Thursday, August 01, 2024

Shameful session where Netanyahu was applauded in spite of his lies

  • by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol on July 24, 2024 [Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]
The invitation of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, to deliver a speech before the US Congress, is one of the failures that have become common considering the Zionist lobby’s control over the American elites in decision-making centres, which was manifested in a complete American partnership with Israel in its brutal war on the Gaza Strip. The speech, which lasted almost an entire hour, addressed  the members and was broadcast live on television to the whole world, amidst a warm welcome and applause. However, the speech did not carry a single word of truth regarding the ongoing war of extermination in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, as well as regarding the history of the Palestinian cause recorded by the UN in resolutions and statements that cannot be deleted or amended.

It seems that the US legislative house, with both its chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives, have transformed into a Zionist organisation that belongs to the beginning of the last century, and is active in raising funds and rallying politicians in order to begin the displacement of Jews from everywhere in the world to the land of Palestine to occupy it. Here the myth appears in an embrace with the lie, in a strong intertwining with the biblical text that Netanyahu used several times, repeating that Israel is a Jewish state, while groups of representatives applauded his every word, every stance and every gesture. The real paradox lay outside the building, with religious Jews organising protests and chanting slogans rejecting the existence of the colonial Jewish entity built on usurped land, as well as humanitarian and political slogans calling for freeing Palestine from the sea to the river.

In his speech before Congress, Netanyahu repeated allegations that have repeatedly been proven to be false, reminiscent of the propaganda during the era of the Nazi leader and chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, and the one who promoted it, the German Minister of Propaganda, Paul Joseph Goebbels, who established a model for propaganda based on insisting on lying to mislead awareness. “Lie, then lie, then lie until people believe you” was Goebbels’ propaganda approach, and this is what Netanyahu relied on in his brazen speech, in which he told lies, fabrications and deceptions before Congress, claiming that the war he is waging on the Strip is a conflict between civilisation, i.e., his racist entity, and barbarism and savagery, i.e., the Palestinians.

Blood dripped from every letter in Netanyahu’s speech before Congress while he was talking about humanity and civilisation, while barbarism was evident in the building’s corners and words, while he was talking about Israeli and American democracy, although everything inside the hall was copied in its entirety from the experiences of backward totalitarian states governed by tyranny, oppression and ignorance.  The loud applause and standing ovations were an exact copy of what happens in the parliaments of banana republics, when a doctor speaks in it, holding in one fist the political and military authority and, in the other, the religious priesthood.

Netanyahu invoked the texts of the Old Testament in the context of his speech to the audience about the war on the Palestinian people being Israel’s and America’s war, that the enemies of Israel are the enemies of America, and that he is fighting in defence of the Americans and the Zionists, both in a way that made him seem like the leader of the extreme right-wing Zionist wing in the Republican Party, wrapping his political speech in a cover of religious hatred and shameless racism. The murderer, Netanyahu, used this to justify his crimes of genocide against the Palestinian people which has, so far, claimed the lives of more than 40,000 martyrs and wounded and injured hundreds of thousands, claiming it is necessary and legal in order to promote the values ​​of American Zionist civilisation!

US officials give Israeli PM Netanyahu standing ovation as he vows to continue bombing Gaza – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]

Netanyahu shamelessly tries to market the genocidal war he is committing against the Palestinians as a battle between right and wrong and brazenly states that his war is only one of self-defence, while he realises that he has been the aggressor for 76 years, and members of Congress, like the whole world, are aware of this. In short, he seeks to promote himself as a man of peace, despite his assertion that there is no room for a Palestinian State and that the Palestinian people must co-exist with the status quo and teach the new generations this. He realises that the world has begun to understand the aspects and repercussions of the crisis and that the demonstrators are merely an expression of a new state of awareness, but he brazenly accuses the demonstrators of being supported by Iran and others!

Netanyahu imagines that he can cancel history and geography to create a new geography on the remains of the indigenous people, based on a falsified history to establish an empire including those he describes as his Arab partners in the war on the axis of evil, driven by the complex that he is an intruder on geography as well as history.

In any case, it became clear that the state of lies, slander and deception is the actual ruler of today’s world, whether in capitals, parliaments or even in international forums, which confirms that national liberation movements throughout history were and still are the only credible path as, through them, all countries that were groaning under the burden of colonialism and injustice obtained liberation and independence.

No matter how warmly Congress welcomes Netanyahu and despite the US administration’s support for the Zionist entity, its Zionist leaders must realise that the Palestinian people are not like and will not be like the Native Americans. They are a people rooted in history, resistant and do not accept immorality. It is not in their dictionary to surrender to the fate desired by the Occupation. Instead, they will write the end of this vanishing Zionist entity, no matter how long it takes.

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