Wednesday, August 19, 2020

UAE-Israel Deal A ‘Confession of Treason’: US Analyst

UAE-Israel Deal A ‘Confession of Treason’: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American analyst in Madison described a recent deal between Israel and the UAE as a “confession of treason”, saying that both Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi are confessing their treason aloud to the world.

"... it is neither a breakthrough nor a peace agreement. Israel and the UAE already enjoyed close unofficial relations. So the Emiratis are not doing anything new. They are merely confessing their treason aloud to the world. A confession of treason is not a peace agreement. It will have no effect on the Palestinian struggle to resist genocide, nor on the Islamic and Christian struggles to reclaim the holy places. Nor will it stop the Zionist campaign to finish the genocide and steal all of the land between the Nile and the Euphrates,” Kevin Barrett told Tasnim.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is
Following is the full text of the interview:
Tasnim: Israel and the UAE on Thursday announced they have reached a deal that will lead to full normalization of diplomatic relations between the two sides. What are your thoughts on the agreement?
Barrett: Trump and his Kosher Nostra handler Jared Kushner are trumpeting the UAE-Israel agreement as a campaign stunt. They hope to gain a few extra votes, and a few extra tens of millions of dollars from rich Zionists, by portraying it as a “breakthrough peace agreement.” In fact, it is neither a breakthrough nor a peace agreement. Israel and the UAE already enjoyed close unofficial relations. So the Emiratis are not doing anything new. They are merely confessing their treason aloud to the world. A confession of treason is not a peace agreement. It will have no effect on the Palestinian struggle to resist genocide, nor on the Islamic and Christian struggles to reclaim the holy places. Nor will it stop the Zionist campaign to finish the genocide and steal all of the land between the Nile and the Euphrates.
Tasnim: The Emirates is now the third Arab country, after Egypt and Jordan, to normalize with Israel. Abu Dhabi was already believed to have clandestine relations with Tel Aviv. Some have called the deal a “victory” for the US foreign policy. Do you believe so taking into account that the UAE is not a powerful Arab state and in fact is a vassal state?
Barrett: The three Arab countries that have normalized relations with Israel have had to violate the will of their people to do so. They have had to relinquish even the appearance of sovereignty as well.
Jordan is a fully-subjugated US vassal state ruled not from the Al-Maquar palace compound, but from the US Occupation Embassy. Egypt, to its everlasting shame, has also become something of a joint US-Israeli vassal state, thanks to the billions of dollars the US taxpayers give its military junta as a payoff for doing the bidding of the Zionists. The Emirates, too, is basically a puppet regime. It was cut off from the region and colonized by the British until the 1960s, after which it assumed its current status of neocolonial enclave and playground for the global elite.
Egypt is a genuine nation with millennia-old roots and a distinct identity. It is and will always be one of the world’s most important nations. But Jordan and the UAE are not only insignificant, they lack any geniuine national identity based in authentic history. Both are simply ineffectual neocolonial backwaters carved out of the suffering flesh of the region by the knife of the colonizer. Neither fake nation will exist a century from now. Indeed, their expiration date may arrive much sooner than that. So when the leaders of such fake nations commit treason to obey orders from the self-proclaimed global hegemon, against the will of the vast majority of their people, it amounts to a minor tragedy that will soon be swept away in the larger flow of history.
Tasnim: Touching on the UAE-Israel deal on Friday, the secretary general of Lebanon’s resistance movement said, “We weren’t surprised by the UAE’s decision. Trump has already milked the Persian Gulf states financially, religiously and morally just to serve his friend Netanyahu”. What is your take on this?
Barrett: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah is right. Trump was inserted into the US presidency by Netanyahu and his Kosher Nostra financial backers, led by Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas crime kingpin. Indeed, it has been reported that in the summer of 2016, when Trump’s campaign looked hopeless, Israeli intelligence approached Trump and explained that he would not reach the White House without their help. And Trump, a lifelong money-launderer and frontman for the Kosher Nostra, agreed to serve Tel Aviv in return for Israeli assistance in manipulating social media and hacking voting machines in swing states. This is the real election interference scandal that America’s Zionist-dominated media has attempted to bury under the fake “Trump-Russia” scandal. (The Russian mafiya consists of Zionists who are more loyal to Israel than to Russia.)
Since he took office in 2016, Trump has followed Netanyhu’s orders. He tore up the JCPOA, moved the US embassy to Occupied al-Quds, murdered Gen. Soleimani, and pressured the puppet dictators of the fake Persian Gulf countries to cozy up to Israel. The UAE-Israel deal is just the latest of Trump’s betrayals of the US and the world in service to the Zionist criminal entity.
Tasnim: Israeli media reports say that Bahrain will be next. It seems that the United States is building a coalition of vassal states in the Middle East region to counter Iranian influence. What do you think?
Barrett: The US and its Saudi friends/vassals rule Bahrain through the bogus al-Khalifa monarchy. When Trump and Bin Salman tell the King of Bahrain to jump, he says “how high?” So it seems highly possible that Bahrain will follow the UAE down the road of treason, even though the majority of Bahrainis oppose the monarchy almost as fervently as they oppose normalization with the Zionists.
If that happens, the popular backlash to Arab leaders’ treason could start in Bahrain and spread throughout the region. Sooner or later, the people of the region are going to stand up and free themselves from their treasonous, bloodsucking leaders. Maybe a series of open confessions of treason from self-appointed kings and princes will be the spark that sets off the long-overdue Arab Islamic Revolution.

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