Sunday, August 23, 2020

Confusion Rules the Arab Reactionary Camp

By: Kayhan Int’l

The highly successful ground operations of Yemen’s popular Ansarallah Movement in al-Baydha governorate in liberating over a thousand square km of territory from the control of takfiri terrorists backed by the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the US, coupled with the massive demonstrations in the city of Taez by southern Yemenis against the UAE treason in backstabbing the Islamic Ummah through establishment of formal ties with the illegal Zionist entity, has bewildered the Arab reactionary camp.
Total confusion is reigning in Arab circles that are considered the pet poodles of the US and are now proud of their recently acquired status of servants of Israel.
The self-styled emir of the takfiri terrorists in Yemen, Abu al-Walid al-Adani, has been killed in al-Baydha along with more than 250 of his henchmen, while his deputy Salem Hassan as-Saaemi has been captured and confessed the links of his murderous group with the US.
As the rest of takfiris have fled helter-skelter, mostly towards al-Marib province, leaving behind huge stockpiles of the sophisticated American weapons in their arsenal supplied through the UAE and Saudi Arabia, both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, are wondering what to do next following this humiliating defeat.
According to reports the situation is tense in the southern parts of Yemen and the port city of Aden, where the tribes are questioning the slavish attitude of the UAE and Saudi Arabia towards Israel.
There are fears that Yemenis bought by the Aal-e Saudi and Aal-e Nahyan regimes with millions of petrodollars to stir up civil war in their country, may revolt any moment against their Persian Gulf masters for betrayal of the Palestinian cause.
In such a situation that has driven Abu Dhabi and Riyadh to the end of their wits, the ringleaders of these two rootless British-created entities, have decided to indulge in absurd propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran for its moral Islamic support to the popular Ansarallah Movement.
For instance, Mishaal as-Salami, the speaker of the Cairo-based Arab parliament – an affiliate of the Arab League for the supposed promotion of democracy in Arab countries – has in the most undemocratic manner called the Ansarallah defenders of Yemen ‘terrorists’ for retaliating against Saudi crimes by firing ballistic missiles and launching drones at military and industrial targets.
He alleged that "Iran aims to destroy the Arab world by providing Ansarallah with smart weapons, ballistic missiles, drones, as well as military advisors”, when the fact of the matter is that, the US is the destroyer-in-chief of the Arab world through its milking of the wealthy Persian Gulf states to the last drop of oil, and forcing them to lick the boots of the Zionists.
Meanwhile, the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is supposed to be a representative body of 57 Muslim countries, took a weird stand last Friday by denouncing the Ansarallah for thwarting Saudi Arabia’s vain efforts to impose its will on Yemen and its people.,
OIC Secretary-General Yousef al-Othaimeen didn’t say anything about the divisive and pro-terrorist policies of the regime in Riyadh that has virtually destroyed the infrastructure of Yemen over the past five years and killed over 120,000 men, women, and children.
He was also mum on the grand sellout of Bayt al-Moqaddas and the al-Aqsa Mosque by the Saudis and the Emiratis, and continued to rave and rant against what he called the supporters of the Ansarallah without directly naming any party.
All these developments indicate that reactionaries in the Arab world will soon rue their folly in establishing ties with Israel, the avowed enemy of the Arabs and all Muslims, and if they do not reconsider their blunder they will face dire consequences regarding their own precarious survival as poodles of the US.

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