Tuesday, June 15, 2021

UAE Anti-Hamas, Hezbollah Stances in Line with Israeli Propaganda: Spokesman

Alwaght- Hamas denounced UAE Foreign Minister's remarks against the Palestinian resistance movement and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, saying Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan's comments were in line with Israel’s failed propaganda campaign.

“Bin Zayed's incitement of Western countries to designate Hamas as terrorist is contrary to Arabism and all nationalist concepts. Such statements fall within the framework of Zionists’ failed propaganda, and are in opposition to Arab nations’ protectionist approaches towards the Palestinian resistance groups,” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasim tweeted.

The American Jewish Committee opened an office in Abu Dhabi on Monday, and the UAE foreign minister welcomed its inauguration in an address to the organization’s virtual global forum.

The diplomat, however, took jibes at Hamas and Hezbollah resistance movements as well as Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, stating that there must not be a separation between their military and political wings.

 “It is unfortunate that some countries do not act more clearly in classifying some organizations, such as Hamas, Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood,” bin Zayed said.

"It is ridiculous that some governments only call the military branch of an organization terrorist and go beyond its political branch, while there is no difference between them," he added.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed agreements with the Emirati foreign minister and Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani during an official ceremony hosted by former US president Donald Trump at the White House on September 15 last year.

Palestinians, who seek an independent state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital, view the deals as a betrayal of their cause.

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