Sunday, October 15, 2023

U.S. shifts blame to Iran to fade Israel’s defeat

 By Alireza Akbari

TEHRAN- The Wall Street Journal published an analysis on October 13 titled “America’s Middle East Imperative: Contain Iran.” It was an attempt by Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh to mitigate Israel’s defeats.

Washington and Tel Aviv have always sought excuses for their miscalculations by blaming Iran. 

The article follows the same footsteps by claiming that the Hamas Storm operation was backed by Iran since the scale of Israel’s casualties has made the Zionists evade responsibility and claim the operation was backed by Tehran.

Pursuing its policies in West Asia, the White House counted too much on Tel Aviv and Riyadh, hoping for Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham Accords and leave the Palestinian cause to be gradually forgotten. Neither the heavy expenditure of the U.S. nor its closest ally Israel could extend the hands of the White House in the region.

The Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on September 15, 2020. 

Mediated by the United States, the initial announcement of August 13, 2020, only concerned Israel and the United Arab Emirates before the announcement of a follow-up agreement between Israel and Bahrain on September 11, 2020. 

The White House is still on the wrong track in its analysis of the causes and the reasons behind the Hamas operation. Attributing the Storm operation to Iran may alleviate the Zionists’ pain, but the unprecedented defeat of Tel Aviv can never be forgotten. 

Hamas called it a “retaliatory” response to the limitless insults to Islamic sanctities, including the desecrations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and violence against Palestinians. Hamas turned out to be the voice of oppressed Palestinians who could no longer tolerate Israel’s arrogance. Literally, the shattered myth of Israel’s invincibility is the result of the Zionists’ wrong policies that are implemented by Israelis in the region.

Since the dawn of the Hamas operation, people around the world, freedom-seekers, and the top diplomats called it a “natural right of the Palestinians” to defend themselves. The so-called natural right was even marked with the worldwide rallies of people within the past eight days to underline the freedom of Palestine and send a message of support for the Palestinian nation and cause.  

Iran’s military might and its extended sphere of influence have made it a proper option to be introduced as the real runner of the Hamas operation by the Western think tanks. It seems the crushing response of Hamas has left the Israeli officials hopeless, desperately looking for an excuse for their AI, military, and security shortcomings.

“The U.S. does have a trump card—the Iranian people, whose emancipation would free not just themselves but the region as a whole. Can Democrats and Republicans find a bipartisan Iran policy focused on that task? Can they say, however quietly, regime change?” stated the analysis.

Pointing to “regime change” in Iran, the analysis reveals America’s real incentives in the region, which are provoking more unrest inside Iran, more tensions in the region, and the overthrow of the Islamic Revolution.

Later the analysis revealed that “the unavoidable fact is that Western success in the Middle East involves containing the Islamic Republic, with an eye toward undermining its power at home.”

When it comes to the Iran issue, any evil plot gets a bipartisan “yes”. Both Democrats and Republicans, no matter how different they are in their foreign policy agenda, are in a marathon to compete which is more enmity toward Iran.

In a nutshell, whenever the nations counter the United States’ interests and pursue their rights, they are called “terrorists” and their uprising “terrorism.” 

The U.S. is deeply interested in a nation fully obedient to Washington’s wishes. In case the United States’ interests are preserved, the White House copes up even with a nuclear state, otherwise, the advancements and developments would be termed as “threatening”.

Washington’s problem with Tehran lies neither in Iran’s advancements nor its ambitions. The point is the Islamic Republic does not bend knees to the West.

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