Monday, June 24, 2024

Presidential frontrunner blasts Zarif for blaming JCPOA’s failure on parliament

 By Mona Hojat Ansari

TEHRAN – The leading candidate in Iran's upcoming presidential elections has vehemently denounced former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's claim that the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal has been hindered by a bill passed by Iran's parliament 18 months after the United States withdrew from the agreement.

“Some say that the strategic act adopted by parliament prevented the revival of the JCPOA. Do these people have no shame? Right after the U.S. left the pact, they [Zarif and other Rouhani officials] held a press conference saying they would soon take action. Several months passed and they did nothing,” Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said during a gathering with his supporters in the city of Qom on Sunday.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a deal on Iran’s nuclear program signed by Iran, the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China. It limited the West Asian country’s nuclear activities in exchange for the termination of sanctions.

Following Washington's announcement of its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the subsequent re-imposition of sanctions in 2018, the agreement collapsed. In an attempt to mitigate the impact of U.S. sanctions, European signatories to the deal pledged to establish INSTEX, a financial mechanism aimed at facilitating trade with Iran by bypassing the embargoes. However, after failing to facilitate any transactions, INSTEX was dissolved by Europe in 2022.

In December of 2020, the Iranian parliament adopted the Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions law, ordering the government to gradually scale back on its JCPOA commitments in the face of Western noncompliance with the pact.  

Zarif, whom analysts believe compromised on Iran’s nuclear program without receiving any reliable guarantees from the West, has blamed the failure of the JCPOA on multiple forces in the past years including parliament, Russia, and Iran’s military officials. He repeated his accusations against lawmakers during a TV appearance last week, where he had shown up as an advisor to reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian. “Unfortunately, Parliament’s strategic law prevented a return to the JCPOA,” he said.  

“They used to warn that scrapping the Additional Protocol would bring us into war. Yet, when we canceled it and even enriched uranium to 20% and 60%, no war ensued. Rather, these bold actions compelled the West to acknowledge and engage in dialogue with us,” Qalibaf added while talking to his supporters. 

Iran voluntarily implemented the Additional Protocol as part of its commitments under the JCPOA which granted the IAEA expanded access to information and locations within the country. It gradually ceased implementing some aspects of the Additional Protocol after Washington’s exit from the pact. 

Pezeshkian seems to draw on politicization despite Leader’s warning

In his own gathering with voters, Pezeshkian said there are people within the country’s political circles who wish to see sanctions remain in place. “Those making money off of sanctions want us to remain under pressure so that they can continue stealing. We have to dismantle this [system],” he said without pointing to a specific group or individuals. 

Pezeshkian’s remarks came a day after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warned presidential hopefuls to refrain from making “enemy-pleasing” comments.  

“The assumption is that all candidates love Iran and the Islamic Republic, that’s because they aspire to become president within this system and in order to serve the people,” he noted on Saturday. 

Expanding on the meaning behind the Leader's reference to "enemy-pleasing" comments, an official from Ayatollah Khamenei's office explained that one instance of candidates appeasing the enemy is by deliberately fostering division on a particular issue to gain an advantage over their competitors. Specifically, the official cited the issue of sanctions termination, emphasizing that although all Iranian officials desire the removal of sanctions, a candidate could falsely accuse their rivals of supporting these embargoes while positioning themselves as the sole advocate dedicated to ending them. “This is a sort of politicization that will be detrimental to the country as a whole,” the official added. 

Pourmohammadi talks to reporters at Tasnim

Sunday seemed to be a bad day for Pezeshkian and his entourage, as the only candidate holding views similar to him said the reformist would not be “suitable” to serve as the next president. 

“I would consider utilizing [medical] experts like Mr. Pezeshkian in my government, but I do not believe he is the best fit for the presidency,” said Mostafa Pourmohammadi who is believed to belong to the moderate camp. He made similar assessments about Zarif. “While Mr. Zarif has proven himself to be a skilled diplomat, I do not believe he has the necessary qualifications to develop a comprehensive foreign policy strategy. He is better suited for a role as a negotiator or diplomat.”

During a press conference held in Tasnim news agency’s building, Pourmohammadi said he would continue the path of late President Ebrahim Raisi. “Every government has its own stance and policies. While I express my own viewpoints, I also acknowledge and respect the positions of Martyr Raeisi. He had a commendable approach to engaging with the people, and I intend to continue this approach.”

“Homemaking should be recognized as a job”

Conservative candidate Amir-Hossein Qazizadeh Hashemi used his Sunday appearance on TV to outline his economic and social plans in more detail. 

His comments on the recognition of homemaking as an official occupation received huge appreciation. “Iranian women saw an exponential growth in education and employment after the Islamic Revolution. While this is admirable, one thing we have not paid enough attention to is the situation of the women who live as homemakers. We need to recognize homemaking as an official job because it has nothing short of other occupations,” he said. 

Qazizadeh Hashemi did not explain how such ambitious plans would be made possible.  

Hezbollah fully exposes Israel’s vulnerability

 By Wesam Bahrani

“Only decision-makers” in Tel Aviv understand the magnitude of the situation as new drone footage is published

TEHRAN - The military media of Hezbollah has published a new video showing vital Israeli targets “known only to the Israeli security system”.

This was released as Israeli officials are making threats to launch a full-fledged war on Lebanon although military experts say the Israeli occupation regime does not have the capability or manpower of doing so against a formidable Lebanese force. 

The new video included a segment from a speech by Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday in which he warned the occupation regime that the Lebanese resistance would fight “without constraints, rules, or limits” if war were imposed on Lebanon. 

He emphasized that those contemplating war against Lebanon would regret it. 

Nasrallah’s words in the new clip were accompanied by translations into English and Hebrew, while the video displayed coordinates, both longitude and latitude for the targets presented without naming them. 

Before the video was aired Hezbollah’s military media published a statement saying: “Stay tuned… for those concerned.”

According to reliable sources cited by regional media, the video was intentionally vague, with no specific targets identified. The sources explained that it was a message understood only by decision-makers and relevant circles in Israel. 

Israeli media covered the new revelation with deep interest, underlining that it “included an official threat to the headquarters of the Ministry of Security in Tel Aviv”. 

Israeli media reported that the “HaKirya compound” appears in the video, housing the headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Security, the General Staff of the Army, and several high-ranking military leaders. 

Additionally, the video showed a military satellite base and military bases, as well as others in the Negev and Galilee regions. It also included Ashdod Port, Ben Gurion Airport, oil refineries in Haifa, and Haifa port, according to Israeli media.

Other reports also cited sources as saying the new video shows vital targets in Haifa, Ashdod port, the Hadera power station, Ramat David Military Airport in Afula, Ben Gurion Airport, Nevatim Airbase, the Negev desert, oil refineries on the coast, satellite area in Yehuda and the research center at the Dimona Nuclear Reactor. 

As Israeli officials are threatening full-scale war on Lebanon the Israeli minister for war, Yoav Gallant, traveled to Washington on Sunday to increase the rhetoric.
The ground commander of the Iranian army warned about the possibility of a regional war if Tel Aviv decides to attack Lebanon. 

Sources within the Islamic Resistance in Iraq say tens of thousands of fighters would open a major front from the occupied Syrian Golan Heights if Hezbollah was attacked. 

Yemen’s Ansarullah have declared their intentions to significantly expand the battlefield as well if Israeli leaders make such a “foolish decision”. 

But Hezbollah says it has the manpower (estimated by some experts at a quarter of a million) and many precision-guided missiles, drones, and torpedoes to take “Israel back to the stone age”. 

The latest video clip was published days after Lebanon’s Hezbollah released more than 9 minutes of footage from a drone that flew undetected to Haifa and safely returned to Lebanon. 

Footage in that video showed aerial reconnaissance from Kiryat Shmona to the cities of Karmiel, Nahariya, Safed, and Afula, reaching as far as Haifa and sensitive sites across the city. 

The scenes have caused significant concern among the Israeli security apparatus, with officials and media acknowledging Hezbollah’s substantial and effective intelligence capabilities, and Tel Aviv’s inability to handle the threat posed by the resistance movement’s drones.

On the same day that the new video was published, Hezbollah released details of the latest operations it waged against the Israeli military over the past 24 hours in solidarity with Gaza. 

A statement underlined that in “support of the resilient Palestinian people in Gaza and bolster their honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance (Hezbollah) conducted a number of operations against Israeli army positions and deployments along the Lebanese-Palestinian borders. 

According to the statement, the operations included: 

Targeting a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Menara settlement with appropriate weapons, resulting in direct hits, in response to Israeli attacks on steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially in the town of Mays al-Jabal. 

Targeting buildings used by Israeli soldiers in the Metula settlement with appropriate weapons, resulting in direct hits that caused fires. 

Targeting the Zabdine site in the occupied Lebanese Sheba’a farms with rocket weapons, resulting in a direct hit. 

Targeting the Rmeitha site in the occupied Kafrchouba hills of Lebanon with rocket weapons, resulting in a direct hit. 

Targeting buildings used by enemy soldiers in the Metula colony with appropriate weapons, resulting in direct hits.  

The Moribund vs. the Nascent

Tariq Marzbaan 

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Much of the world is tired of monsters and seeks not a "re-set" but a rebirth of its original identities and historical legacies… which have been held too long hostage by a ruthless all-devouring Empire.    

Since the early 1900s, Mackinder's "Heartland doctrine" dominated the geopolitical mindset and actions of the West (primarily the British, but also Nazi Germany adopted this obsession). The strategy initially envisaged the undermining, dismantling and total takeover of the "Russian Empire"… the domination of the entire European and Asian continents would follow… and then the rest of the world. As Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Friedmann of Stratford pointed out, it was always about controlling the rich resources and geopolitical position of Russia and Asia.

But following WW2, during the ensuing Cold War, this essentially British agenda no longer seemed to be the order of the day, as the imperial and colonial centre of power had shifted away from the UK to the US… and the US had already begun pursuing its many imperial ambitions in other parts of the world to expand its own influence (through various wars, proxy wars and conflicts around the world (Vietnam, Korea, West Asia, Africa, Central, and South America).

For a while (in historical terms: 1945-1989) it seemed as though the "Heartland Doctrine" no longer had any relevance. In reality, it led a shadowy existence, as no one spoke about it openly… because a certain group – the neocons – did not yet have enough sway over the politics and public opinion of the US… But we know now that they remained engaged in this agenda behind the scenes.

The global geopolitical situation began to shift in the late 1980s. (And the big change came abruptly in 1989 with the Fall of the Wall in Berlin and the end of the Soviet Union.) The haste and zeal with which first Gorbachev and then Yeltsin sought to bring about and implement changes and "reforms" in the giant Soviet empire proved later on to be counterproductive, if not fatal, and not only led to the collapse of the USSR but also severely debilitated Russia. This was compounded by the Soviets' ingenuous belief that, with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the enmity and the ideological conflict with the West would also disappear… and that "normality" would take its place. (Yeltsin to Jeffrey Sachs, from 1:19:08: "We want to be normal.") But exactly what the Russians (or the Soviets) understood back then by "normality" (with regards to capitalism/US imperialism) remains unclear to this day.

Following this dramatic downfall, Russia was economically, militarily, politically, culturally and socially devastated. 

The Western elites around the neocons, intoxicated with the unexpected "victory" over their "enemy", set out to devour Russia and the rest of the former USSR. They saw themselves as the undisputed autocrats of the world according to the motto: "winner takes all". Now nothing stood in the way of the true "American dream", namely the domination of the entire world –  excepting perhaps those few smaller states that had not yet recognised this paradigm shift or were not prepared to accept it. To deal with those pesky obstacles, neoliberal tools came to the rescue: infiltration, the corrupting of governments and their elites, colour revolutions… and, if those didn't help, bombing and terror.

The first bombs fell on Iraq in 1990; in 1999, NATO, helmed by the US, bombed Yugoslavia; then followed the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria… According to US General Wesley Clark (link), seven countries were to be invaded within five years and subjected to "regime change": Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

In the meantime, the unstoppable eastward expansion of NATO began, despite the promises made to Russia. Russia's offer of a partnership between equals and even its participation in NATO was rejected. Instead, the US demanded Russia's subordination to its hegemony… but this was rebuffed by Yevgeny Primakov (1999 – "the U-turn across the Atlantic") and again by Vladimir Putin… who has now set Russia on a whole other set of sovereign tracks.

Today, while the neocons remain "stuck behind at the Mackinder station" of an outdated, festering British imperialist agenda… the locomotive of The Grand Eurasian Project is speeding ahead on newly laid tracks - not seeking hegemony but harmonic partnerships in a new and multipolar world.

The descent into irrationality

The centuries of imperialist hegemony of the Western elites, which had secured a life of progress and prosperity for themselves and their subjects at home by deliberately preventing these very advantages for others - a key principle of colonialist ideology that guaranteed them success - led to the moulding of their psyche, general mindset, personality and ultimately their identity, the effects of which can be seen in their supremacy, racism, fascism, and hubris.

However, the Western elites began to fear that their liberal capitalist system would collapse sooner or later, with the consequence that they (the elites) would be confronted with serious and dangerous economic, political and social upheavals, revolts, revolutions at home, and a loss of power and hegemony on a global scale.

Their wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the bellicose tensions created by them in the South China Sea, as well as the actions, statements, and reactions of Western politicians and their media, clearly demonstrate their desperation.

In the face of resistance and opposition from other nations, Western elites have always responded with threats, sanctions, and the corruption of their leaders, and if these were not effective they resorted to covert terror ops, proxy wars, and ultimately hot wars.

But now they are standing on the edge of their own abyss, and the abyss is gazing back into them. The mere thought of losing power and prestige is fuelling their insanity.

Their growing panic led them to become increasingly irrational in their decisions, leading them to make reckless misjudgements and grave errors.

Their own states became saturated with Russophobia, Islamophobia, cancel culture, the arming of police and security agencies for counter-insurgency purposes, detrimental immigration policies, the defamation and persecution of opposition figures, the synchronisation of the media, the breakdown of infrastructures, of education, of society itself, a general erosion of morals and ethics… and a Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, who are concocting deranged plans for the future of mankind.

The agony of the Empire: it cannot win, and it cannot walk away…

The "Cold War" was "cold" because a kind of military balance was created between "East" and "West", as both sides consisted of territories with nuclear powers. Today, not much has changed from a nuclear-military point of view with regard to the possession of nuclear weapons. However, the situation back then (during the Cold War) required politicians and elites in the West to think and act realistically and rationally, which is no longer the case today – and that is the critical point at which we find ourselves.

The point has been reached where the West can only decide in favour of a retreat… or a fight to the finish, as it is ultimately an existential battle for them. And - seeing as there are currently too many insane people, contemptuous of human life, in political and military leadership positions in the Western camp who operate according to the motto "all or nothing" and "if we don't get to have it, no one else should get it either" - it seems they are deciding in favour of fighting to the bitter and final end, which could lead to nuclear Armageddon.

With such a mindset, the West has led itself into an extremely desperate situation that is typical of people who are suicidal, with one difference: the West has chosen to play the role of suicide bombers.

But a third potential option for the Western elites might be - if they still refuse to admit their defeat but were at least able to finally feel deterred by a nuclear threat - that they create a new division in the world between "the West and the Rest" by erecting sine Iron Curtain of their own and … a kind of new "Cold War", during which they would go on living in a bubble where they could remain under the illusion of preserving their supremacy in a delusional manner… like a patient in a psychiatric clinic who cannot be cured but has at least been pacified.

This sorry state of affairs is best manifested in the figure of the "most powerful man in the world" (as promulgated by the Western propagandists): Joe Biden (aka Genocide Joe). The figure of Biden – almost by some "cosmic coincidence" - embodies today's Western world. He is in fact its icon... moribund and rotting... with a zombified view of the world, clinging not to life but only to ruthless power… and completely out of touch with reality.

Without realising it, Tucker Carlson just described in this video (in which he says: "Biden is dying in real time") not just Biden's condition, but the condition of the entire Western hegemony.

The Hegemony has nearly reached its end… but it is not going quietly.

The other side… entering an era of new global perceptions and visions for harmony and cooperation

The decaying state of the West has led to the empowerment of more and more non-Western states, starting with China, Russia, Iran, India, South Africa, Brazil… all of whom already had their own bitter historical experiences with the supremacist and violent nature of Western colonialism. Following the formation of BRICS and other such alliances, other non-western countries have begun to turn away from the West and seek more opportune alliances and harmonious partnerships.

In Asia and elsewhere in the world, a multi-nodal, poly-centrist, multipolar system is now emerging, spearheaded by a resurgent Russia, that is not per se "anti-West", but rejects its several centuries old colonial hegemony and its "rules-based order" and yearns for a new world founded on justice and equality.

Much of the world is tired of monsters and seeks not a "re-set" but a rebirth of its original identities and historical legacies… which have been held too long hostage by a ruthless all-devouring Empire.



Israeli ships in the crosshairs of regional resistance

 By Shahrokh Saei

Yemeni, Iraqi resistance movements launch joint attacks on Israeli vessels

TEHRAN- The recent joint military operations carried out by regional resistance groups against Israeli ships have demonstrated a growing sense of solidarity and sent a powerful message of unity amid the regime’s genocidal war on Gaza.

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, which is an umbrella group of anti-terror fighters in the Arab country, have conducted the operations. 

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirmed on Sunday that it had hit four ships in the Israeli port of Haifa and one ship in the Mediterranean through joint drone attacks with Ansarullah. 

The Iraqi resistance group said the vessel that was hit in the Mediterranean was sailing to Haifa Port.

It said the military operations were launched "in solidarity with the people of Gaza" and vowed to continue attacks against "the enemy's strongholds", which is a reference to Israeli interests. 

Successful strikes 

The Ansarullah movement also confirmed the joint attacks. 

“The two operations successfully achieved their goals, and the strikes were precise and direct," the spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces said. 

Yahya Saree also said on Saturday that the Yemeni army targeted the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea with missiles. 

He said the move was in line with efforts to express solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. Saree noted that the attacks were also a response to American and British strikes against Yemen. 

The Yemeni and Iraqi resistance forces have been hitting Israeli targets since the regime declared war on Gaza on October 7. 

The Yemeni army has launched several drone and missile attacks against Israeli ships and vessels affiliated to the regime in the Red Sea since November.

The Ansarullah said it would stop the attacks if Israel ended its relentless air and ground attacks on Gaza. 

Nonetheless, the US and the UK chose to escalate the situation after they began strikes against Yemen in early January in response to the targeting of Israeli vessels. 

This prompted the Ansarullah movement to order the army to target American and British warships in the Red Sea over the complicity of London and Washington with the Tel Aviv regime’s crimes against Palestinians. 

Manifestation of unity 

The US and UK attacks against Yemen have not only failed to deter the country from targeting Israeli interests, but they have also led to greater unity among the axis of regional resistance. Growing unity among resistance groups was thrust into the spotlight after the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and the Ansarullah movement teamed up to target the Israeli ships. 

Resistance has the upper hand

Israel launched war on Gaza on October 7 after Hamas carried out a surprise military operation in southern Israel. 

More than 260 days have passed since Israel began the onslaught, which has claimed the lives of about 37,600 Palestinians. But the regime has failed to eliminate Hamas which has been its main military goal since the war erupted. 

According to Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, “This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public…. Hamas is an idea; Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong”. 

Israel has suffered crushing blows at the hands of Hamas fighters in the Gaza battlefield. Israel’s warmongering against Lebanon’s Hezbollah has also brought the regime nothing more than humiliation.  

Pipe dreams 

Both Israel and its Western allies, in particular the United States, have been under the illusion that they are able to eliminate regional resistance groups through military means. 

The US has repeatedly targeted resistance groups in West Asia that are opposed to Israel’s war on Gaza and Washington’s support for the regime. These American strikes have been aimed at deterring the groups from conducting military operations against the US and its protégé, Israel. 

However, growing resistance against the US hegemony and Israel’s occupation and savagery has clearly shown that Israelis and their Western masters are just building castles in the air. 

The American media’s report on the Israeli military’s challenges against Hamas and Hezbollah

ALWAGHT- According to a Bloomberg news report, the Israeli military has shifted away from its stated primary goal of eliminating Hamas in its Gaza operations.

The American news agency Bloomberg reported that Daniel Hagari, spokesperson for the Israeli army, openly acknowledged that the notion of destroying Hamas was primarily aimed at boosting Israeli morale. He emphasized that Hamas is an ideology and cannot be entirely eradicated, stating that anyone believing otherwise is mistaken.

According to the report, despite these acknowledgments, it is evident that Hamas has not been eliminated. It maintains thousands of fighters and an extensive tunnel network beneath Gaza's main cities, with substantial evidence indicating that this movement will persist for the foreseeable future.

The report also highlights the significant challenges faced by Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, in achieving declared objectives such as the destruction of Hamas and the release of captives, making it difficult for him to declare victory in this conflict.

Netanyahu reiterated his commitments this week, asserting that the war will persist until the dismantling of Hamas and the release of captives. He expressed his frustration with renewed intensity, declaring, "My stance is clear, and those who oppose it should state their position openly."

According to Bloomberg's report, these developments coincide with heightened tensions in Netanyahu's relations with the US government. The report cites John Kirby, spokesperson for the US National Security Council, affirming that these tensions will not detract from the shared objective of "liberating captives, achieving a ceasefire, and working towards a pathway to end the conflict" between Washington and Tel Aviv.

Bloomberg highlights the current sensitivity surrounding the potential escalation at the northern front of occupied Palestine with Lebanon at any moment.

The American news agency also references Shaul Goldstein, head of an energy infrastructure management company in the Zionist regime, who commented, "The country is not ready for a full-scale war (with Hezbollah)."

However, the company later issued a statement retracting these remarks, clarifying that they do not represent the CEO's views on the regional situation.

The peace deal that never was

Tom Fowdy 

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Biden’s so-called “Israel-backed proposal” went up in smoke because it is completely detached from political realities in "Israel" and fails to incorporate what the far-right government endeavors to do in the long run. 

Several weeks ago, the Biden administration insisted that it had obtained a “ceasefire proposal” backed by "Israel" to end the war on Gaza. The White House took no time to hammer forward this narrative, getting both the media and allies alike to back it. Soon, a resolution was passed at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) affirming calls for a ceasefire, which the US had otherwise vetoed previously so many times in its unconditional backing of Tel Aviv. The idea of this proposal, as mentioned in a previous article, was to “box” Benjamin Netanyahu in, who had never in fact agreed to the idea, by trying to set the political paradigm around him, as opposed to directly relying on him, to thus make him resigned to it.

It did not take long for this deal to lose momentum and fade away. Now, it’s worth questioning if it’s ever going to be implemented. Within that time, Minister Benny Gantz, described as a “centrist”, withdrew from Netanyahu’s coalition government. That changes the balance of power, leaving Netanyahu more contingent upon far-right hardliners who are fundamentally opposed to a ceasefire. Moreover, Netanyahu has subsequently dissolved the war cabinet, a political move that is not tailored toward actually ending the war but amassing more power for himself. To put it bluntly, Netanyahu has no political incentive to end it.

First, the proposal that Israel “withdraws all troops from Gaza” and therefore the ceasefire “returns to the pre-October 7 status quo” is deemed unacceptable. Benjamin Netanyahu placed all stakes in this war on destroying Hamas and building a “new security regime” in the Gaza Strip, which we should understand as de-facto military occupation in all names. For a ceasefire to be accepted, which amounts to a “reset”, in political terms, this amounts to a “defeat” for him and the ultimate end of his political career. 

His government fundamentally rejects the "two-state" solution and therefore is happy to bring Gaza under its sphere of control, especially amid the wide publicization that settlement activity would resume afterward. Benjamin Netanyahu sees his only route to “political survival” as changing the status quo in "Israel’s" favor. History shows us that when sovereign military control over a territory is secured, it is never relinquished unless major political concessions go with it. Hence, if "Israel" will not de-occupy the West Bank in defiance of international law and condemnation, why would it de-occupy Gaza? It will bring the Strip under similar control and incrementally squeeze it.

Second, the United States is not prepared to take any serious actions to force Netanyahu to the negotiating table, and any supposed “measures” against "Israel" throughout the course of this war have been bluster at best. For example, any talk about “blocking aid” to the entity is largely symbolic, for as reported back in May: “The Biden administration has told key lawmakers it plans to move forward on a new $1 billion sale of arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides say.” Similarly, Netanyahu, several days ago, told the press that “Secretary [of State Antony] Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that’s the case. It should be the case.”

It should thus be understood that it remains politically untenable, be it directly or via opposition from Congress, that the Biden administration could possibly take strong action to punish "Israel", as much of a double-edged sword as this may be. Therefore, Benjamin Netanyahu is able to simply “drag things out” politically and keep going with little resistance. Soon, he will be able to address the US Congress despite a war crime-related arrest warrant, which ultimately symbolizes not only the political powerlessness of the US to resolve this but also will see him likely doubling down on his war aims and political positions, including the total defeat of Hamas with the route to occupation and ultimate control over Gaza. 

Third, and furthermore, it is feared that Netanyahu will again deliberately thwart peace by invading Lebanon; a scenario that the US is also likely to give support for. This might make it obvious that he sees his political survival resting entirely on waging perpetual war and seeking to impose zero-sum outcomes on his opponents than any pursuit of compromise or negotiated peace, thus changing the status quo permanently in "Israel’s" favor and effectively destroying the "two-state" solution. Biden’s so-called “Israel-backed proposal” went up in smoke because it is completely detached from political realities in "Israel" and fails to incorporate what the far-right government endeavors to do in the long run. 

Why’s Hezbollah Chief Threatened Cyprus?

Alwaght- As the tensions between Lebanon and the Israeli regime are reaching a boiling point and risk of a full-scale war is at its highest level, resistance leaders warn countries that could stand by Tel Aviv in a possible war.

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday in a speech on Gaza developments and escalating tensions with Israel on the northern front addressed Cyprus leaders as the partners of the Israelis, saying that Israel believes that if its airports are targeted, it will use the airports and facilities of Cyprus to attack Lebanon. "Therefore, the Cypriot government should know that Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance [Hezbollah] will deal with it as part of the war."

This is the first time Hezbollah threatens Cyprus as a member of the EU in the Mediterranean. Nasrallah's threats come in response to growing threats the Israeli officials are making about possible opening of a war front against Hezbollah from the northern borders. Nasrallah's warnings come to highlight Hezbollah’s full readiness for war conditions and even for expansion of the possible war to Israeli logistical and military strengthes cross-border. 

Cyprus afraid after Hezbollah warning

According to Lebanese media, the warnings by Hezbollah chief coincided with visit of delegation of Cypriot intelligence agency to Beirut and talks with Lebanese army's intelligence about illegal immigration. According to Al-Akhbar newspaper, in this meeting, the Lebanese officials shared the warnings of Hezbollah with the Cypriot officials, and the head of the Cypriot delegation pledged that Nicosia will not allow any country to use its territory and air bases to attack Lebanon. The Cypriot city of Paphos is the point where Hezbollah and Lebanese officials believe Israel organizes anti-Hezbollah activities from.

Still, to clear themselves of consequences, in their talks in Beirut, the Cypriots said that there are two British-operated bases in this divided island country that are not under their authority and according to the pact with London, the British government is not obliged to report its activities there, an excuse experts say is far from capable of keeping Cypriot away from being targeted as a legitimate target should its territory is involved in any military operations by the Israelis against Lebanon. 

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides said he read about the remarks made and what he needs to do. "The answer is that the Republic of Cyprus is not at all involved in war or conflicts, it is not part of the problem but part of the solution, and our role in this is shown, for example, through humanitarian aid to Gaza. This [aid] corridor has been recognized not only by the Arab world, but also by the international community." 

Cyprus Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos said his country will not take part in any military operations that can justify such threats. 

" The threats are baseless and we have been actively working with various countries and the United Nations to support the people of Gaza for months. Therefore, we are equally surprised by Nasrallah's accusations, because they have nothing to do with the actions or principles of Cyprus," Kombos said. 

Nasrallah's warnings seem to have rattled Cyprus, making it extremely afraid of being unwantedly dragged into a devastating war. In this regard, Reuters reflected the mood of the streets of Paphos in a report and quoted Cypriots and island residents as saying that they feel worried after Nasrallah's warning, having in mind that they have nothing to do with the war in the east of Cyprus and do not want it to influence them.

The opposition Communist Party, the second largest party in Cyprus, said that "Cyprus should be a bridge for peace not a war base or a training ground for a foreign army... The goal of Cyprus is to fight to get rid of foreign armies on our island, and any foreign military presence on this island does not add to the security of our people, but increases the dangers and enemies."

In the past nine months, Hezbollah has proven that it is determined to support the Palestinian people, and the threats of the radical leaders of Tel Aviv not only have not stopped this resistance movement from continuing its operations, but also the attacks on the occupied territories are becoming broader day by day. Hezbollah leaders have warned that they have only used a small part of their weapons arsenal, and in case of a full-scale conflict, they will open the "gates of hell" to the Israelis. With Nasrallah's threats, Cyprus or its Western supporters will not stay immune to fury of this resistance. 

Still, some experts believe that Nasrallah's warning is part of a psychological warfare aimed at sending a clear message to Hezbollah's enemies that any attempt by Israel to expand the scope of the war and attack Lebanon will have major consequences on all of Israel's Western allies - especially regional allies. Karim Emil Bitar, an associate professor of international relations at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, told Al Jazeera that "Hezbollah's psychological warfare can force the European Union to pressure Israel to avoid expanding the scope of the war against Lebanon."

Cyprus role in Gaza war 

Though Nasrallah's speech has brought Cyprus to the focus, from months ago there were reports of role playing of this country in the American and Israeli plans regarding Gaza war. 

With the continuation of Israeli war crimes in the besieged coastal enclave that has caused a dire humanitarian crisis, international pressures mounted for shipment of aid to Gaza. Meanwhile, Cyprus for its proximity to the occupied territories was picked as the center of delivery of humanitarian aids through sea. Over the past few months, several ships carrying aids were dispatched to Gaza. 

Even Cyprus is said to have been lobbying to convince the EU to donate €1 billion to Lebanon in the past months, and in May, a Cypriot official confirmed that the European bloc agreed to a request for funding to prevent Syrian refugees from entering Lebanon. Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Union Commission, stated the "€1 billion until 2027 will provide much needed assistance to the people in Lebanon and contribute to its security and stability.” 

Also after the US constructed its floating pier for the so-called Gaza aid delivery, Cyprus played a bolder role in the American-Israeli scenarios for Gaza. 

Cyprus place in Israel's regional coalition

Cyprus is one of the members of the EU and the closest European country to the Middle East, and neighboring Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, and occupied Palestine, and in this respect, it enjoys an important geopolitical position, which has involved Nicosia into regional competitions to some extent. 

In recent years, Cyprus has expanded its relations with Israel and has hosted joint military exercises with the Israeli army several times, including the May 2023 Blue Sky drills which included simulating invasion of Lebanon. In addition, the Mossad and Shin Bet spy agencies have a very close relationship with the Cyprus intelligence, something displaying the rapid growth of bilateral relations. 

Contrary to the statements of the Cypriot authorities that they do not assist any Israeli war, the Guardian newspaper revealed in a report on Friday that Cyprus allowed the Israeli military to use its airspace to conduct exercises simulating Iran's attack on Israel.

Since Netanyahu cabinet has recently said it approved the Lebanon invasion plan, worries have mounted about expansion of the domain of war beyond Lebanese and Israeli borders in which Tel Aviv counts on help from its allies in the region in case of any war with Hezbollah. Cyprus can significantly help due to its proximity to the occupied territories and having ports in the Mediterranean. 

Two military bases of Akrotiri and Dheikelia have exited before Cyprus became independent and while its was a colony of the British Empire. These two British-operated airbases act independently and Nicosia has no sovereignty over them. Last November, the British Ministry of Defense said it uses the bases to help rescue British prisoners in Gaza and conduct reconnaissance flights in the eastern Mediterranean over occupied Palestine and Lebanon. Therefore, it is not unlikely that the two islands will be used for air and logistical support to the Israelis in the attack on Lebanon. Meanwhile, the Cypriot authorities clear themselves of consequences under the excuse that they have not authority over them. 

In March 2024, Yedioth Aharonot reported that Israel was planning to acquire a Cyprus port in the Mediterranean for its exports in case of closure of Haifa port in a war with Hezbollah. According to this Israeli newspaper, this Israeli effort is meant to find maritime solutions for imports, especially amid the Red Sea challenge marked by Yemeni Ansarullah's ban on Israeli ships and ports in solidarity with Gaza. 

The friendly relations between Cyprus and the Israeli regime, in addition to the military dimension, are also on the path of progress in trade and energy. In recent years, Greece and Cyprus, both members of the EU, have had a lot of tensions with Turkey over Turkish exploration ships operating in the Mediterranean and off the coast of Cyprus, and in order to increase their weight against Turkey, they have invited Israel to their alliance so that they can produce oil and Gaza from the disputed reserves and make huge profits. 

Cyprus is also part of the India-Middle East-Europe corridor the US President Joe Biden unveiled in September last year as a rival to China's Road and Belt Initiative. This corridor, aimed at boosting trade with the Israeli regime to break its decades-long regional isolation, has doubled Cyprus significance for the Israelis. 

Having in mind that Cypriot ships dock in Haifa port, it is not unlikely that in a war with Hezbollah, they will deliver Western arms to Israel under the cover of Gaza aids. Undoubtedly, Nasrallah chief gave his final warnings for Cyprus to stay away from any conflict, or, against the will of Hezbollah, face missiles of resistance forces.