Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Entire world needs to know about Trump's crimes against Iran


Entire world needs to know about Trump's crimes against Iran

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday that the world must know what crimes the previous US president committed against Iran by waging the Maximum Pressure Campaign.

Speaking on Tuesday during the 233rd session of the Cabinet's Economic Coordination Board, the Iranian President presented a report on the country's economic situation as well as the impact of the US "economic terrorism" in the form of Trump-era Maximum Economic Campaign as well as the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy.

President Rouhani said that in the few years after he took office in 2013 the economy was doing well as there was single-digit inflation and increasing employment in the country, but, he said, Trump's Maximum Pressure Campaign against the Iranian nation had a negative impact on the country's economic indexes such as the GDP, inflation, employment rate as well as the ordinary people's livelihood.

He stressed that the entire world must know about the Trump administration's inhumane crimes against the Iranian nation.

Referring to the effects of the economic war and its impact on the country's economic development and the lives and livelihoods of the people, Rouhani said that people usually consider crimes against humanity to be happening in the war and military conflicts, but sanctions and economic warfare should be considered a "silent" crime.

"As a victim of this inhumane act, Iran will present the evidence of the sanctions to the world," the president said.

He further referred to the Iranian people's resistance against the US unprecedented sanctions, saying that alongside showing the world the impact of Trump's administration's crimes against the Iranian nation which has impacted even the health of the Iranian nation, the world needs to know about the nation's resistance and successful handling of the economic war.

Rouhani further noted that after three and a half years, those who imposed the sanctions admit to the failure of their imposed war as a result of the Iranian nation's resistance.

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