Monday, October 16, 2023

Israeli war crimes in Gaza persist, as the US gives thumbs up to 'Tel Aviv'

Source: Al Mayadeen English

In addition to significant military escalation and involvement by the United States in the region, the US also provided military assistance to physically bolster the occupying forces and their aggressive actions against the Palestinian population.

The US appears to be all in on the Israeli bombing of Gaza and is urging Israel to keep up their relentless attack on civilian targets as payback for October 7's unexpected Hamas attack that completely dismantled the much-touted "Iron Dome" air defense system and exposed "Tel Aviv's" defense weaknesses.

A thumbs up to Israel

During a period characterized by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's declaration of "Israel's" involvement in a state of war and the subsequent implementation of large-scale military operations aimed against the civilian population, an unusual situation unfolded.

The Biden administration patted "Tel Aviv" on the back for merciless killings in Gaza and called upon it to respond to the Hamas attack in a manner that is deemed "proportionate." However, Washington refrained from explicitly delineating the specifics of authorization, nor did it set a limit that "Tel Aviv" should not exceed in its response.

In a manner consistent with its objectives, the US encouraged "Israel" to continue its assertive measures aimed at addressing the perceived danger emanating from Hamas. The Biden administration maintains that "Israel" has the rightful jurisdiction to respond to the "violence," although they have not offered a clear definition of the parameters.

Moreover, the Biden administration has failed to take into account the potential exacerbation of the situation resulting from Israeli acts of violence. To get backing from Democratic legislators, President Biden has unequivocally voiced his support for "Israel's pursuit of justice" to avenge the Hamas attack on "Israel".

Military aid

The US government's pro-Zionist statements are just one aspect of the support the US gives to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. In addition to these statements, Washington has strategically positioned a fleet of aircraft carriers, some of which are equipped with nuclear-capable battleships, near the occupied Palestinian territories, intending to safeguard the Israeli occupation.

In addition to significant military escalation and involvement by the United States in the region, the US also provided military assistance to physically bolster the occupying forces and their aggressive actions against the Palestinian population.

The United States Congress has allocated a sum of $3.8 billion in military assistance to "Israel". Additionally, President Joe Biden has declared his intention to provide further military support to the Zionist entity, citing concerns over perceived security threats.

Since the conclusion of World War II, the US government has allocated a greater amount of aid to "Israel" than any other foreign nation. Since 1948, the US has provided "Israel" with a cumulative sum of $158 billion in military assistance and missile defense financing, without adjusting for inflation. From 2001 through 2020, the US allocated a greater amount of military aid to "Israel" compared to the combined total received by all other nations.

Israeli atrocities

In light of the recent military defeat at the hands of Hamas, "Israel" has unleashed a string of savage airstrikes on the defenseless Gaza population and enforced a blockade around the coastal strip. The Israeli Occupied Forces (IOF) have been conducting air, ground, and maritime operations in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023. These actions have led to an estimated 2,450 Palestinian fatalities, including around 800 children and countless women. Additionally, over 9,200 Palestinians have been injured as a result of what is being characterized as Israeli war crimes against the vulnerable civilian population since the filing of this report.

The Israeli military did not refrain from targeting the facilities designated by the United Nations for the safeguarding of the civilian population, resulting in the bombardment of educational institutions, medical facilities, banks, and refugee camps. In a recent publication on X, the United Nations expressed its condemnation of the Israeli airstrikes targeting schools in Gaza, which are being utilized as shelters by Gazan residents. The organization called upon the Israeli occupation forces to prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians residing in different facilities, especially educational institutions. The communication from the United Nations underscored the recognition of these shelters, namely UN schools, as official UN establishments and highlighted the obligation to provide their protection at all times. It emphasized that any acts of aggression directed towards these facilities constitute a violation of international humanitarian law.

Reports indicate that "Israel" is preparing for a major ground offensive in Gaza, and Israeli occupation forces asked the United Nations to prepare for the relocation of around 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza to the southern portion.

According to Stephane Dujarric, a spokesperson for the UN, "just before midnight local time today, team leaders of the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Department of Safety and Security in Gaza received instructions from their liaison officers in the Israeli military that the entire population of Gaza north of Wadi Gaza should relocate to southern Gaza within the next 24 hours."

As Dujarric said, "This equates to almost 1.1 million individuals. All UN employees and those seeking refuge in UN buildings, including clinics, schools, and health centers, were subject to the same directive."

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is already fulfilling a crucial function by providing housing to a significant majority of the 423,000 Palestinians who have been displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

Chemical bombing

According to Human Rights Watch, the utilization of white phosphorous by "Israel" during military operations in Gaza and Lebanon poses a significant threat to the well-being of civilians, potentially resulting in severe and enduring damage. This assertion is made evident as Human Rights Watch releases a question-and-answer paper on the subject of white phosphorus.

Human Rights Watch confirmed the veracity of the videos taken on October 10 and 11, 2023, in Lebanon and Gaza, respectively, showing numerous instances of artillery-launched white phosphorus airbursts over the Gaza City port and two rural areas along the Palestinian-Lebanese border. Additionally, the organization spoke with two people who provided firsthand accounts of an assault in Gaza.

White phosphorus, a substance with versatile applications such as marking, signaling, concealing, and as a weapon for igniting flames, possesses a notable incendiary capability that can cause severe burns to individuals and ignite structures, fields, and other civilian items nearby. The utilization of white phosphorus within the confines of Gaza, a region characterized by high population density, exacerbates the potential harm inflicted upon people and contravenes the restriction outlined in international humanitarian law, which forbids the exposure of civilians to avoidable hazards.

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