Monday, October 16, 2023

Analysis of Targets, Prospects, and Strategic Consequences of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: Following the escalation of the Zionist regime’s racist and provocative measures against the Palestinian nation and the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movement carried out pre-emptive operations on the anniversary of the “Yom Kippur” war against the positions, centers, and strongholds of the Zionist regime, that has become the focus of the attention of the world. Hamid Khoshayand – Expert on regional affairs

For the first time in the history of the struggle of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance with the Zionists, we are witnessing an operation with complex and extensive dimensions, targets, and consequences. This operation has a very high degree of “surprise.” Viewing the published images and reports shows that the Palestinian Resistance groups inflicted a heavy blow on the army of the Zionist regime.

The severity of the Palestinian operation’s surprise was such that General Nimrod Aloni, the commander of the southern unit of the Zionist regime’s army, was captured by Palestinian fighters in his home while he was sleeping!

Since the beginning of the Zionist regime, there has never been a history that the regime has been hit so much in all fields, including military, economic, security, intelligence, infrastructure, and prestige in its wars, and hundreds of its military forces, among which there are the Resistance groups have captured, high Zionist commanders.

In addition, in the recent battle, we have witnessed a special event that is of high strategic importance, and that is the Palestinians have moved to “liberate” the occupied lands from Gaza to such an extent that in the early hours of the operation, more than 5 kilometers from the occupied lands East of Khan Yunis have been released.

However, from any angle the Palestinian Resistance operation against the Zionist regime is looked at, it is “unprecedented” in the history of the Palestinian struggle against the Zionist regime in terms of the number of casualties, the number of prisoners of war and wounded, the intensity of missile and drone attacks, etc. In the positions announced by the political, military, and security authorities of the Zionist regime, one can clearly see the feeling of humiliation, surprise, terror, and “fear of the unknown fate” of that regime.

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm has so far faced various reactions in the region and the world; those reactions are divided into three categories:

  1. a) The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Resistance Front, and some countries in the region, such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan, etc., have considered the operation as a natural reaction of the Palestinians to the crimes of the Zionist regime and declared their support for the Palestinian Resistance.
  2. b) The US, European countries, including France, Britain, and allies of the Zionist regime, have supported the Zionist regime by condemning the operations of the Palestinians.
  3. c) Russia, China, Turkey, some international organizations, as well as several Islamic countries that have relations with the Zionist regime or have entered into normalization processes, have adopted intermediate positions and sometimes announced some kind of implicit support for the rights of the Palestinian nation, they have called the parties to stop the conflicts and called for restraint.

Regarding the objectives of the recent operations of the Palestinians, it is not possible to focus on specific cases; there is no doubt that the said operation is a pre-emptive action, a harsh response to the crimes of the Zionist regime and the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, to prevent the Judaization of the West Bank and to confront the organized violence of the settlers. Still, the quantity and quality of the current battle are such that it cannot be analyzed only within the framework of the cases mentioned above. Instead, it should be considered from a “strategic” point of view.

It seems that displaying “self-confidence” and “strength” as well as conveying the measured message of the Palestinian Resistance groups in a situation where some of the Arab and Islamic rulers have turned their backs on Palestine and entered into the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, are among the strategic targets of the combined Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. In other words, Al-Aqsa Storm is the manifestation of a small part of the combat, intelligence, security, missile, and drone capabilities of the Palestinian Resistance groups.

This operation, beyond being a response to the crimes and brutalities of the Zionists against the Palestinians, is, in fact, a serious reaction to the arrangements and trends in the region that try to “normalize” and “publicize” their relations with the Zionist regime, making this regime a point of support and consider it safe to achieve their national and regional interests and demand a security guarantee from it!

The Palestinian Resistance is not seriously worried about the Zionist regime because they can challenge the Zionist regime at any moment and in any place and in any way they want. The main concern is from the players and some regional Islamic governments that interact with the Zionist regime and support it!

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm will have important “strategic consequences” at both internal and external levels, especially in the region:

At the domestic level, it will intensify the political, economic, security, social, and population crises and put the Zionist regime in a much more complex and vulnerable situation. On the contrary, it will strengthen the position of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance to confront the usurper regime.

At the regional level, the idea that the Zionist regime is a robust and reliable regime will be rejected. In addition, it will overshadow the Abraham Accords and have a negative effect on the normalization process.

In this context, it seems that some regional governments’ view on normalizing relations with the Zionist regime has become more realistic, and they will pay more attention to its negative consequences.

But about the prospect of the recent battle and the time and quality of its end, it should be emphasized that this matter depends on the Resistance leaders and the Jihadi and political commanders of Palestine. It seems that this operation, which some Resistance leaders call the “battle of the destruction of Israel,” is in its primary stages and will gradually be extended to the West Bank and beyond it. Therefore, the operation will end when it has proportionate achievements equal to its intensity and extent. A battle that is unlikely to stop without achieving strategic results!

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