Sunday, February 17, 2019

US silent as 7-year-old boy brutally murdered by Saudis

Catherine Shakdam
When will Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism be called to account for its human rights abuses? This question is posed by UK-based journalist Catherine Shakdam in her article for Citizens for Truth, titled: “US silent as 7-year-old boy brutally murdered by Saudis”.
Recently in his State of the Union speech, US President Donald Trump referred to terrorism and its ideologues by unjustly pointing a politically charged finger at Iran, despite the fact that it is Saudi Arabia which is systematically pushing the envelope of all things perverse.
If the US wishes to hate Iran by virtue of its political and institutional choices, one cannot stop Washington from doing so, but then let us be honest about where the contention lies.
It is an undeniable fact that Saudi Arabia’s policy methodical exportation of terrorism.
Iran did not write the handbook on terrorism, Saudi Arabia did, quite literally actually if we consider that since the mid-Seventies Riyadh has spent billions of dollars per year in promoting its heretical views, known as Wahhabism, by vomiting pages of sectarianism and grand calls for genocide across our academic institutions and various other platforms: mosques, Islamic centers, charitable organizations, etc.
A report by the Henry Jackson Society in 2017 established that “Saudi Arabia has, since the 1960s, sponsored a multi-million dollar effort to export Wahhabism across the Islamic world, including to Muslim communities in the west…. In the UK this funding has primarily taken the form of endowments to mosques and Islamic educational institutions, which have in turn played host to extremist preachers and the distribution of extremist literature. And influence has also been exerted through the training of British Muslim religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, as well as the use of Saudi textbooks in a number of the UK’s independent Islamic schools.”
As Hassan Minhaj, the now famous stand-up comedian so eloquently put it during his show, Patriot Act, “Saudi Arabia is basically the boy band manager of 9/11/2001. They didn’t write the songs, but they helped get the group together.”
I would argue that by virtue of its cult, that is, Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia most definitely helped compose the symphonies terrorism’s militants are so fervently playing out against their designated enemies; that would be all of us, by the way.
Wahhabism exists in the rejection of the proverbial ‘“others,” those Muslims it feels it must annihilate to better profess its devotion to the cult’s teachings.
If I’d dare, I would say, and this is to put it mildly, Wahhabism serves as proof that evolution missed a few bad genetic mutations along the way. Wahhabism belongs to the darkest pages of our history, alongside the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.
Our collective silence and our state officials’ unwillingness to clearly articulate the dangers Saudi Arabia’s fascist worldview poses has emboldened its zealots to the extent they now feel compelled to commit acts of religious genocide in plain sight.
A seven-year-old child was brutally beheaded in Medina the week of January 27 because he was a Shia Muslim, or follower of the school of jurisprudence of the Prophet of Islam’s Ahl al-Bayt or Blessed Household that heretical Saudi Arabia has labeled an act of apostasy, a crime punishable by death.
In the streets of Saudi Arabia, a heretical Wahhabi cab driver branded the boy Zakaryia Bader al- Jaber and his mother as infidels and mutilated and killed the innocent boy. Witnesses to the crimes recalled how the man broke the window of his car before grabbing the boy by the back of his shirt to then drive shards of glass through his neck to decapitate him.
If not for the cries of outrage of rights activists across social media, demanding for media silence to be broken, it is unlikely any of us would have ever heard of such an abominable crime.
An apologist for the Saudi media labeled the cab driver a madman, but the issue is not one of mental illness but rather one of hyper and unfettered Wahhabist heresy. Saudi Arabia has bred itself into a cultish frenzy in order to shed the blood of the innocents – as happened on a mass scale in Syria and Iraq.
Zakaryia is but one victim among many. Truth be told, the Wahhabi heretics have been at war with most Muslims, especially the followers of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt for decades if not centuries.
Saudi Arabia’s education system encourages children to hate all non-Wahhabis, most of all Sh’ia Muslims.
In a study published by the Institute for Persian Gulf Affairs, Bayan Perazzo writes, “The general contempt of Shi’a Muslims in Saudi Arabia is by no means a hidden phenomenon. Religious publications under the regime, school materials, and many of the Saudi court clerics are very brazen about their disdain for Shi’as.”
In a damning report against Saudi Arabia in 2017, Human Rights Watch slammed Riyadh for its systematic denigration of Shi’a Muslims by its clergy and the ruling Wahhabi minority, stressing that such actions were not only discriminatory but hateful. It noted: “Government religious clerics often refer to Shi’a Muslims using derogatory terms such as rafedha or rawafedh, meaning “rejectionists,” and stigmatize their Islamic beliefs and practices.
In view of these facts, how much more are the Americans willing to tolerate from their so-called strategic ally?
An innocent child lies dead, for the simple reason that his mother recited the salawaat or standard form of salutation for the Prophet of Islam and his blessed progeny!
For him there will be no widespread outrage and no words of comfort will be offered to his grieving family for in Saudi Arabia to hail of another faith is to forfeit one’s right to breathe freely. On those truths American officials have seldom commented. And indeed, how does one justify the brutal murder of the innocent, or is it what we call strategic thinking these days?
A 7-year old Shi’a Muslim boy was brutally slaughtered in-front of his mother in the holy city of Medina in the shadows of the sacred shrine of Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny).
Where is the media outcry? Why was he killed? The authorities must answer and investigate
The gruesome video scene resembles murder in Karbala of the 6-month infant Ali Asghar while in the arms of his father Imam Hussain (AS) by the heartless infidel Hormala ibn Kahel. Abdullah.
My guess is that the murderer will get away with his crime as I guess is the case with the other crimes committed in Saudi Arabia against Muslims, especially the Shi’a. Until when is Washington prepared to witness such crimes and continuously trades with this brutal regime?

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