Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trump on Suicidal Course

By: Kayhan Int’l

We have no knowledge of the future or of the unseen. We do not know what weird thoughts flash across the warped mind of the roguish president of the US, who is not just an idiot but the epitome of all evil.
In other words, although we are not sure whether Donald Trump will one day shoot himself or commit suicide in some other manner – as all cowards finally do – one thing is crystal clear. He has committed political suicide and there is no chance of his re-election to the White House, since even his Zionist godfathers, despite the services he has done to their unholy cause, seem to have decided to replace him.
The Jewish lobby has a list of other candidates to do its bidding in both the Democrat and Republican parties, and obviously it has become alarmed at the embarrassment that Trump might cause if he stays for another 4-year term.
This is evident by the criticism of his incompetence from unexpected quarters, and not just by his Democratic rival, Joe Biden – who also needs Israel’s support to become the president.
The other day, former US president, Barak Obama, had a scathing criticism of Trump, questioning the very wisdom of his election to the White House four years ago.
Obama ploughed into Trump with harsh but realistic words – something unusual for a former president – following the bludgeoning of Trump by the former First Lady, Michele Obama.
Although the Donald in his usual reaction of a dotard tried to insult Obama and his wife, the American public seems to have no two opinions regarding the incumbent in the White House.
The Christian belt that normally supports the Republicans is also distancing itself from Trump, and so are many of those considered as swing voters. This means he does not stand any chance of re-election.
Now with the Jewish lobby reluctant to openly back his candidature, Trump and his team of terrorists, including the gangster Mike Pompeo, who masquerades as Secretary of State without knowing the ABC of diplomacy, are on their edge.
They have resorted to more idiotic tantrums and are at the end of their wits, having lost the balance of mind to think positively.
An example in this regard is the call on the UN Security Council by Trump and team for what they call "snapback” sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran for no reason and rhyme.
First of all, the US having unilaterally breached the JCPOA and practically no longer a member of the 5+1 that worked out the 2015 Geneva accord on Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear technology, has no right to even speak on this subject.
Iran has dismissed his claims by pointing out that the US has no right to say anything on this matter.
Another example of the laughing stock that Trump and his team have made of themselves is the response from the rest of world, which have virtually isolated the US.
Russia and China have strongly rebuked the US, and so have the three big European powers – Germany, France, and Britain – whose representatives point out that as per international laws and UN regulations, Trump’s request, even if made very humbly, cannot be entertained.
Thus, the only path that seems open for Donald Trump, after having committed political suicide, is to end his own life and provide a sigh of relief to not just the US citizens, but to the whole world.

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