Monday, October 16, 2023

Islamic Military Coalition, Countercharm to Israeli Crimes in Gaza

Alwaght- The death toll from Israeli regime's brushless bombing of Gaza has climbed to 2,330, and exponential increase in the number of the deaths in the forthcoming days is possible as the occupying regime is gearing to launch a massive ground offensive into the, which will led to yet another genocide and displacement of the Palestinians. 

This time, the international Zionism has intervened with all its financial, military, and media power to prevent turning the tide in favor of Palestine and emergence of a new horizon of developments across the region and the Muslim world based on the victory of the resistance. Because Tel Aviv knows well that the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm is a turning point marking start of full collapse of the apartheid regime. 

In this stage, given the weakness of the Israeli army and its commanders' concern about a fast encroachment on Gaza for which the resistance forces are ready and have prepared various scenarios to ground the occupation troops in street war, it seems that Israeli leaders have decised to continue bombardment of Gaza to force an influx of Palestinians to Egypt and repeat the 1948 events that are known as Nakba Day. Nakba took place when some 725,000 Arab Palestinians were displaced during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and the civil war before it, and since then, their descendants have been living in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt while dreaming of returning home. 

Meanwhile, despite the fact that Gazans have resisted the of Israeli regime's brutal bombing and a large number of them said they will not leave their homes, the Muslim governments have duty to resolutely back the resistance, because the Western countries and Israeli leaders are watching the behavior of the Muslim countries while worriedly watching the moves by the Axis of Resistance. Indeed, if the Muslim governments sturdily back Palestine, the Israeli-Western alliance will be forced to walk back from its occupational and warlike positions. 

Unfortunately, up to now, despite the magnificent show of support to the Palestinians by Muslim public opinion and expression of happiness with Hamas' Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and condemnation of the Israeli crimes, the Arab and Islamic institutions, including Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), have acted weakly and below expectations of the Palestinians and Islamic public opinion. 

The Arab League held its emergency meeting on Wednesday in Morocco, and to surprise of all, the outcome was condemnation of both sides of the conflict and failing to consider the all-out blockade of Gaza and killing of civilians there as a genocide. Certainly, the Moroccan government that was one of the Arab parties treasonously joining the normalization process with Israel was one of composers of this disgraceful statement. 

This position of the Arab League not only has not reflected the stances of the Arab and Islamic nations across the world, but also it failed to gain a consensus inside the bloc. Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Algeria criticized the statement and said that any formulation that considers the behavior of the occupying Israeli regime and the occupied people of Palestine equal is condemned. 

The statement also drew criticism from Iran. Iran’s Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian in a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad commented on the statement, saying that it was disappointing. 

“I would like to convey this message loudly from Damascus to the leaders of Islamic and Arab countries and international organizations that today the oppressed people and civilians of Gaza need urgent global support to lift the humanitarian blockade and stop the Zionist war crimes against them,” Amir-Abdollahian, who proposed an emergency meeting of the OIC in Tehran, said. 

With this disappointment caused by the Arab League, now the Palestinians have their eyes on the meeting of the OIC leaders and possible resolute decisions. The Muslim countries are nothing less than international power when it comes to military power, let alone the Israeli regime that is afraid of confrontation of the resistance groups in Gaza. 

While the Israeli regime is boastful of its air force superiority and the US has deployed a carrier strike group off occupied Palestine's coast to display its backing to Tel Aviv, they are nothing in front of the unity of the Muslim countries for elimination of Israel. Actually, if each of the Muslim countries, mainly those bordering Palestine like Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon, dedicate just part of their fighter jets, tanks, missiles, and ground forces to anti-Israeli battle, the Israeli and the White House leaders will certainly raise a white flag.

At present, the people of Gaza do not need utter statements and solidarity messages, because these make no difference to the Israeli behavior. What can today make change and alleviate the plight of the Palestinians is a show of an iron fist to the Israeli regime and dealing a fatal blow to it, which is possible through establishing a joint command room of the Muslim countries. The Muslim countries’ leaders should know that the Israeli regime and its backers are not in a position to resist such a determination because a major part of their life and economies is tied to positive relations with the Muslim countries. Therefore, currently saving the Palestinians from the bloody Israeli war is the top priority. 

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