Sunday, August 02, 2020

Iranians’ will has defeated U.S. maximum pressure, senior official says

TEHRAN - Presidential chief of staff Mahmoud Vaezi has said that the Iranian people’s determination has defeated the United States’ policy of “maximum pressure”.
“Tightening sanctions cannot impede Iran’s scientific and defense progress. These advances will continue by the scientists and youths’ endeavor. The policy of maximum pressure has failed against the Iranian people’s determination and its continuation along with other wrong policies of Trump will lead to his defeat in presidential elections,” he wrote in a tweet in Persian.
Trump quit the nuclear deal in May 2018 and introduced the harshest ever sanctions in history on Iran as part of his administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.
In a tweet in June, Vaezi said that the Donald Trump administration has no way but revising wrong policies and making up for past mistakes, especially economic and medical terrorism against Iran.
Vaezi, a former deputy foreign minister, predicted that Trump will lose the November election if he insists on his wrong policies.
“Continuation of practicing discriminatory policy and pushing knee on neck and tightening unilateral sanctions and health and economic terrorism against the Iranian people will not end in Trump’s victory in elections, and will just make this administration more isolated. The United States has no way but revising wrong policies and making up for the past,” Vaezi tweeted.
U.S. Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said in May that Donald Trump administration’s policy of maximum pressure against Iran is a “failed policy”.
“No amount of spin can save this disastrously failed policy,” he said in a tweet.
Many analysts and think tanks believe that the maximum pressure policy has failed.
On the second anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Washington’s maximum pressure campaign has ended up being an “abject failure”.
President Hassan Rouhani said in December 2019 that the White House has no way other than putting an end to its policy of “maximum pressure” on the Islamic Republic.
Former Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani also said in December that maximum pressure is a “wrong policy” and the U.S. must stop it.
“There has always been political will to solve issues and there is no dead end… The issue is that policy of maximum pressure is wrong and must be changed. We have not closed the door, however, the United States must come to the understanding that this policy is not right,” Larijani said in a press conference.
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in September 2019 that Washington’s policy of sanction and pressure against Iran has not worked.
“The United States is running out of options. It is desperate. The policy of maximum pressure has not worked,” Zarif told CGTN in an interview.
Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called policy of “maximum pressure” on Tehran bankrupt.
“We have been pressuring them. Maximum pressure… we’re seeing the unfolding of really a bankruptcy of approach,” Kerry told CBS News.
In an article titled “The Total Destruction of US Foreign Policy Under Trump,” Wendy Sherman, the former undersecretary of state for political affairs who led the U.S. negotiating team that concluded the Iran nuclear agreement, has said that Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran as an instance of his “painful” and “costly” foreign policy failures.
“Trump’s approach to Iran is another painful and costly example. Over three years after the Trump administration withdrew from the nuclear deal, Iran has more highly enriched uranium …, more operating nuclear facilities, more sophisticated technology,” she wrote in her article published by The Foreign Policy magazine on Friday.
“U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Iran envoy Brian Hook advertise this as a campaign of ‘maximum pressure,’ but their ultimate objective—which they insist is not regime change—remains a mystery,” she added.

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