Monday, October 16, 2023

The Emerging World Order Vis-à-Vis Israeli-US Crimes Against Humanity

By: Kayhan Int’l

The stepping up of the genocide in Gaza by the illegal Zionist entity, now with the open support of the godfather of all terrorism, the US, following the heroic October 7  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” by the Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, is all set to change the status quo for the contemporary world’s most chronic conflict.
True, at the moment Usurper Israel, along with the US-led NATO, appears to be the most powerful military force on paper, there is no denying of the fact that international equations are rapidly changing and it is only a matter of time for the fast emerging multipolar world to take the centre stage to resolve once and for all the vexing issue of Occupied Palestine.
Washington might in the short term lull into slumber through pressures and false promises the unelected heads of Arab regimes whom it calls “friendly” and who have neither any firm faith in Islam which they claim to profess nor in the unity of the Arabic-speaking people spread across West Asia and North Africa, it knows very well that the flexing of its aging muscles through sending of aircraft carriers and boasting of a doomsday arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, does not intimidate the Muslim masses these Arab regimes rule as US representatives.
In other words, the Arabic-speaking people, as an integral part of the Islamic Ummah, are wide awake, and resolved to solidly ranks to confront the Israeli-US plot underway to blot out Gaza and the defenceless Gazans.
An indication in this regard was yesterday’s united call by the Iraqi parliament for activation of the long dormant Arab Defence Treaty against the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel.
The statement released by Iraqi lawmakers in condemnation of the “brutal practices and crimes committed by the Zionist occupation forces against the Palestinian people”, called for holding of an emergency session of the Arab League for creating open corridors for humanitarian, medical and food aid to Gaza, coupled with activation of the League’s Charter that any attack on a member state is an attack on all Arabic-speaking countries, as per the Arab Defence Treaty of 1950.
The legislators, who last year had ruled any contact with Israel and Israelis a cardinal crime, and before that in 2020 had unanimously called for closure of US bases in Iraq, appealed to the free world to stand by the Palestinian people.
It should be recalled that way back in 1961 the Arab Defence Treaty had seen some developments in the form of a proposal for the Joint Arab Command (JAC), but due to divisions in the Arab League because of Anglo-American infiltration, a unified military command was never established.
Of course, the government and people of Iraq, which are now an integral part of the Resistance Movement, know fully well that US clients in the Arab world will never endorse such a move, nonetheless the call of the parliament in Baghdad fully exposes the bid by the conspirators who have set up ties with the illegal Zionist entity to submit to the US plot to establish a so-called ‘Arab NATO’ as part of the sinister Abraham Accord for openly serving Israeli interests.
The Iraqi capital, which for the past week has seen huge rallies in support of the persecuted Palestinian people and against the Israeli-US massacre of the innocents in Gaza, seems well set for decisive developments, thanks to the Islamic resolve of the elected government, the national army, and the popular mobilization units, which have warned Washington of dire consequences of supporting the Zionist crimes against humanity.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, in line with its principled policy of staunch support for the aspirations of the oppressed worldwide, including the Palestinian people, fully backs the resolve of Resistance Front, with a loud and clear message that spurious Israel is doomed to be erased from the map of West Asia, no matter what devilish moves the ‘Great Satan’, which is already beginning to crack, makes.  

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