Sunday, September 01, 2024

WP: Majority of Americans Are Against Defending “Israel”

By Al Ahed Staff, Agencies

WP: Majority of Americans Are Against Defending “Israel”

According to The Washington Post, a new poll has revealed that for the first time in years, a majority of Americans are against US forces defending "Israel" if it engages in a war with neighboring countries.

The Tuesday poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that 55% of Americans opposed sending troops to “defend ‘Israel’”, and only 41% supported the action.

The Washington Post indicated that Republicans were more supportive of such a move than Democrats and independents, with 55% of them saying they favored sending troops, while only 35% of Democrats and independents said the same."

According to the publication, the results indicate a "downward shift in Americans’ support for sending US troops to ‘Israel’."

According to Gallup last month, the total of US adults in support of the occupations' military campaign rose to 42%, up by 6% points since March.

The poll occurred between June 2-23, showing that 48% of US adults disapprove of “Israel’s” war on Gaza. Notably, the poll occurred amid the occupations’ invasion of the city of Rafah, and it was completed prior to an announcement claiming significant progress in a cease-fire deal.

The majority of the US adults’ approval of the occupation’s military campaign is composed of 76% of Republicans, a 12% increase since October 7, 2023. In addition, a 5% increase in the Democrats’ and independents’ support was found, showcasing 23% and 34%, respectively.

The polls also found that adults over the age of 55 [51%], and adults between the ages of 35 and 54 [43%], are more likely to approve of "Israel's" war on Gaza compared to Americans under 34 years old [27%].

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