Monday, October 16, 2023

Blinken’s Blinkered Mission to Satrapies to Whitewash Israeli Crimes

By: Kayhan Int’l

For the past two-and-a-three quarter years we have constantly heard the name ‘Antony Blinken’, a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist, serving as Secretary of State to the US regime of Joe Biden, and presently on a tour of pro-American Arab states to try to whitewash the crimes against humanity of Usurper Israel by depicting the liberation movement HAMAS as ‘terroristic’ and not representing the persecuted Palestinian nation.
Descended from Ukrainian Jews on his father’s side and Hungarian Jews on his mother’s side (Khazar converts to Judaism, of course, and not the Israelite tribes of the past who share Semitic roots with the Arabs), he first landed in Tel Aviv to felicitate child-killer Benjamin Netanyahu for the genocide in Gaza with tidings of more lethal weapons from the US for massacre of defenceless people.
His tone during talks with senior officials of Arab states – foreign ministers, prime ministers, presidents, princes, and kings – was authoritative like that of an overlord giving orders to appointees to take necessary steps (brutal if required) to control the religious and nationalistic sentiments of the Muslim people they rule from bursting into open anger against Israel and support for the Palestinians.
The person who had advocated the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 while serving as Democratic Staff Director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee actually conveyed to the world the plain truth which the so-called ‘friendly Arab’ rulers go to great lengths to hide.
The reality is now crystal clear. These unelected rulers do not represent the people they rule and are nothing more than satraps of a hegemonic power (formerly of Britain and now of the US) given the permission to lavishly enjoy the wealth of the lands under their control, provided they slavishly serve imperialist interests, including subservience to Usurper Israel and its legitimizing of the illegal occupation of Palestine, even if it requires desecration and destruction of the sacred al-Aqsa Mosque and obliteration of the entire Palestinian nation.
This reminds us in the Islamic Republic of what the Iranian people endured for 54 humiliating years under the unrepresentative Pahlavi duo of father and son, who were imposed upon the nation as direct appointees of London, which during World War 2 handed them over to Washington’s thralldom.
It was the Iranian people’s Islamic grassroots movements under the inspiring leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) which in 1979 cast into the dustbin of history a rootless regime and freed Iran from western hegemony.
No wonder, the US, Britain, and their comrades-in-crimes against humanity have continued to intensely hate the Islamic Republic for the past 45 years through all sorts of plots, such as an abortive invasion, an 8-year unsuccessful imposed war, an unabated spate of terrorism, an unceasing propaganda tirade, and an unsuccessful string of sanctions – all of which have failed to stop the spectacular progress in all fields of Iran and its positive influence on the peoples of the region and beyond, including the unstoppable struggle of the Palestinian people for the liberation of their homeland.
In short, Operation Al-Aqsa Storm is indeed a terrible earthquake, which despite the brutal western-supported massacre of the people of Gaza will soon see the obliteration of the illegal Zionist entity, whether the blinkered Blinken (a non-Semitic Jew) and the duped so-called Christian heads of North America and Europe who have turned a blind eye to the slandering of Jesus and the Virgin Mary by Israel, like it or not.

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