Monday, June 14, 2021

Saudi-U.S.-Zionist Plot to Topple Jordan King

 Washington Post Details

WASHINGTON (KI) – The occupying regime of Israel’s premier Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in efforts by the United States and Saudi Arabia to pressure Jordan’s King Abdullah II as part of the Trump administration’s promotion of its Middle East plan, the Washington Post reports.
The report described the campaign as having challenged Abdullah’s domestic political standing in recent years, culminating in the exposure in April of a coup plot to “destabilize” Jordan that ensnared the king’s half-brother Prince Hamza and former senior officials Bassem Awadallah and Sharif Hassan bin Zaid.
Much of the pressure reportedly concerned Jerusalem Al-Quds, where Abdullah is recognized as the custodian of the Haram esh-Sharif and the Al-Aqsa Compound and other Muslim sites in the Old City, which the Zionist regime occupied in the 1967 Six Day War. The occupying regime of Israel purportedly recognized the Jordanian monarchy’s status as custodian in the 1994 peace agreement between the sides.
Citing an American who knows the king, the newspaper’s columnist David Ignatius wrote that Abdullah felt the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia were trying to push him out as custodian. The report said it did not appear that U.S. president Donald Trump, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman and Netanyahu were seeking to topple the Jordanian king, but that their efforts undercut him and emboldened those who opposed Abdullah.
The report noted the close relations that Trump and Jared Kushner — the U.S. president’s son-in-law and senior adviser — forged with bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de-facto ruler. Abdullah was said to be concerned those expanded ties came at Jordan’s expense, with Ignatius writing that senior Jordanian officials felt the king was being sidelined due to Trump’s infatuation with the Israeli and Saudi leaders and because of his reservations over the U.S. proposal for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
As Kushner’s efforts to advance a new Middle East plan picked up last year, he also hoped to help facilitate a normalization pact between the occupying regime
of Israel and Saudi Arabia, according to the report. However, Abdullah was seen as an obstacle to such a rapprochement.
A key figure in the report was Bassem Awadallah, one of the former senior officials implicated in the recent plot. Awadallah, a cabinet minister and onetime head of the royal court, moved to Saudi Arabia in 2018 at Abdullah’s encouragement and became close with the Saudi crown prince.
“A sticking point for us is Al-Aqsa. The king [Abdullah] uses that to browbeat us and keep his role in the Middle East,” Awadallah was reported to say regarding the U.S. push.
An unnamed former U.S. official also said he was told by Awadallah that “MBS is upset because he can’t get a deal because he can’t handle the reactions of Palestinians if the king holds his position” on Al-Quds, sing bin Salman’s initials.
Ignatius also quoted from a Jordanian investigative report on the coup plot.
“Awadallah was working to promote the ‘deal of the century’ and weaken Jordan’s position and the King’s position on Palestine and the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds,” the Jordanian report said.
That same report was also said to allege that bin Zaid, the other senior Jordanian official implicated alongside Awadallah, met in 2019 with two officials from a foreign embassy in Amman “to inquire about their country’s position on supporting Prince Hamzah as an alternative to the King.” Ignatius said an unnamed Western official who gave him the report believes the embassy was likely the U.S. mission in the Jordanian capital.
Additionally, the Washington Post report said Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies sent private messages to Abdullah when the alleged plot was exposed earlier this year, denying any Israeli role. Ignatius, citing a former U.S. intelligence official who saw the messages, said their key point was “this is not us. It’s coming from in front of us,” which he said presumably implied Netanyahu.
Ignatius also noted a secret trip war minister Benny Gantz reportedly made to Amman earlier this year to meet with Abdullah and his comments to supporters that “Netanyahu is an unwanted figure” in Jordan. The columnist asserted the remarks underscored concerns among Israeli security officials over the potential for instability in Jordan.
The exposure of the plot came a month after a diplomatic spat between the occupying regime of Israel and Jordan brought to the fore Jordanian frustrations with Netanyahu and tensions between the two sides that have simmered for years.

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