Afghan talks to resolve the crisis, rather than trusting the U.S. occupying power, with its bleak, black and bloody record of crimes against the Afghan people. Deceitful Washington has never been sincere in its so-called peace talks with the Taliban, as is obvious by its use of a decoy to deceive them – the former ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, an ethnic Pakhtoun Afghan who holds U.S. citizenship and slavishly serves American interests.
The Taliban visits to Moscow and Tehran take place after months of fruitless negotiations with the United States that envisaged a gradual withdrawal of American occupation troops and a Taliban commitment to hold talks with the current Afghan government and other political forces in the country.
True to the warnings of the well-wishers of the Afghan people, the expected announcement of a peace agreement was cancelled abruptly on September 8 by U.S. President Donald Trump when he called off a meeting and further talks with the Taliban.
As Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, has said, talks with the Taliban are in the framework of Iran’s comprehensive consultations with all parties in Afghanistan – for establishing a broad-based national government on the basis of the votes of the Afghan electorate.
Tehran has also made it clear that no American terrorist soldier should remain on the soil of Afghanistan if the country is really after durable peace and stability.
The U.S. is no friend of the Afghan people, and the longer it stays the greater will be the misery of the Afghan Muslims.
This is evident by the terrorist blasts that occur now and then in Afghanistan, targeting civilians and government personnel. All indicators point out the dirty hands of the Americans, especially their dastardly agents, the Daesh, whom the U.S. airlifted from Iraq and Syria to stir up sectarian-ethnic terrorism.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is all ears to the views of the various Afghan groups, and believes that peace is possible if the issue is sincerely discussed, provided outsider, including the Americans and their agents, are kept out. 

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