Friday, August 21, 2020

Iran’s UN envoy: US will be humiliated again if it tries to snap back Iran sanctions

Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations, Majid Takht Ravanchi
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations says if the United States tries to use the Iran nuclear deal’s snapback mechanism to restore sanctions against the country, it will be humiliated again as the international community has already rejected Washington’s bid.
Majid Takht Ravanchi made the remarks in a Thursday tweet just a day after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he will meet with Indonesia's UN Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, who is also the Security Council’s president for August, on Thursday, to submit a complaint about Iran's non-compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), even though Washington quit the accord in 2018.
Pompeo’s meeting is an extension of the United States’ efforts to use the JCPOA’s snapback mechanism to reinstall all UN sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Pompeo also warned Russia and China not to disregard the reimposition of all UN sanctions on Iran, adding that the United States would target the two countries with sanctions if they refuse to reimpose the UN punitive measures against Iran.
Pompeo’s remarks came after the UN Security Council on Friday rejected a US resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran that is due to expire in October.
“@SecPompeo yesterday called for full enforcement of UNSCR 2231,” Iran’s UN envoy said in his Thursday tweet, adding, “2231 endorsed JCPOA, & US ceased its participation in it. It is in violation of BOTH.”
Referring to the Security Council’s rejection of the US-drafted anti-Iran resolution, Takht Ravanchi added, “The int'l community rejected US' right to snapback last week.”
He also warned the US administration that it “shouldn't try its luck” to restore sanctions against Iran once again because, “It'll only be humiliated again.”
.@SecPompeo yesterday called for full enforcement of UNSCR 2231.

2231 endorsed JCPOA, & US ceased its participation in it. It is in violation of BOTH.

The int'l community rejected US' right to snapback last week.

The US shouldn't try its luck. It'll only be humiliated again.
— Majid Takht Ravanchi (@TakhtRavanchi) August 20, 2020
On Wednesday, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said the US will once again fail in its new push to invoke the so-called snapback provision in the 2015 nuclear deal and re-impose all UN sanctions against Tehran.
“America is no longer a member of the JCPOA to use this mechanism, and all the parties [to the deal] have already condemned the US effort,” he told a cabinet meeting in Tehran
President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the JCPOA in May 2018, calling it “the worst deal ever negotiated.” Washington also reinstated its unilateral economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic after leaving the multilateral agreement in defiance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 that endorsed the nuclear agreement.
Speaking on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on August 12, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also said that the US had forfeited its right to use the snapback mechanism as it was no longer a party to the JCPOA.  
"Legally speaking, the United States is no position to use the snapback [mechanism]. The three European allies of the United States also explicitly stated at a previous meeting of the UN Security Council that the United States could not use this mechanism," Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told reporters.
During the Friday voting at the Security Council, Washington failed to receive nine votes in favor of the measure, removing the need for Russia and China to use their veto-wielding power, which they had indicated they were prepared to do.
The resolution needed support from nine of 15 votes to pass. Eleven members abstained, including France, Germany and Britain, while the US and the Dominican Republic were the only “yes” votes.
The Trump administration has repeatedly threatened to trigger the so-called snapback provisions of the 2015 nuclear deal if it cannot secure an arms embargo extension.

Since leaving the JCPOA, the US has been resorting to its maximum pressure campaign against Iran by reinstating its sanctions and persuading others to follow its suit.

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