Friday, August 21, 2020

Trump in retaliation mode against Iran after 'debacle' at UNSC

Yusef Jalali 
Press TV, Tehran 
This is how some experts describe US President Donald Trump after the UN Security Council strongly turned down his request to extend an arms embargo on Iran.
As stipulated in the 2015 nuclear deal, the arms ban resolution is set to expire on October 18th this year.
The US resolution needed nine yes votes out of the 15 to pass. Eleven members abstained, including France, Germany and Britain, while the US and the Dominican Republic were the only YES votes.
Shortly after his embarrassment at the UNSC, Trump announced that the US had seized four Iranian fuel tankers destined to Venezuela. Trump’s claim turned out to be false after it was rejected by both Venezuelan and Iranian officials.
The US president now has threatened to activate the so-called snapback mechanism of the 2015 nuclear deal. This is while Washington left the deal in 2018 and technically and legally is unable to use the clause to pursue its unilateral agenda.
Since the Trump administration withdrew from the JCPOA, it has been pressing ahead with its so-called maximum pressure campaign against Tehran, by reinstating sanctions and trying to rally other countries against Iran.
Trump now seems to be in a retaliation mode after he received a strong NO from world powers to mount pressure on Iran.
Now that Trump is seeking to snapback UN sanctions against Tehran, Iranian officials advise Trump to avoid being once bitten, twice shy.

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