Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Spox for the National Security & Foreign Policy Committee to Al-Ahed: Elections Won’t Change Iran’s Foreign Policy

Spox for the National Security & Foreign Policy Committee to Al-Ahed: Elections Won’t Change Iran’s Foreign PolicyBy Mokhtar Haddad

Tehran - Iran is scheduled to hold its thirteenth presidential election later this week. As June 18 approaches, Al-Ahed News sat down with Abu Al-Fadl Amoui, a spokesman for the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Parliament, who underscored the importance of the elections and their impact on the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy.

"The Iranian people have had a great democratic experience in the years since the victory of the revolution,” Amoui said. “Throughout these years, the United States carried out a policy of maximum pressure against the steadfast Iranian people and sought, through unjust sanctions and threats against Iran, to change the policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, including Iran's policy regarding its peaceful program or its regional vision.”

“However, in the end, Trump tasted failure and defeat. Today, the current US government knows perfectly well that this policy is a failure and cannot intimidate Iran and its people.”

Amoui further pointed out that “general and principled policies in Iran’s foreign policy don’t change with changes in government because they are based on the constitution and the country’s principles. Changing governments may affect the priorities in this field, but the origins of Iran’s foreign policy remain constant."

In parallel, he explained that "the countries of the world and the international media are watching the presidential elections in Iran with interest, and this indicates Iran's important position. We see electoral enthusiasm is in the country, and every candidate, through debates or electoral activities, seeks to present his program and vision to the people. This diversity in opinions is an opportunity for the country to choose the best vision for the administration."

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