Monday, February 18, 2019

Impending Doom of the Treasonous Arab Regimes

By: Kayhan Int’l 

Terrified of their impending doom and horrified at the failure of the world’s most macabre terrorists to dent the power of the Resistance Front, leaders and senior officials of the rootless Arab regimes which do not represent the people they rule, have become open traitors to the Arab Muslim nation, by overtly dallying with ringleaders of the illegal Zionist regime in spitting venom at the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The recent meeting in Warsaw ripped off the fig leaf, making the treasonous Arab leaders stand naked in the mirror of history along with the racist child-killer Benjamin Netanyahu.
The blundering US administration of Donald Trump had arranged the two-day gathering in the Polish capital, to allow the Zionists and the Arabs to share the same podium, the same thoughts, the same fears, the same table, the same meals, the same hotel, and the same what not, so that the Palestinian cause could be openly ditched and a new front formed against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Arab public is obviously angry at the betrayal of Islam and national pride as was evident by demonstrations throughout Yemen, where people despite the Saudi-UAE war that has split the tribes and the country, unanimously denounced the conspiracy.
Khaled al-Yamani, the self-styled foreign minister of the Saudi-UAE backed fugitive Mansour Hadi, went out of his way to appease Netanyahu by giving his own microphone to the Zionist mass murderer, whose microphone apparently didn’t work.
A statement issued by the popular Ansarallah Movement in denunciation of these developments, said: "Al-Yamani’s act of sitting next to Netanyahu reflects the national treachery and moral bankruptcy of the Saudi-led regime.”
Condemnation also came from other prominent voices in the West Asia-North Africa region. Award-winning Egyptian journalist and documentary filmmaker, Assaad Taha, tweeted: "By God, these people (the Arab friends of Israel) are not from us at all.”
Thanks God, with the mask of hypocrisy removed, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and other client regimes, have already earned the hatred of the Arab-Muslim people, because of such acts of treachery. 
Netanyahu couldn’t hide his joy at ensnaring the Arab regimes in the American made trap, when he said: "It was a historic turning point. In a room of some 60 foreign ministers and representatives of dozen of governments, an Israeli prime minister and the foreign ministers of leading Arab countries stood together and spoke with unusual force, clarity and unity against the common threat of the Iran.”
Does Iran threaten the Arab people? No. 
Is Israel a friend of the Arab people? Again No.
Can the US and the Zionists join together to save the tottering rule of the British created rulers? No, yet again.
Then why are the region’s unrepresentative Arab rulers selling their souls to the Satan, when they could have saved themselves by heeding the friendly advice of Iran by avoiding mischief and allowing liberties and democratic rule to the masses they rule. 

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