Saturday, October 14, 2023

Western complicity in Gaza massacre

 By Ali Karbalaei 

Hospitals turn to morgues as entire families are slaughtered with Western support 

TEHRAN- In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the Gaza Strip is witnessing a devastating humanitarian crisis as Israel rains down indiscriminate bombs on civilians, killing hundreds of children.

Thousands of others remain under the rubble of collapsed buildings. 

Shockingly, the Western world remains largely silent on the war crime, even as entire families are being slaughtered in the conflict. Add to these mad air raids cutting electricity, water, fuel and food to 2.3 million people. 

Instead, the West, with the United States and the United Kingdom in particular, are supporting these war crimes, both diplomatically and militarily. 

For decades, Israel has been a recipient of substantial U.S. military assistance, with a 10-year deal inked in 2016 for $40 billion, covering annual grants for military equipment and $5 billion for missiles. 

The recent announcements by the administration of Joe Biden of additional military aid to Israel have raised serious concerns about direct complicity in the rising Gazan civilian death toll and casualty rate. 
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has also pledged to bolster military assistance to the Israeli occupation, including ammunition without providing details, in addition to redoubling U.S. military presence in the region to support the regime. 

"In terms of conditions that we would place on the security assistance that we’re providing to Israel, we have not placed any conditions on the provision of this equipment," Austin said at the NATO headquarters in Brussels on Thursday.

Similar statements have been echoed publicly by some European states.

Berlin will allow Israel to use two Heron drones the German air force has in use, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said ahead of a NATO meeting in Brussels.

“We will provide two drones the Israelis had asked for. In addition, there are first requests for ammunition and for ships that we will now discuss with the Israelis,” Pistorius said, adding: “We stand by Israel’s side.”

The UK will send two ships to the Eastern Mediterranean and begin surveillance flights over the occupied Palestinian territories in a show of military support designed to "reassure Israel".

Reports indicate that almost all of the casualties in Gaza are civilians, including an alarmingly high number of children. The deliberate targeting of residential buildings, schools, and kindergartens by the Israeli military has left many with nowhere to turn.

The UN Secretary-General has unequivocally stated that the complete blockade on Gaza constitutes a "war crime", leaving its 2.3 million inhabitants grappling with shortages of electricity, water, food, and medical resources.

The United Nations warns that the number of displaced individuals in Gaza is slowly creeping up to half a million.

Amidst this devastation, Palestinians find themselves cornered. The sole exit point, the Egyptian Rafah border crossing, is closed by Cairo. Israel also is threatening to bomb any supplies entering the Palestinian territory. 

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said Egypt would not allow the conflict to be settled at the expense of others, in comments reported by state news agency MENA.
It appears Israel wants the Palestinians to flee so that the regime can annex the territory. 
Israel has called on Palestinians to leave Gaza or to move to the south of Gaza in 24 hours. 
Their only option to avoid the regime's bombardment is the sea. 

The UN said it was "impossible" for Palestinians to move to the south of Gaza within 24 hours. "This amounts to approximately 1.1 million people," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in New York.

Humanitarian organizations have sounded the alarm, emphasizing the dire need for essential supplies to Gaza instead of additional arms to the Israeli occupation.

The international community is facing a moral reckoning as the situation in Gaza deteriorates. Calls for a just and lasting solution to the plight of Palestinians have never been more urgent. The tragic Israeli killing of innocent Palestinians, the destruction of homes, and the disruption of essential services have been met with unwavering American support for the occupying regime.

It is imperative for the global community to come together to provide immediate humanitarian aid and pursue diplomatic initiatives with a major focus on the safety, well-being, and dignity of all the Palestinians affected by this devastating war.

This bombing campaign on Gazans underscores the need for an inclusive dialogue that transcends political divides and seeks to ensure a secure and prosperous future for Palestinians.

Concerned parties are calling on the international community to raise their voices in solidarity with those suffering in Gaza and work towards a future of peace and justice in the blockaded region.
For years, the Gaza Strip has been a crucible of suffering by the apartheid regime of Israel. The roots of this crisis are deep, with historical grievances for the Palestinians. The urgency of the situation demands that the Arab and Muslim world in particular examine the broader context.
The Palestinian struggle is a complex and deeply entrenched one, marked by decades of violence, displacement, and territorial land grabs. The aspirations and rights of Palestinians and Western propaganda have often clashed, leaving a trail of pain and sorrow in their wake.

Critics argue that Western nations, particularly the U.S., have played a significant role in perpetuating this conflict. The extensive military aid provided to Israel has long been a point of contention, which critics say has been emboldening the regime in its aggressive military actions.

The normalization deal between a few Muslim states and Israel has emboldened the regime further. 

As the conflict escalates, the consequences for the people of Gaza are nothing short of catastrophic. Families are being torn apart, homes reduced to rubble, and children are left traumatized for life by the horrors they have witnessed.

Reports suggest that almost all of the casualties in Gaza are civilians, with children making up a significant portion of this grim statistic. The targeting of residential areas without prior warning has resulted in the tragic loss of innocent lives.

Gaza's medical facilities, already stretched thin, are now on the brink of collapse. Critical shortages of essential supplies, compounded by the blockade, are putting lives at even greater risk. Hospitals are struggling to provide even basic care, and the situation is dire.

A doctor from a local hospital, which has received double its capacity, lamented that "the system is starting to fall apart."

With nowhere to go and limited means of escape, Palestinians in Gaza find themselves trapped in a nightmarish reality. 

Israel's air raids on Gaza have seen bombs falling indiscriminately on children, women, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure. The tragic scenes are being deliberately hidden by Western leaders and their media, who have vowed to "stand by" the regime. 

This comes despite Israeli officials making genocidal comments against the Gaza Strip, which Western leaders will "stand by".

Israeli cabinet ministers, generals, and other officials have been saying (for years now) that Palestinians, especially in Gaza, should be completely wiped out, just like Palestine was wiped off of the map. 
Yet, Western leaders have refused to condone those comments, instead supporting Israel's bombing campaign, which has shown no mercy and violates all the principles of international law. 

“Attacking or bombarding towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings which are undefended” is prohibited under Article 25 of the Hague Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land.

Under humanitarian law, it is illegal to collectively punish civilians. But Israel has wide Western support for its current action against Gaza, which includes the use of white phosphorus.

"White phosphorous is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause egregious harm to civilians," the Human Rights Watch said.

"Upon contact, the weapon can burn people, thermally and chemically," it added.  

Moreover, Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states, “Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organisations, is prohibited."

According to Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the destruction of property that is not justified by military necessity and is carried out on a large scale constitutes a grave breach that requires prosecution. Such practices are also considered to be war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

It is important to remember that 50% of the population of Gaza are under the age of 18, making them minors. 

The rights group, Euro-Med Monitor, says, “What is happening in Gaza represents a comprehensive humanitarian disaster, especially with the lack of electricity and water affecting more than 90% of residents, and the disruption of various essential supplies,” the organisation said in a statement. 

About 40 media and press institutions have been damaged or completely destroyed due to Israel’s targeting of residential and commercial buildings, including the Palestine and Watan towers; 56 schools and roughly 30 kindergartens have been affected.
Under humanitarian international law, it is illegal to collectively punish civilians. But Israel enjoys wide Western support for its current crimes against Gaza. 

The International Committee of the Red Cross has said that as Gaza is deprived of electricity, food, and water “hospitals lose power, putting newborns in incubators and elderly patients on oxygen at risk. Kidney dialysis stops, and X-rays can’t be taken”, it added.

“Without electricity, hospitals risk turning into morgues.”

Drinking water, already difficult to access, has also become more scarce.

“No parent wants to be forced to give a thirsty child dirty water,” it added.

Local medics have told the media that in previous Israeli wars waged against the people of Gaza, there would always be some time without airstrikes.

“But now, there is not a single minute. That’s why the casualties keep going up and up,” the Palestinian Red Crescent has said.

“This is an unprecedented scope of destruction,” Gisha, a human rights group, said. “Israeli decisions to cut electricity, fuel, food and medicine supplies severely compound the risks to Palestinians and threaten to greatly increase the toll in human life.”

"The civilian loss this time ... is unprecedented," said Hisham Muhanna, spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza.

At another hospital, Medecins Sans Frontiers doctor Mohammad Abu Mughaseeb said medical supplies had been lacking for years. The intensified Israeli siege meant fast-dwindling stocks would run out in weeks, he said.

The Palestinian Gaza territory is the most crowded place on the earth. It is just 41 kilometers (25 miles) long and between 6 to 12 kilometers (3.7 to 7.5 miles) wide. It is considered the world's largest open-air prison. 

For now, UN schools have become the main places of shelter for Gazans who have fled their homes, with families crowded into classrooms. 

The West is giving carte blanche to the occupation regime to carry out a genocidal mission.

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