Thursday, August 20, 2020

Islamic Republic Poles Apart From Iran of 1953

By: Kayhan Int’l

The Americans and their agents worldwide, including the treasonous elements in Iran, have indulged in ceaseless propaganda over the past four decades that Tehran-Washington relations took a nosedive for the worst ever since the so-called US embassy in the Iranian capital was taken over on 4th November 1979 by a group of revolutionary students, who detained some fifty of the supposed diplomats and their move was supported by the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA).
Nothing could be far from the truth. Neither those detained were diplomats nor was that place a diplomatic mission, as Iran and the world came to know following the seizure and display of stacks of documents – many retrieved from the shredding machines – which proved beyond an iota of doubt that it was the chief espionage centre for the whole region covering the Central Asian and Caucasus parts of the then Soviet Union and extending to Egypt and North Africa.
So when did ties between the two countries worsened, and how did the US became the ‘Great Satan’ in the eyes of the Iranian nation?
The answer is obvious. It was on 19 August 1953, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower betrayed Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq’s misplaced trust in the US by ganging up with Britain to overthrow him and reinstalling the fugitive Pahlavi potentate on the Peacock Throne.
The instruments employed by Washington and London for ‘regime change’ in Tehran included greasing the palms of certain traitors in the Iranian military and distributing a fistful of dollars amongst anti-social elements to create chaos and disorder on the streets against the elected government.
Dr. Mosaddeq who had grossly miscalculated that Old Fox Britain could be ousted through friendship with an emerging power of the New World had to spend the next 14 years in prison or under house arrest until his death, as the Americans who were formally handed over the mandate to rule Iran by their British cousins, humiliated the nation as never before through such harsh measures like the Bill of Capitulation that made any US citizen committing crime immune from Iranian law.
That was not the only mistake that brought down Premier Mosaddeq, who had clearly lost his popular appeal by drifting away from the religious authorities such as Ayatollah Seyyed Abu’l-Qassem Kashani and thereby alienating the religious masses who formed the vast majority of Iran’s population.
The intention here is not to focus on blunders of Iran’s modern history, but to point out that on no account should the US be trusted, since the Americans, like the British, are the bosom friends of the Zionist devils and the avowed enemies of all Muslims, including the Iranians.
Hence, it is a self-conceited idea that some new face in the White House might bring about positive change in bilateral relations and lead to reciprocal respect, as the signatories of the 2015 Geneva accord have discovered to their horror after being duped to reduce Iran’s uranium enrichment level to as low as 3.5 percent from 20 percent and moreover handing the ‘veto’ to Washington to reconfirm every three months the JCPOA, which Donald Trump decided to breach.
In other words, whether Republican or Democrat, all US regimes agree that the Islamic Republic should be undermined, weakened, and overthrown, and that Iran should again become an American client to serve the grandiose designs of illegal Israel for the West Asia-North Africa region.
The main factor that has, however, thwarted the intricate US plots, despite Washington’s repetitive use of the 1953 tactics to grease the palms of treasonous elements for indulging in street violence and vandalism, is the popular appeal of the Islamic Republic system among the Iranian masses in contrast to conditions of Mosaddeq’s era.
It was this innate devotion of the Iranian Muslims to the path of the Ahl al-Bayt (Blessed Household) of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) that saw the epic Khordad 15 Uprising in support of Imam Khomeini in 1963 and which in 1979 resulted in the resounding victory of the Islamic Revolution to cast into the dustbin of history the rootless British-installed and American-supported Pahlavi regime.
This same indomitable spirit had rescued Iran from the 8-year destructive war imposed by the US in the 1980s through Saddam of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad, then started the reconstruction phase to transform the country into a power to reckon with in all spheres of modern technology including defence industries, medicine, aerospace, nuclear energy and the like, in the face of four decades of intense economic sanctions, and has made the Islamic Republic the most popular state for the governments and peoples of the region in the fight against terrorism and foreign hegemony, much to the chagrin of the Americans.
Therefore, it is nothing but stupidity, if some US politicians continue to dream of ‘regime change’ in Iran through traitors abroad or anti-social elements inside, while some others surmise that if Prime Minister Mosaddeq was not overthrown the Islamic Revolution would never have taken place.

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