Monday, August 24, 2020

The Bright Future Awaiting Iraq

By: Kayhan Int’l

It is now seventeen years since the fall of the tyrant Saddam and end of the repressive Ba’th minority regime that had terrorized Iraq for 35 years, yet stability seems an elusive word for the ancient land of Mesopotamia where some of the greatest Prophets lived – Enoch, Noah, Abraham, etc. – and where Six of the Twelve Infallible Imams of the Blessed Household of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) repose in peace.
Who is to blame for this instability in the land which according to prophecies in Islamic texts is to be the centre of the global government of the awaited Saviour of mankind, Imam Mahdi (God hasten his reappearance)?
This is indeed a good question in view of the fact we are in the mourning month of Muharram in which the world’s most heartrending tragedy had taken place in this very land of Iraq 1381 lunar years ago in Karbala, where the Prophet’s younger grandson and 3rd Infallible Heir, Imam Husain (AS), had courted martyrdom to save Islam and all humanitarian values.
True, today the commemoration of the sacrifice of the Immortal Martyr of Karbala, in not just Iraq but almost all over the world despite the Coronavirus pandemic, speaks volumes of the eternal impact of the Epic of Ashura on human conscience, as well as the devotion of the Iraqi people to Imam Husain (AS).
Nonetheless, the Iraqi people continue to be deprived of peace, progress, and prosperity, in contrast to their Iranian brethren who treading the footsteps of Imam Husain (AS) offered martyrs to kick out the Pahlavi potentate and his American masters from their soil and then braved the 8-year war imposed by Saddam, to become the Islamic role model for the contemporary world through their independence and achievements in various fields.
Soul-searching answers are required to salvage Iraq and the Iraqi people, whose greatest enemy without the least doubt is the US, yet some Iraqis have been duped into believing that the guardianship of the ‘Great Satan’ is necessary.
This is indeed an erroneous idea for a nation with a glorious past and awaiting a bright Islamic future.
Iraq has had its enough sufferings under tyrants, beginning with Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar, passing through Obaidullah ibn Ziyad and Hajjaj bin Yusuf, and recently ending with Saddam.
In other words, the Iraqi Muslim people do not want any other tyrant, either direct US rule or an American-imposed secular head of a Godless system of government.
Iraq and the Iraqi people ought to be independent, master of their own destiny, and familiar with both friends and foes, in order to achieve the honour of being the centre of the global government of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Thus, the first and foremost step the Land of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris should take, is to close all US military bases and tell Washington to mind its own business instead of interfering in the affairs of Iraq – or for that matter the affairs any other country in the neighbourhood including Syria, Lebanon, Occupied Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and Wahhabi-Occupied Arabia.
The next important move is to weed out the takfiris and other terrorist outfits including remnants of the despicable Ba’thists.
These are not impossible tasks given the great potential of the Iraqi people and their still untapped resources.
All it needs is to have committed Muslims at the helms of affairs in Baghdad who are mature, patriotic, self-confident, anti-imperialist, and mindful of the guidelines of the aware Islamic authorities at the Howza.
In the Hashd ash-Sha’bi or Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), Iraq has a tried and trusted force to safeguard the country’s independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, cultural authenticity, religious solidarity, economic prosperity, and political stability.
To sum up, once the political authorities in Baghdad awaken to this reality and realize that their future lies in their Islamic roots and the model administration of social justice that was established in this very land fourteen centuries ago by the Prophet’s Vicegerent, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS), then Iraq – in the manner of the fraternal and friendly Islamic Republic of Iran – will indeed succeed in paving the ground for the reappearance of Redeemer of Humanity.

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