Sunday, September 29, 2024

Timeline: Martyr N-a-s-r-a-l-l-a-h-'s immortal statements on Palestine since Op. A-l-A-q-s-a Flood

By Ivan Kesic

In another horrendous terrorist act, the Israeli regime on Friday bombed a residential area in the southern suburb of Beirut, assassinating Hezbollah leader Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah and many of his associates.

The bombing came following a series of airstrikes in southern Lebanon that displaced tens of thousands of people as well as device detonations that killed dozens and injured thousands of Lebanese nationals.

Nasrallah’s martyrdom marks the end of an era that lasted 32 years with him at the helm of the Lebanese resistance movement. His leadership was defined by many glorious triumphs against the Israeli occupation regime as well as ironclad support for the Palestinian resistance.

Hezbollah launched its pro-Gaza military operation on October 8, 2023, only a day after Hamas surprised the Tel Aviv regime and its Western backers with the unprecedented Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

Here is a timeline of his statements since the events of October 2023 that irreversibly changed the geopolitical dynamics and hastened the annihilation of the apartheid regime in Tel Aviv.

October 2, 2023:

  • Any country that moves toward normalization of its relations [with Israel] must be condemned because this step amounts to abandoning Palestine and bolstering the [Zionist] enemy, which must not be tolerated.

  • The Muslim Ummah must shoulder responsibility for what is happening to the brave people of Palestine and the al-Aqsa Mosque, and Zionists must hear the voice of the Muslim world concerning the first qibla of Muslims.

  • Enemies use the media war, which is also known as the soft war, to weaken nations and … achieve those goals, which they have failed to realize through military wars.

  • Following the implementation of the Caesar Act, the United States is also responsible for the economic crisis in Syria. Those who believe that Syrian refugees are a threat to Lebanon must tell Washington that Lebanon would be saved through the abrogation of the Caesar Act.

October 13, 2023:

  • Today, the state of the Axis of Resistance is strong, and all scenarios are fully prepared to confront the Israeli occupation.

November 3, 2023:

  • For nearly two decades, over two million people in Gaza have endured challenging living conditions, with little relief from the international community. Israeli regime’s policies have only compounded the suffering, particularly for prisoners, resulting in a severe humanitarian crisis.

  • The consequences [of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza] have far-reaching implications for the region, marking the onset of a new historical phase.

  • The remarkable and auspicious Operation al-Aqsa Flood Operation was entirely a product of Palestinian determination and execution, meticulously concealed from all, including the Gaza-based resistance factions. The operation’s unprecedented success was secured by the absolute secrecy surrounding it, which effectively leveraged the element of surprise.

  •  The events of the al-Aqsa Flood Operation unequivocally demonstrate that Iran exerts no control over the resistance factions, with the true decision-makers being the leaders of the resistance and their dedicated fighters.

  • Regardless of the actions taken by the Israeli regime in the past month and the weeks to come, it remains incapable of altering the enduring strategic consequences of the ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ on their entity.

  •  It’s imperative that we all strive to stop the (Israeli-American) aggression against Gaza, ensuring the triumph of the resistance.

  • Based on my personal experience and interactions with Imam [Seyyed Ali] Khamenei, I can attest to his unwavering conviction and belief that Gaza will ultimately emerge victorious and that Palestine will achieve triumph. He conveyed this to us during the initial days of the July war.

November 11, 2023:

  • Time is not in favor of the [Israeli] enemy and all factors, including the captives file, will build up pressure on it. We must continue the pressure, and those placing the main burden are the people of Gaza.

  • The enemy is confused and this is reflected in the contradictory statements being made by [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu.

  • We have used attack drones for the first time in Lebanon's history as well as the heavy-caliber Burkan (Volcano) missiles, which can carry a warhead weighing up to 500 kilograms.

  • Israelis are doing their utmost to conceal their losses. We are sending reconnaissance drones into the northern sector of the occupied territories daily, and some of them are reaching Haifa and beyond.

  • Pressure will continue from Lebanon's front and I salute heroic resistance fighters for this. The talk of the town here in Lebanon remains to be about developments on the battlefield. Eyes must remain fixed on the matter, as this battle is not akin to the previous ones.

  • Several Zionist officials have said that all this carnage, acts of terror and barbaric actions have one main objective, which is subjugation. They are trying to say that the cost of demanding one's right is very high.

  • Through their crimes in Gaza, Israelis want the Palestinians to forget all about their land. Israel wants Lebanon to stand idly by and observe wholesale destruction in Gaza.

  •  Since 1948, Israeli massacres have not deterred Palestinians from pursuing their rights. Did Israel manage to force the Lebanese nation to give up resistance in 1982 despite the destruction of thousands of homes and the killing of thousands of people? Israel killed thousands in the 2006 war in Lebanon, but the Lebanese people did not abandon the resistance.

  •  The world opinion has changed, and Israel's lies have been exposed. This is in favor of the resistance front and the people of Gaza. Time is running out for the enemy and the parties that are advocating it. All world leaders are calling for a ceasefire, except for the US administration and the British government.

  • Palestinians are not calling on participants in the extraordinary joint Arab-Islamic summit [in the Saudi capital city of Riyadh] to dispatch armies. They only want Arab and Muslim nations to stand united, shout in the face of Americans and demand an end to this aggression.

  • Americans have threatened us through several channels. If you [Americans] want the other fronts to calm down, you have to stop the war on Gaza.

  • Iran does not direct the resistance movements but rather protects and supports them.

November 23, 2023:

  • I'm confident that the resistance will emerge victorious in the Gaza war against Israel.

January 5, 2024:

  • The killing of Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri will undoubtedly not go unanswered or unpunished, the decision lies in the hands of the field and it will undoubtedly be implemented.

  • Since October 8, we have entered the battle against the Israeli enemy along more than 100 km on the southern front. The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon carried out more than 670 operations within three months, and 48 border sites were targeted more than once.

  • What is happening at the southern border was described by one of Israel’s former war ministers as a humiliation. Severely affected by its heavy losses, the enemy does differentiate between the dead and the wounded, and this is part of its policy of general secrecy about its losses. The operations were very exhausting for the enemy, who exercised secrecy over its great losses.

  • This displacement [of Israeli settlers from northern settlements] is expected to exert psychological, political, and security pressure on the enemy’s cabinet, along with increasing anxiety on the northern front.

  • We find ourselves at a historic juncture presenting a unique opportunity to fully liberate every inch of our land and establish an equation that safeguards our country’s sovereignty, an opportunity initiated by the blessings of the Lebanese front.

  • The resistance’s operations along the southern border confirm deterrence equations with the Zionist enemy, and the chance to establish an equation preventing any encroachment on Lebanon’s sovereignty.

  • The underlying motive [of US attacks on the Iraqi resistance groups] is the support for Gaza, and the US administration is apprehensive about it, grappling with a predicament in Ukraine.

  • An advantageous outcome of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq opening a front in support of Gaza is the genuine prospect for Iraq to liberate itself from the American occupation.

  •  A significant national achievement is that the Sana’a government has evolved from being an internal faction to becoming a pivotal component of the international equation, compelling the world to reckon with it despite attempts to marginalize it.

  • Yemen’s message today is a message to the United States, stating that it is not facing the Ansarullah movement, but rather tens of millions of Yemeni people whose entire history is inflicting defeats on aggressors.

  • Yemen is becoming more prominent in the Arab and Islamic world, and in the eyes of its friends and enemies, by taking its position on the Gaza genocide.

  •  Those who underestimate the actions of the Axis of Resistance today are those who have not provided anything since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza to cover up their failure.

January 14, 2024:

  • One hundred days have passed and Gaza and its people remain steadfast in a legendary manner that history has never witnessed.

  • The implicit goals of the Israeli war are to occupy Gaza, displace the Gazans, and turn the territory into a beach for the Israeli settlers. The Israeli enemy was neither able to eliminate the resistance in Gaza nor able to eliminate Hamas.

  • Those who should fear the war and be scared of it are the Israeli regime and settlers.

  • We have been ready for war for the past 99 days and we do not fear it. We will fight with no restrictions.

  • Our stance is that the Lebanese front has been supporting and assisting Gaza and its objective is halting the aggression against Gaza. Let the aggression against Gaza stop and then talks related to Lebanon will be possible.

  • The greatest catastrophe will be when the war ends and the extent of the catastrophe that befell the entity, which the resistance in Gaza inflicted on it in the first place, is revealed.

  • The continuation of resistance in Gaza, occupied West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq will push the Israeli regime to accept the conditions of resistance, and this will mean the promised victory.

  • Biden will quickly discover the extent of the foolishness he committed through his aggression against Yemen, and today more than ever before, it is the responsibility of every Arab, Muslim and free person to declare support for the Yemeni people, leadership, supporters and resistance, and this is the decisive factor between the fronts of truth and falsehood.

  • If Biden and those with him think Yemen will stop supporting Gaza, then they are ignorant and know nothing.

  • What Americans did in the Red Sea will harm all shipping traffic, and they did all of this in order to protect the Israeli regime. What is happening in the Red Sea has dealt a major blow to the enemy’s economy.

  • Israel’s image has been exposed in the world, and this is what was revealed in the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Independent of the outcome of the trial, the spectacle of the occupying entity being accused, before the eyes of the world and based on irrefutable evidence, is unprecedented and has confounded the occupying entity, which relies on moral hypocrisy before the world, by denying that it is waging a genocidal war in Gaza.

February 10, 2024:

  • The victory of the Palestinian nation and the resistance front is certain and definite.

February 13, 2024:

  • The wounds and blood [of resistance fighters] have generated real achievements for our people and our country. Our responsibility is to preserve these achievements.

  • The existence of Israel is a disaster for the entire region and a fearful and deterred Israel represents a less dangerous and harmful situation for the people of the region.

  • In light of what is happening in Gaza, the Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, and Egyptian national interests require that Israel emerge from this battle defeated and broken.

  • The resistance’s job is to deter the enemy, and our responses will be proportionate. Whoever threatens us with the expansion of the war, we threaten them similarly.

  • Whoever thinks Lebanon’s resistance is – even for a single moment – in fear or confusion is completely mistaken. The resistance today is stronger in its determination to confront the enemy.

  • What we see today is primarily a sincere response on moral and religious grounds. What we are doing on the Lebanese front is primarily a national responsibility to defeat Israel.

  • What is happening in Gaza must shake the conscience of all people in the world, and they must feel responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe.

February 16, 2024:

  • The enemy will pay the price for the killing of our women and children with blood. The price of this blood will be blood, not sites, spy devices, and vehicles, and I will leave the matter to the battlefield.

  • The enemy is killing our leaders, fighters and families and it is destroying our homes, but this will not push us to retreat or give up on our responsibilities.

  • We are in the heart of a real battle on a front that extends more than 100 kilometers, and the martyrdom of our fighters is part of the battle.

  • Some are talking about the cost of resistance and its consequences in Lebanon, and these people are calling on us to surrender.

  • The truth is that we are before two choices — resistance or surrender — and the price of surrender is hefty, dangerous and very critical. Surrendering means submission, humiliation, slavery, and disdain for our elders, our children, our honor, and our wealth. The price of surrender in Lebanon meant Israel’s political and economic hegemony over our country.

  • Despite everything the Zionists are committing in the West Bank and Gaza, the Americans and Israelis must understand that in Palestine they are facing people who will not back down.

  • The US officials are primarily responsible for every drop of blood spilled in the region. Without American military support, the Israeli war on Gaza could have immediately stopped.

  • Despite taking in every dollar of Western aid, Israel has failed to achieve its stated goals in the Gaza war and will continue to do so.

  • The Israeli regime was working to displace the Palestinians and establish a purely Jewish state, and the goal of the siege of the Gaza Strip was to bring it to death in silence and without shaking the world. The resistance in Lebanon and Palestine broke the balance of Israeli deterrence, shattered its image, and created a balance of deterrence and protection.

  • No matter what we say and explain, our words will be incapable of describing the legendary resistance in Gaza and the legendary steadfastness of the people of Gaza.

  • The Israelis and the Americans did not expect that the resistance in Lebanon would have the will and courage to open the front to support Gaza.

March 13, 2024:

  • The Israeli army today is tired and exhausted on all fronts. The enemy's senior experts acknowledge the strategic losses.

  • Gaza, which resists, fights, and endures in a scene close to a miracle and astonishing the world, is the culture of the Qur'an and it is a divine proof for the whole world.

  • The number of its dead is very large and much greater than [what has been] announced. We announce our martyrs on live broadcasts, but the enemy hides its dead, and this has an impact on the Israeli army. On the northern front, there is extreme secrecy about the losses in terms of [Israeli] soldiers, military vehicles, and others.

  • After five months, the Israeli army has a shortage of personnel and wants to recruit 14,500 officers and soldiers and even wants to recruit the Haredim [ultra-Orthodox Israelis].

  • Today, in the sixth month [of the war], Netanyahu stands up to say that if we do not go to Rafah, we will lose the war. We say to Netanyahu that even if you go to Rafah, you have lost the war and you cannot eliminate Hamas or the resistance, despite all the massacres.

  • One of the signs of defeat for the enemy is that the occupation is negotiating with Hamas in the sixth month of the war. Hamas is negotiating today on behalf of the resistance and not from a position of weakness, and it sets the conditions.

  • We affirm our stand with the Palestinian resistance factions, especially with the leadership of Hamas... and we continue on the support fronts.

  • The Islamic resistance in Iraq and its sending of marches and missiles to the entity is ongoing and ongoing. The support fronts are completing their work and we praise the Yemen front and its effects and blessings are very great, especially on the enemy’s economy.

  • Neither the Americans nor the British or the Europeans who followed them were able to prevent the Yemeni brothers from striking ships heading to occupied Palestine.

  • With the stroke of a pen, US President Joe Biden can stop the aggression in Gaza and Lebanon.

April 5, 2024:

  • We will continue the battle until the resistance and Gaza are victorious. We are facing an event that has put the survival of Israel in danger and revealed its fragility.

  • The important thing is that we stand firm and be steadfast in Gaza, the [occupied] West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, and this is a battle in which we are heading towards victory.

  • There is no doubt that the al-Aqsa Flood Operation is a historical turning point in our region, and what comes after it is not the same as before for the enemy.

  • The massacres and starvation that the enemy is waging in Gaza is aimed at increasing pressure and intimidation, since the enemy has no horizon before it, neither in the field, nor in negotiations.

  • Netanyahu and his coalition have no choice but to stop the war (on Gaza), and this in itself is a loss for them.

  • Be certain that the Iranian response regarding the issue of the [terrorist attack by the Israeli regime against] Iranian consulate [in the Syrian capital Damascus] will inevitably come. The foolishness that was committed by Netanyahu concerning the attack on the Iranian consulate will open the door to the resolution of this battle.

  • Imam Khomeini decisively stood by the Palestinian cause. Iran, in its position, has been a [source of] support since 1979 for everyone who resists this [occupying] entity, and with its support, it has changed many equations. Iran does not abandon the oppressed and its friends.

  • On the other hand, countries had to be ashamed of their friendship with the United States, which was responsible for crimes and wars in the region.

May 24, 2024:

  • Iran’s late President Ebrahim Raeisi was a political figure with great faith in the Palestinian cause and the region’s resistance front. The funeral processions [for him] were the third largest in the history of mankind after Imam Khomeini and Martyr Qassem Soleimani.

  • The enemy acknowledges the severe suffering it faces and acknowledges its impotence and failure.

  • Today, as we are in the eighth month of the war on Gaza, the Israelis themselves, in power and the opposition, all agree that what the entity has experienced this year is unprecedented.

  • Who would have believed that the time would come when the International Criminal Court would request the issuance of arrest warrants against Zionist officials [Netanyahu], and this is one of the results of the Al-Aqsa Flood.

  • If the Israeli regime keeps up the war, it will go to the abyss, and the regional resistance groups have surprises in store for the regime. You [Netanyahu] must expect surprises from our resistance.

  • The recognition of the Palestinian state by a number of European countries [Spain, Ireland, and Norway] represents a great loss for the occupation.

June 19, 2024:

  • One of the strongest indications of the effectiveness of the Lebanese front is the outcry, threats and intimidation we hear from Israeli authorities as well as illegal settlers. If this front were not effective, why are certain international parties seeking to detach it from the Gaza war.

  • We have long hours of footage [gathered from its surveillance drone] of Haifa, what's around it, what's before it, what's beyond it and what's even further.

  •  The United States and Britain have failed to stop Yemeni attacks. The Zionist enemy, unable to engage in other fronts, relies on US and UK support to confront Yemeni forces.

  • Israeli officials are trying to paint a distorted picture of unfolding developments in Gaza in order to mislead public opinion and falsely claim to have made achievements.

  • Hezbollah has a large cache of advanced weapons, and the resistance movement is manufacturing its own combat drones as well as some types of rockets. The resistance's manpower is unprecedented. We have recruited over 100,000 fighters.

  • The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst... and that no place [in the Israeli-occupied territories] will be spared our rockets. Israel must wait for us on land, by sea and by air, and Hezbollah will fight without restrictions.

  • The enemy knows that what also awaits it in the Mediterranean Sea is very huge, seeing as all its coasts and ships will be targeted. Threatening us with war on Lebanon does not scare us, we have prepared ourselves for the most difficult of days and the enemy knows well what awaits it.

  • Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war.

June 27, 2024:

  • The Islamic Republic of Iran emerged proudly and admirably from this tragic incident [the passing of President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash] and presented an advanced and lofty model that is strong in facing all challenges. However, the rule is that we must turn threats into opportunities, as always emphasized by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

  • We have faced similar big and dangerous incidents in recent years. As an example, we can point to the assassination of two dear commanders, Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Hajj Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, which was a huge damage and at the same time a threat. But this threat turned into an opportunity. These bloodsheds marked the breakout of the uprising and a new life for the resistance and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all the resistance movements in the region. All this was thanks to wise leadership [of Ayatollah Khamenei] and management and responsibility [of Iranian officials] in Iran and the region.

  • Thank God, the people of Iran became a model for the whole world through their direct presence and the way they dealt with the incident with general peace and stability. Enemies who were lying in wait and talking about riots happening here and there saw with their own eyes that despite all the difficult conditions it faced due to this incident, Iran was calm, stable, unified and united.

  • The friends who were worried when they saw the presence of millions gained confidence and trust, and the enemies who were happy realized that they were facing a nation that was aware and present, that had great insight and loyalty. The funeral was an expression of this great and enormous loyalty.

  • Thank God, with the blessing of the Leadership and officials and the people of Iran, the Islamic Republic came out of this trepidation proud and honorable. Today, the Islamic Republic and its holy system not only determine the path of the Iranian nation, but they also decide the destiny of nations and governments and the future of the developments and other events with all honesty, openness and transparency.

  • The system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not only the path and future of the Iranian nation; it is also the future and path of all the nations of the region and a strong fortress against the oppressors, robbers, colonialists and domination seekers who have filled our land and region with cruelty, oppression and corruption.

  • After God, we have great hope in this blessed Islamic country, its leadership, nation, authorities, religious sources to follow, scientists and seminaries, and we ask God Almighty to protect them.

July 7, 2024:

  • The appalling and unprecedented crimes being perpetrated by Israel in Gaza have awakened human conscience in the West. Those who close their eyes to the unfolding crimes in Gaza have a stern and cruel nature.

  • We hear from anyone allied to us that we are standing on the right side of history [in supporting Palestinians in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and the Palestinian cause].

July 9, 2024:

  • Hezbollah will press ahead with the operations it has been conducting [against Israeli positions] since October 8 until the desirable goals on all supporting fronts are achieved.

  • Is it reasonable for this situation to persist? Every Muslim needs to be questioned about their support for Gaza. Is it acceptable that Arab and Muslim nations are falling short of [committing to] Gaza support?

  • Where are the funds of Muslims being spent while two million Muslims in Gaza are dying of hunger? For whom are battle tanks, warplanes, and other military gear being amassed?

July 11, 2024:

  • The concepts of struggle, perseverance and martyrdom are integral to our cherished culture of life, as they enable us to safeguard our nations and protect our natural wealth against occupation and plunder.

  • The Vietnamese could reclaim their territory through resilience, patience, and solidarity [against US aggressors]. Had the Chinese nation capitulated, they would have had to endure occupation. They would have most likely become a country much worse than many third-world nations. However, they emerged as a global powerhouse.

  • Martyrdom is tantamount to the creation of a decent and good life; otherwise, occupiers could easily seize nations’ lands and loot their wealth.

  • Our fallen resistance fighters create life and victory in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere in the region. The parties that promote destruction and bereavement are the US and its ally, Israel. They have acknowledged that resistance groups’ actions have deterred them.

  • Following the remarkable achievements of resistance groups in Lebanon and elsewhere in the [West Asia] region, attempts were made to distort the concepts of resilience, salvation and struggle in order to alienate nations from them. Such moves resulted in the emergence of Takfiri terrorist groups created by US and British intelligence services.

July 17, 2024:

  • If your tanks come to Lebanon and south Lebanon, you will not have a shortage of tanks, as you will no longer have any tanks left.

  •  The [Israeli] toll [exacted by Hezbollah’s operations] includes 9,254 individuals, among them army officers and soldiers, with 3,000 amputees, 650 paralyzed, 185 completely blind, and several thousands suffering severe psychological trauma.

  • Our front in Lebanon will remain active as long as the aggression against Gaza, its people, and its resistance continues in all its forms.

  •  Yemen has successfully imposed a blockade on the port of Eilat [in the southern part of the occupied territories], leading to its declaration of bankruptcy and causing shipping prices to soar highly. This has had serious repercussions for the entity.

  • For the first time…, the Israeli entity is experiencing its worst days. For the first time, Israel appears unable to achieve its goals and is attempting to cover up its failures by committing massacres and killing civilians.

  • The regime was suffering across multiple fronts: its army, security service... political parties, immigration, self-confidence, the people’s confidence in staying, and the world’s view of it. This is the result of relentless fighting and steadfastness.

August 1, 2024:

  • Israel has crossed red lines in the assassinations and it must expect rage and revenge on all the fronts supporting Gaza.

  • There is no discussion on this point [retaliation for Israel’s assassination of its top military commander Fuad Shukr and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh]. The only things lying between us and you are the days, the nights and the battlefield. I’m not saying we reserve the right to respond at the appropriate time and place. Absolutely not. We will respond. That’s final.

  • The motive behind the Majdal al-Shams rocket strike [in the Golan Heights in which 12 children were killed] was to pit the Druze community in the occupied Golan Heights against local Shia Muslims. Hezbollah would have acknowledged responsibility had it committed a mistake that led to the death of civilians.

  • We have a great deal of evidence that shows missiles launched by Israeli systems have frequently hit the city of Acre and other areas in the occupied territories.

  • The assassination of Shukr in Dahiye was an act of aggression and not simply an assassination. Shukr’s assassination will increase the resolve, determination and willpower of Hezbollah.

  • Hezbollah is paying the price for its support for Gaza and the Palestinian people but the movement is now beyond the support phase, declaring an open battle on all fronts.

  • We are paying the price of our support for Gaza and the Palestinian cause. This is not something new and we accept such a cost. The only way to end the war on the Lebanese front is for Israel to stop its aggression in Gaza.

  • Shukr's assassination will not affect the group. When one of our commanders becomes a martyr, he is swiftly replaced. We have an excellent new generation of commanders.

  • Our response will certainly come. We are looking for a real and very calculated response. The Axis of Resistance will fight on wisely and courageously.

  •  Iran considers that its sovereignty, image and honor have been encroached on because Haniyeh was its guest. I tell the Israelis that they can laugh a little now because they will cry a lot later. Do they imagine that they can kill Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and still expect Iran to stand idly by?

August 6, 2024:

  • Yavaash, Yavaash [slowly, slowly]. Israel’s week-long wait is part of the punishment and retaliation. The state of waiting is part of the battle and leaves a great shadow on the occupation.

  • We acknowledge the extent of our loss, and our loss of Sayyed Mohsen [Fuad Shukr] is very great, but this does not shake us at all. The proof is the continuation of resistance operations.

  • The enemy does not dare to tell the truth about what happened in Majdal Shams. [The attack in the occupied Golan Heights that resulted in the killing of 12 children, after which the Israeli regime falsely accused Hezbollah, without providing any evidence].

  • We have sons and grandsons from the first generation of leaders present on the resistance fronts, fighting and advancing to the battlefield.

  • It is clear that Netanyahu does not want to end the war and seeks a Western and American commitment in the next phase, as he has a project in Gaza [to uproot Palestinians and expel them to Egypt or Jordan].

  •  Americans are deceiving the world by saying they are not satisfied with Netanyahu’s conduct during the war and are working to pressure him [to end it]. This is all a lie because they continue to supply him with tons of weapons.

  •  Amid the talk of response from Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, the United States, its Department of Defense, and its fleets are advancing to defend Israel in a public message.

  • Israel is no longer as strong as it was, and its prestige and defense capabilities are not what they used to be. Israel is seeking help from the Americans, Westerners, Europeans, and Arab regimes, which is evidence of its diminished prestige.

  •  Israeli radars and American satellites are on high alert out of fear of retaliation, and today our drones have reached the east of Acre.

  • The assassination of Haniyeh and Shukr is an Israeli achievement, but it changes nothing in the course of the battle. Israel is in a difficult position, and the resistance has escalated its operations.

  •  Iran is obligated to respond after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Hezbollah is also obligated to respond after the assassination of Fuad Shukr.

  • The Israeli wait for the response of Iran and the resistance front is part of the response and punishment because the battle is psychological, moral and military.

  • Every honorable person must confront, and the goal of this battle is to prevent ‘Israel’ from winning and to eliminate the Palestinian cause. This confrontation has a significant historic prospect for victory.

September 19, 2024:

  • The enemy has crossed all red lines and all laws in this [pager and walkie-talkie] attack. This is a massive terrorist attack, genocide, and massacre. The Tuesday and Wednesday massacres are a war crime, a declaration of war... you can call it anything.

  • Israel will face tough retribution and just punishment, where it expects it and where it does not. When the enemy planned this attack, they assumed there were at least 4,000 pagers spread out across Lebanon. This means that the enemy had the intention of murdering 4,000 people in a single minute. The same was repeated on the second day with the aim being to kill thousands of people carrying radio devices.

  • Some of the attacks took place in hospitals, pharmacies, marketplaces, commercial shops and even residential homes, private vehicles and public roads where thousands of civilians, including women and children, are present.

  • I can tell you with utmost certainty that this attack did not break us and will not break us. On the contrary, it will only increase our resolve and determination to continue in this battle.

  • Why did the enemy do this? When the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood began, the southern Lebanese support front was opened. This front has inflicted huge losses upon the enemy since October 8, as they have repeatedly admitted themselves.

  • The southern Lebanese front has been a very effective front alongside the other support fronts. The enemy has repeatedly sent us messages to close this front. They resorted to threats of war and attempted to differentiate between Lebanon and Gaza.

  • After the first attack on Tuesday afternoon, the enemy sent us a message through official and unofficial channels, threatening that if we do not close our front, they have more in store for us and so the attack on Wednesday came.

  • In the name of the martyrs, the wounded, the ones who lost their eyes and palms, and in the name of every person who has taken on the responsibility of supporting Gaza, we tell [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and [minister of military affairs Yoav] Gallant: the Lebanese front will not stop until the war on Gaza ends.

  • Through the attack the enemy wanted the Lebanese people to turn against the resistance. This goal failed on Tuesday and Wednesday when we all saw the stances of the people and the wounded who hope to recover to return to the battlefield. One of the silver linings of the crisis of the past few days is the solidarity and unity experienced across the country. 

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