Saturday, June 12, 2021

“Al-Nujaba” Movement to “Al-Ahed”: The Golan Liberation Brigade is Ready for the Battle

“Al-Nujaba” Movement to “Al-Ahed”: The Golan Liberation Brigade is Ready for the Battle

The official spokesman for “Al-Nujaba” movement, Engineer Nasr Al-Shammari, confirmed that the Islamic resistance in Lebanon had taken down the myth of the invincible army, defeated it and liberated the Lebanese land from its impurity.

In an interview with "Al-Ahed" news, Al-Shammari stressed that "Al-Quds is one of the Muslims’ sanctities and the first symbol and ultimate objective for the axis of resistance from the Islamic Republic to Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and other people in the Muslim region, who live in isolation from their oppressed, traitorous, and downtrodden rulers."

The interview reads as follows:

  1. In 2017 “Al-Nujaba” announced the formation of the Golan Liberation Brigade, whose primary task is to support the Syrian Army to liberate its territory and lift the oppression of the Syrian people. What role has this brigade played since its formation? And what are the upcoming missions?

The Golan Liberation Brigade was founded by “Al-Nujaba” Islamic Resistance and its main pillar is to participate with the brothers in Syria in the battle to liberate Golan, which is becoming closer day by day. Although “Al-Nujaba” had active involvement in confronting the Takfiri terrorist organizations in Syria, this brigade was and will remain specialized in confronting the Zionist entity that has usurped the Arab land. It includes a distinguished elite of fighters who were highly trained in such wars and possess the weapons necessary for such battles that can target the depth of the usurping entity and not only the occupied Golan region. It is ready to participate as soon as the zero hour of the battle for the liberation of the Golan begins, in god’s will, and this is up to our brothers in Syria. We will always and forever be with them in the face of this occupying aggressor whose inevitable demise is approaching.


  1. The last round of the Battle-“Al-Quds Sword”-showed the weakness of the Zionist entity, its disintegration from within, and its inability to confront the rockets of the Palestinian resistance. What do you promise the occupation in any upcoming battle?

A long time ago, during the southern liberation battles, His Eminence, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah said that “Israel” is weaker than a spider’s web, and the best to demonstrate this is the Islamic resistance in Lebanon that brought down the myth of the invincible army, defeated it, and liberated the Lebanese land from its impurity. It then defeated it in the July 2006 war to set the balance of deterrence equation, but rather the challenge equation, in its clearest form. The Palestinian resistance today has proven the falsity of the media, which promoted the coherent of “Israel’s” internal front (which is a lie) and the Iron Dome falsehood that the resistance’s weapon cannot bypass. The resistance weapon confused the occupation authority and its internal situation, shook its security and defeated its army, which was falsely supported by misleading media.

Today, the resistance promises the occupying army, its authority, and the entire entity that the days of an internal security are over, the lie of the Iron Dome has been revealed, the time of rapid and unexpected operations and the transfer of wars out of the occupied territory has come from the past, and the next battle will be in the depth of the occupied land from the sea to the river and there will be no safe areas from the resistance weapon.


  1. The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, spoke about the need to work on Al-Quds equation in exchange for a regional war, as part of the resistance axis. What do you think about this equation? And how do you assess the strength of the Axis of Resistance front today?

Al-Quds is one of the Muslims’ sanctities and the first symbol and ultimate objective of each axis of resistance from the Islamic Republic to Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and other people in the Muslim region, who live in isolation from their oppressed, traitorous, downtrodden rulers. Therefore, I understand the words of His Eminence that any harm to Al-Quds and its people must be answered, not only in the occupied Palestine, but also on the entire geography of the axis of resistance and to all the interests of the Zionist entity, America, their agents and their backers in the region to which the resistance's hand or weapons can reach, so that the deterrence will be comprehensive and stronger.

As for the strength of the entire resistance axis front, I can confirm, in my humble insight, that this axis has not used more than 1% of its potentials in all the encounters it has fought and won, thanks to God, his blessings and his payment. In most of the battles we postponed using a lot of potential because the size of the confrontation with the enemy at that time did not need it, and their use in time of need will have the greatest impact in achieving victories when enemies retreat, disagree, clash and change their attitudes day by day. We are on the same front, in the same axis and in the same position, and our belief in the inevitability of a near victory has not been shaken, leading to the removal of America from the region and the demise of the Zionist entity in God’s will.

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